Supreme Doctor Rises in the City/C6 Domineering Shopping
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Supreme Doctor Rises in the City/C6 Domineering Shopping
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C6 Domineering Shopping

"Fight, fight. . . "

In the living room of Tang Yueqi's villa, Qiu Yun and Tang Min were staring at the huge television. They looked like they were in deep hatred.

"Kill, kill, kill. Haha, you lost again. Yay. . . "

Tang Min suddenly jumped up, but Qiu Yun's face was full of anger and frustration.

"Again. . . "

Qiu Yun said, unconvinced. The two of them were fighting with their iron fists. However, from the beginning until now, Qiu Yun had not won a single time. This made Qiu Yun very depressed. Tang Yueqi came down from upstairs in a bathrobe and couldn't help but laugh when she saw the two of them.

After an entire morning of rest, Tang Yueqi had almost recovered. Although her body was still a little weak, she was already fine. In Tang Yueqi's eyes, Qiu Yun was like a child. She also had a lot of understanding about Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi.

A child who just came out of the mountain had medical skills passed down from his ancestors. He also knew kung fu. He looked like a very simple boy, and he was very simple about many things. But if you are so naive to think that this guy is very simple, then you are wrong. Tang Yueqi discovered from the matter of the Gu Poison that Qiu Yun was a fox in sheep's clothing.

In order to suppress the Gu Poison in Tang Min's body, some more precious medicinal herbs were needed. Tang Yueqi was prepared to handle this matter personally. Now, Tang Yueqi did not dare to believe anyone. There must not be a single mistake in her sister's illness.

"Hahaha, you have lost again, big bad guy. Twenty, it is already twenty. . . "

Tang Min raised her hand to announce her victory.

" Let's not play this anymore, let's switch to something else. . . "

Qiu Yun said gloomily. Tang Min gave him a look of disdain. Qiu Yun rolled his eyes and pretended not to see it. Seeing the two of them like this, Tang Yueqi suddenly felt that there was a feeling of home here.

"You can change to other things, but you have to cash the bet first. . . "

Tang Min pouted.

"Let's play for a while, just for a while. "

Qiu Yun looked at Tang Min pitifully, but Tang Min shook her head. She then stretched out two fingers and shook them in front of Qiu Yun. This expression made Qiu Yun lower his head helplessly.

"If you cash it then cash it. Come, let's fight another 300 rounds when we come back. "

Qiu Yun snorted and stood up.

"Where are you two going?"

Tang Yueqi looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

"Secret. This is our secret. We will be back soon. "

Tang Min quickly said, then pulled Qiu Yun out of the villa.

"Hey, don't go too far," Qiu Yun said.

Tang Yueqi shouted loudly.

"Sister, it's fine. You can rest assured with me here. "

Qiu Yun turned his head and said. Tang Yueqi only relaxed when she heard Qiu Yun's words.

"Little girl, wait for me. "

Qiu Yun walked to the front of his villa and quickly entered the interior of the villa. When he came out again, he was carrying a suitcase.

The two of them walked out of the villa area and called a taxi. Tang Min said a place for the driver to drive.

Half an hour later, Qiu Yun and Tang Min appeared at the entrance of a shopping mall.

"Hurry up. . . "

Tang Min pulled Qiu Yun and quickly walked inside. Soon, the two of them arrived at the entrance of a shop. This was a doll shop. There were all kinds of dolls inside.

"I want this. . . "

Tang Min pointed at a huge doll in the cupboard. This doll was a huge bear. It was more than four meters tall and looked very domineering.

"Okay. . . "

Qiu Yun nodded and walked into the shop.

"Hello, sir. "

A waiter immediately walked up.

"I want 20 of these dolls. . . "

Qiu Yun pointed at the dolls in the cupboard and said loudly.

"Sorry sir, those are our products, they are not for sale. "

The waitress said with a smile. Hearing the waitress's words, Qiu Yun looked at Tang Min. Tang Min pouted and looked at Qiu Yun pitifully.

Qiu Yun opened his suitcase when he saw Tang Min like this. A stack of 100 yuan bills was neatly arranged. One million yuan. There was a total of one million yuan in this suitcase.

The visual impact of 1 million yuan in cash was very big. The waiters gulped when they saw the money. The customers who were buying dolls in the shop also took a deep breath.

This mall was not a high-end mall. The most expensive dolls in the store were only two to three thousand dollars.

"Are you selling them?"

Qiu Yun opened the suitcase and turned to look at the waitress. In fact, he did not know what to do. The reason was that Qiu Yun remembered an old saying, Money makes the devil push the mill.

"Sir, please wait for a moment. I'll make a call. "

The waitress didn't pay any attention to him and quickly left. She went to make a call. A few minutes after the call ended, a middle-aged man ran over from outside.

"Sir, are you the one who wants to buy a doll?"

The middle-aged man ran into the store and asked Qiu Yun while panting.

"Yes, I want a doll like this. Twenty. How much is it?"

Qiu Yun said expressionlessly. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, the boss's heart was beating fast, especially when he saw the box of money.

"Sir, there are not many such babies in the market. If you want it, I need to transfer it to you from outside. . . "

The middle-aged man said.

"I don't want to know the reason. I just want to know if I can buy it. "

Qiu Yun interrupted the middle-aged man.

"Yes, eleven thousand. Within an hour, twenty will definitely be delivered. . . "

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said. After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Qiu Yun took out two hundred thousand and placed it on the counter.

"One hour later, I will come and get it. . . "

Qiu Yun carried the suitcase and left, but his heart was filled with joy. Money could make ghosts push the mill, it was indeed not bad. Qiu Yun had finally truly witnessed the benefits of money. Qiu Yun and Tang Min left, leaving a few people who were dumbfounded. Looking at the backs of these two people, those people could only sigh at how rich people were really capricious.

"We will come and get it later. Let's go and see if there's anything else fun to play with. "

Qiu Yun pulled Tang Min along and started to stroll around the shopping mall. Tang Min was like a little witch coming out of a cage. When she saw something fun, she immediately opened her mouth to ask for it. She was not polite at all. Qiu Yun did not have any concept of money. In Qiu Yun's eyes, this one million was just the consultation fee for once. Without it, he could earn it back at any time.

Carrying a suitcase full of cash to buy things, this made Qiu Yun fiercely become a tycoon. The surrounding people's eyes were filled with jealousy, but they did not dare to say it out loud. They could only curse the nouveau riche in secret.

Qiu Yun also bought some things for himself. The main things were clothes and daily necessities.

A few hours later, a spectacular scene appeared at the entrance of the shopping mall. Twenty pickup trucks were parked there. Each pickup truck was equipped with a huge doll. The extra space was filled with all kinds of toys.

"Let's go. . . "

Tang Min and Qiu Yun sat on the first pickup truck and shouted. They left the mall in a grandiose manner and attracted a lot of attention along the way.

After the motorcade entered the villa area, it also attracted many people's curiosity. The motorcade stopped in front of Tang Yueqi's villa and the people in the car began to unload the goods.

Tang Yueqi heard the knocking on the door and opened the door. When she saw the situation outside, Tang Yueqi was stunned.

"What is going on?"

Tang Yueqi was confused.

"The thing that the big bad guy lost to me. . . "

Tang Min's words made Tang Yueqi almost fall down. Looking at the huge convoy and the huge dolls, Tang Yueqi did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"You guys, put the dolls in the house. . . "

Tang Min happily ordered the delivery staff to send the dolls into the house. The room became very lively this time. Although the living room was very big, There was a limit to it. Each of these dolls was about four to five meters tall, and there were twenty of them. It directly turned the entire floor into a world of dolls. There was also a large pile of toys. The entire floor had turned into a world of toys. Even walking had to be squeezed.

"Tang Min. . . "

Tang Yueqi put her hands on her waist and stared at Tang Min. Tang Min hid behind Qiu Yun and looked pitifully at Tang Yueqi.

"Sister Qi, you can't blame the little girl. I lost. I am willing to admit defeat. "

Qiu Yun said hastily.

"That's right. I admit defeat. "

Tang Min quickly nodded her head. Tang Yueqi was so angry that she directly pounced over. However, the little girl was like a nimble monkey as she shuttled back and forth in the baby dress. Tang Yueqi who had just recovered from a serious illness was not her match. In the end, she could only sit there while gasping for breath.

"Qiu Yun, how much did these things cost? Big sister will give it to you. . . "

In the end, Tang Yueqi could only look at Qiu Yun and say.

" Sister, if you are like this. . . I will really leave. "

Qiu Yun said in a low voice. Tang Yueqi sighed when she saw Qiu Yun's expression.

"Alright then. Sister will not mention this matter anymore. Tang Min, just you wait and see how I will deal with you. Don't think that I can't do anything just because you have a backer. "

Tang Yueqi fiercely glared at Tang Min. Tang Min used both her hands to bend her eyes and stuck out her tongue, appearing very pleased with herself.

"Big bad guy, are you still playing?"

Tang Min looked at Qiu Yun with provocation in her eyes.

"If you are coming, then come. Who is afraid of who?"

Qiu Yun said angrily. The two of them squeezed on the sofa and started fighting again. Tang Yueqi looked at the room full of babies and felt helpless. Tang Min was originally a little witch. Now that she found a backer, it would be even harder to control her in the future.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz. . . "

A yellow McCabe P1 entered the villa area and finally stopped in front of Tang Yueqi's villa. The car door opened. Lu Binn walked down and picked up a large bouquet of roses in the front passenger seat. He had a proud expression on his face. Successfully getting engaged to Tang Yueqi was the thing that Lu Binn was most proud of during this period of time. This matter had also become the capital for Lu Binn to show off. Tang Yueqi was publicly acknowledged as the number one beauty in Shanghai. Who knew how many people were eyeing her from behind. Not to mention that Tang Yueqi was also the person in charge of the Great Tang Group. With the current situation of the Tang family, Marrying Tang Yueqi was equivalent to taking the Great Tang Group into their hands. This was a large corporation worth ten billion.

"Dong Dong Dong. . . "

Lu Binn knocked on the door.

"Tang Min, open the door. "

Tang Yueqi shouted from upstairs.

"Big bad guy, open the door. . . "

Tang Min directly arranged this matter to Qiu Yun and said.

"You are not allowed to secretly cheat. . . "

Qiu Yun glanced at Tang Min and quickly ran to the door without even wearing his shoes. Qiu Yun opened the door and was stunned when he saw Lu Binn.

"Who are you looking for?"

Qiu Yun stared at Lu Bin and said in a low voice.

"Who are you?"

Lu Binn was stunned when he saw Qiu Yun, especially when Qiu Yun was barefooted.

"I asked you who you were looking for. "

Qiu Yun asked impatiently. This made Lu Binn a little angry.

"I asked who you are. "

Lu Binn stared at Qiu Yun and asked with an ugly expression.

"Are you crazy?"

After saying that, Qiu Yun closed the door and jumped onto the sofa. Lu Binn, who was outside the door, looked at the door that suddenly closed and was stunned.

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