Supreme Doctor Rises in the City/C5 Gu Poison
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Supreme Doctor Rises in the City/C5 Gu Poison
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C5 Gu Poison

Along with the warm feeling, Tang Yueqi's consciousness slowly recovered. Feeling her naked body sitting there, Tang Yueqi's face turned red. She wanted to open her mouth but found that she did not even have the strength to speak.

"Urgh. . . "

After a while, Tang Yueqi vomited a few more times. After waiting for half an hour, Qiu Yun finally stopped. His entire body was drenched in sweat. The matter was urgent. He didn't even take the silver needles and directly used his true qi to force Tang Yueqi to poison.

"Alright, let her rest and drink more water. "

Qiu Yun got off the bed and was a little shaky as he walked. It was not that simple to use zhenqi to force poison.

"Wow, mom is awake. You're really amazing, big bad guy. "

The little loli saw Tang Yueqi open her eyes and immediately said excitedly. When Qiu Yun heard the little loli's words, he subconsciously looked at Tang Yueqi. After that, both of their faces couldn't help but turn red. At this moment, Tang Yueqi's entire body was covered in sweat and her skin was red. More importantly, she was completely naked.

This kind of scene inevitably made one's imagination run wild. Tang Yueqi once again lay on the bed. Although her body was very weak, it was no longer a big problem. Thinking of her own matter, Tang Yueqi felt a lingering fear in her heart. Not long after she came back from dinner last night, Tang Yueqi felt that her body was not very comfortable and thus laid down.

Not long after sleeping, Tang Yueqi felt that her headache was severe. She wanted to make a phone call but could not move no matter what. After that, her consciousness became fuzzy and it was like this when she woke up again.

"Big bad guy, I'm so hungry. "

The little loli suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Qiu Yun with a face full of resentment. The little loli's gaze was the bane of Qiu Yun. Although he was already quite tired, Qiu Yun still perked up.

"Alright, I'll go cook. "

Qiu Yun said helplessly. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, the little loli smiled happily. Qiu Yun left the room and entered the kitchen. He looked at the fridge. There was a lot of stuff inside. Qiu Yun started to cook. He was not unfamiliar with cooking. He cooked by himself in the mountains, and his cooking skills were also very good.

However, Qiu Yun did not cook much breakfast. He simply boiled some porridge and made a fried egg for the little loli. After he was done, Qiu Yunyun went into Tang Yueqi's room with the food.

After a simple rest, Tang Yueqi had recovered quite a bit. Seeing Qiu Yun come in, Tang Yueqi's face turned red and looked a little shy. This was the first time a man had seen her body in her life.

"Little brother, thank you. "

Thank you, Qiu Yun said.

"You are welcome. That, just now, I had no choice but to, so. . . "

Qiu Yun said with a red face. Tang Yueqi smiled when she saw Qiu Yun's cute face. Her smile was devastatingly beautiful, and it made Qiu Yun's face even redder. Qiu Yun, who looked like this, became even cuter.

"You just recovered. Have some porridge. Be careful when you eat in the future. . . "

Qiu Yun quickly changed the topic.

"Little guy, what happened to me?"

Tang Yueqi asked curiously.

"Poisoned. . . "

Qiu Yun's words caused Tang Yueqi's expression to change. Poisoned? How could she be poisoned? There was nothing unusual about what she ate yesterday. She usually ate like this.

"Big bad guy, hurry up and eat. I'm so hungry. . . "

The little loli rubbed her belly cutely. This expression made Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi laugh.

"Okay. . . "

Qiu Yun made a bowl of porridge for the little loli.

"I want to use my own spoon. . . "

The little loli held the bowl of porridge and ran out of the room like a child.

"Your daughter is so cute. . . "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Thank you, but she is not my daughter. She's my sister. Don't look at her like this. Actually, she's already 18 years old. Five years ago, she suddenly had a strange illness. Her intelligence started to deteriorate inexplicably, and her body's growth also slowed down. Right now, her intelligence is only that of a six year old child. "

Tang Yueqi softly said. For some reason, she suddenly wanted to say this matter. When he heard Tang Yueqi's words, Qiu Yun was suddenly stunned.

"Well, I am a doctor. Can I take a look at her?"

Qiu Yun asked seriously. The little loli was too cute. Qiu Yun felt very uncomfortable when he heard the little loli's story.

"Sure. "

Tang Yueqi nodded. Qiu Yun smiled and directly served Tang Yueqi a bowl of porridge.

"Have some porridge. . . "

Qiu Yun said in a low voice. Tang Yueqi nodded and tried to sit up, but she did not have any strength in her body. Qiu Yun saw Tang Yueqi's appearance and quickly reached out his hand. He pulled Tang Yueqi up through the blanket and let her lean against the bed.

Tang Yueqi sat there with a shy expression on her face. He usually slept naked, but now that he was completely naked, it was inevitable that it would be inconvenient for him to reach out his hands to eat.

"I'll feed you. . . "

Qiu Yun saw Tang Yueqi's inconvenience and said in a low voice. He did not wait for Tang Yueqi to refuse and directly put the rice into Tang Yueqi's mouth. Seeing the porridge that was about to enter her mouth, Tang Yueqi looked at Qiu Yun and slowly opened her mouth.

The room seemed very quiet. Qiu Yun fed it little by little while Tang Yueqi ate little by bit. At this moment, Tang Yueqi suddenly felt a warmth in her heart. She did not know how long it had been since she had experienced such warmth.

Ever since that incident in five years, Tang Yueqi seemed to have become an iron man. At the age of twenty-two, she had to shoulder the entire world. Not only did she have to take care of her sister whose intelligence was constantly deteriorating, she also had to take care of the businesses left behind by her parents. At the same time, she also had to be wary of those who harbored ill intentions.

He couldn't talk about what he had suffered, and he couldn't talk about what he had shed. When a person was sick, it was when their emotions were at their weakest. At this moment, Tang Yueqi was like this. A man saved her, made her porridge, and even fed her personally. At this moment, Qiu Yun's tender face was deeply imprinted in Tang Yueqi's heart.

Qiu Yun lowered his head and only dared to secretly look at Tang Yueqi. Tang Yueqi's exquisite face was like a pet bestowed by the heavens. This was a near perfect face. In any case, Qiu Yun could not find any fault with it.

Her pale face made people's heart ache. If one were to use a word to describe it. At this moment, Qiu Yun could only think of the words vixen. In the ancient times, this was definitely an existence that could bring disaster to a country and its people.

The naked body once again appeared in Qiu Yun's mind. When he thought of this, Qiu Yun hurriedly adjusted his aura. The meal was silent and silent, but it was very heartwarming.

"Big bad guy, I'm full. "

The little loli ran over from outside and rubbed her belly as she said cutely.

"Min Min, call me brother. . . "

Tang Yueqi glared at Tang Min and Tang Min curled her lips in grievance with a face full of displeasure.

"It's fine, it's fine. So be it if you are a big bad guy. "

Qiu Yun's words made Tang Min immediately laugh. She looked at Tang Yueqi with a proud expression. Tang Min's appearance made Qiu Yun laugh and feel pain in his heart. Who would have thought that this little loli in front of him was already 18 years old.

"Little girl, come, stretch out your hand and let me see your hand. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"What are you doing? You want to take advantage of me?"

Tang Min's face was full of curiosity. This sentence almost made Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi fall. But Tang Min still obediently stretched out her hand. Qiu Yun held Tang Min's wrist and began to feel her pulse.

"What a strange pulse. . . "

Qiu Yun felt the pulse. The pulse felt normal. However, Qiu Yun still found something different. He closed his eyes and injected his true qi into his hand.

With the help of true qi, the pulse enlarged. Qiu Yun carefully felt the pulse, and his face became more and more serious. Seeing Qiu Yun's more and more serious expression, Tang Yueqi also looked nervous.

After a long time, Qiu Yun let go of Tang Min's hand. He looked at Tang Min's mouth and eyes carefully.

"How is this possible?"

Qiu Yun's heart was in turmoil, but Tang Min's situation was indeed like that.

"Little brother, what's wrong?"

Tang Yueqi asked anxiously.

"If I am not wrong. The little girl must have been poisoned. "

Qiu Yun's words made Tang Yueqi widen her eyes.

"Impossible. I looked to the most professional laboratory and did the most detailed examination of Min Min. If it was poison, it should have been discovered long ago. "

Tang Yueqi said subconsciously.

" This is not an ordinary poison. The equipment can't detect it at all. Specifically, this is not a poison, but a Gu. "

Qiu Yun's words made Tang Yueqi widen her eyes. Tang Yueqi had heard of Gu before, but Tang Yueqi had always thought that Gu was a legendary thing. It would only appear in novels and movies.

"Little brother, can you cure Min Min's poison?"

Tang Yueqi looked at Qiu Yun with hope, but Qiu Yun shook his head. Tang Yueqi's heart went from heaven to hell when she saw Qiu Yun's actions.

"I can't cure it now, but I can temporarily suppress the poison. After a while, I will be able to treat it. "

Qiu Yun continued. He could not force this kind of Gu out for the time being. This was because this wasn't an ordinary Gu, but one of the top ten special Gu in Miaojiang, the Yin Yang Gu.

Qiu Yun had read about this Gu in an ancient book. Yin Yang Gu, Yin and Yang. In Miaojiang, Yin Yang Gu was not used to harm people. Not only did it not harm people, it was also the most precious treasure in the world.

The Yin Yang Gu could slow the growth of people. This Gu could make people stay young forever and increase their lifespan greatly. The Yin Yang Gu in Tang Min's body was not a real Yin Yang Gu, but a knockoff version that was much weaker.

Even if it was a knock-off version, with Qiu Yun's current ability, he wouldn't be able to force it out. However, he could still suppress it temporarily. If he could break through again. . . He would be able to force this Gu poison out.


Tang Yueqi's mood was like a roller coaster as she stared at Qiu Yun.

"Yes, but I need some medicine. As long as the Gu was suppressed, the little girl would recover. After a while, I will completely force the Gu out of her body and she will be fine. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Qiu Yun's words made Tang Yueqi laugh happily. There were tears in her eyes. Being able to treat her younger sister's illness was undoubtedly the greatest news for Tang Yueqi.

"Thank you, thank you. . . "

Tang Yueqi looked at Qiu Yun and looked at Tang Yueqi crying. Qiu Yun could not take it anymore.

"Well, there are some things I don't know if I should say or not. "

Qiu Yun said in a low voice. Tang Yueqi looked at Qiu Yun and finally nodded.

"The poison in the little girl's body should have been caused by the people around her. Because the Gu in her body was very special, this kind of Gu was completely completed from the beginning to the end. It takes three years. From start to finish, she needed to be poisoned 108 times, and the time error must not exceed two hours. Not the closest person. He would not be able to get down at all. It was easy to cure the little girl's poison. However, if we don't find the mastermind, the danger won't be resolved. "

Qiu Yun said seriously. What Qiu Yun said stunned Tang Yueqi. Then she closed her eyes. After a long time, Tang Yueqi opened her eyes, but her eyes were filled with killing intent. Seeing Tang Yueqi's change, Qiu Yun sighed in his heart. The cruelest thing in this world was the betrayal of the closest person.

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