Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C13 All Based on Luck
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Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C13 All Based on Luck
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C13 All Based on Luck

Despite his concerns, Laojiu was always one for bold moves. Having lived through the apocalypse, he trusted that his luck wouldn't fail him now.

He laid out all the beast seals on the ground and scrutinized them intently. Noticing no discernible differences, he realized he'd have to rely on chance.

Selecting one at random, Laojiu counted to nine before picking it up with satisfaction. Nine had always been his lucky number, after all.

"Channel your Origin Energy into it. Once you trigger the seal, the Fierce Creature inside will naturally be released," Patriarch Lieshan instructed just in time. These tasks were simple, yet entirely new to Laojiu.


With a single word, Laojiu's muscles tensed, ready to spring into action and dodge whatever unknown Fierce Creature might emerge. He then infused the beast seal with his Origin Energy.

In a flash, a Gray Shadow zipped past Laojiu and vanished without a trace.

"What on earth was that?"

Laojiu's skin prickled as the creature's incredible speed took him by surprise.

"Change your angle, look for the target! Many speed-type Fierce Creatures specialize in ambushes," Patriarch Lieshan quickly advised. Laojiu's natural talent for cultivation was exceptional, but his combat experience was sorely lacking.

With an eerie contortion, Laojiu pivoted, adeptly executing the Devil Subduing Movement Technique.

Behind him, a snake-like Fierce Creature with a pattern of gray and white stripes lifted its head, its forked tongue flickering in and out as if sizing up Laojiu.

"Senior Brother, what kind of snake is this? It's as thick as my arm and about seven or eight feet long. The oddest part is its two tails," Laojiu asked urgently, unfamiliar with the creature and unsure of its power.

"That's a Two-tail Viper. Is the head gray or white? If it's gray, it's comparable to a human in the Transcendence Stage. If it's white, then it's equivalent to the Life Union Stage," Lieshan responded.

Patriarch Lieshan chose not to expend his Primordial Spirit to gauge the Fierce Creature's level and power. Instead, he drew on his extensive experience to instruct Laojiu.

"Thank goodness, it's just a gray one!"

Laojiu breathed a sigh of relief.

As he was about to inquire about the Two-tail Viper's traits from Patriarch Lieshan, the Fierce Creature viciously struck the ground with its tails, propelling itself upward with lightning speed directly at Laojiu!

Simultaneously, the viper's mouth gaped open, ejecting a stream of black liquid that hurtled straight for Laojiu's face.

"Damn, targeting me because you think I'm weak, huh?"

Laojiu swore, deploying the Devil Subduing Movement Technique once more, his body drifting up like a wisp of smoke. The black liquid narrowly missed his nose, nearly making contact. When the venom hit the ground, it instantly produced a puff of smoke and a persistent hissing noise, clearly indicating its potency.


Distracted by the venom, Laojiu hesitated and suddenly felt an immense force at his waist, as if he'd been struck hard by his own Dragon Trapping Staff. He stumbled, and his Devil Subduing Movement Technique was thrown off.

"I can't believe I got hit. This creature's as fast as I am, and it's got strength to match!"

Laojiu was taken aback. The Two-tail Viper had managed a successful surprise attack, landing a hit with its tail whip. Thankfully, Laojiu was resilient, and the strike didn't injure him; it was more a blow to his pride than anything else.

"Vipers are known for their speed and agility; their venom is extremely potent, though they have it in limited quantities. It likely sensed your lower realm and decided to go on the offensive."

Patriarch Lieshan quickly briefed Laojiu on the viper's capabilities.

"To face such a formidable opponent first up is thrilling!"

Laojiu licked his lips in anticipation. The Two-tail Viper was formidable indeed, yet not beyond his ability to counter. It was the ideal sparring partner for him to hone his skills.

While conversing with Patriarch Lieshan, Laojiu's limbs remained in constant motion. He swiftly adjusted his stance and struck down with a forceful palm, targeting the head of the Two-tail Viper. He unleashed the most powerful technique of the Mountain Quaking Palm, capable of shaking mountains and rivers to their core!

The viper, feeling the strength of Laojiu's palm wind, chose not to clash directly. Its head became a blur as it swiftly evaded Laojiu's strike. Remarkably, the Fierce Creature contorted its body, and its tail sprang up once more, coiling towards Laojiu's arm!

Laojiu was quick to respond, transforming his palm into a slicing blade aimed at the snake's tail!


His palm met the snake's body, and Laojiu's cut sent the tail crashing into the ground, kicking up a billow of dust! Despite the heavy hit, the Two-tail Viper seemed unharmed. It gracefully rolled away, leaving the dusty area behind.

"This creature's resilience is quite impressive!" Laojiu marveled. On Yanhuang Star, a snake would likely be severed in two by his current strength.

"Foolish boy, Shennong Yan Monarch brought this Fierce Creature here specifically to train the younger generation. It's not going to be weak. The Two-tail Viper is not so easily subdued. If you were at the God Cultivating Stage, perhaps it would be much easier to handle," Patriarch Lieshan remarked, opting not to reveal the creature's weakness to Laojiu. This was a test of Laojiu's observational skills and combat experience.

Following their brief skirmish, the Two-tail Viper refrained from attacking, instead gliding slowly, seeking the right moment to strike. The Fierce Creature recognized that its opponent was not to be underestimated.

"Take this!" Laojiu launched into an offensive!

This time, he spread his fingers wide, aiming to grasp the snake's body, determined to match the Two-tail Viper's speed.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The viper darted swiftly, avoiding a direct confrontation with Laojiu. In moments, the martial arts field was engulfed in a cloud of dust, reaching nearly fifteen meters across.

The Fierce Creature was taking advantage of its agility to run circles around Laojiu. Minutes ticked by, and Laojiu couldn't seem to get the upper hand.

"It looks like I'll need to pull out all the stops!"

Laojiu was about to retrieve the Dragon Trapping Staff. With this lengthy weapon, he could significantly reduce the Viper's maneuverability. The creature was small and elusive, especially when it was set on dodging combat.

"Don't resort to weapons. With your strength, you should be able to handle it barehanded, just avoid its venom. And no using the Azure Dragon Secret Technique—think this through on your own," Patriarch Lieshan advised, discouraging Laojiu from seeking a swift victory.

"Isn't this just making it harder on myself?"

Laojiu grumbled under his breath, yet he abandoned the thought of grabbing the Dragon Trapping Staff and began to ponder earnestly.

They say to strike a snake at its seven inches, and despite being a foreigner, this creature likely had a similar vulnerability. The challenge was the Two-tail Viper's speed; catching its body was hard enough, much less targeting its critical spot.

Laojiu opted for a different tactic—no longer pursuing, he stopped abruptly and sat down. This not only provided an opportunity for his adversary but also for himself. With his physical resilience, the Two-tail Viper couldn't harm him with brute force; his only concern was the venom.

Once Laojiu ceased movement, the Viper did the same, sizing him up anew. It appeared that this Fierce Creature was quite astute, a far cry from the serpents of Yanhuang Star.

Laojiu couldn't be bothered to give it any attention, feigning total relaxation while remaining alert and ready for the creature's attack.

Minutes passed, and the Viper grew restless, beginning to slither around. As it moved to Laojiu's side, it suddenly lunged at his neck with increased speed. This Fierce Creature also knew the art of a lethal blow!

Laojiu, ever prepared, was not about to be bitten. His hands shot up with the speed of lightning, reaching into the empty air!

At first, his hands grasped nothing, but as his fingers curled, the Viper was suddenly in his grip!

The speed of the Fierce Creature was extraordinary.

Without a second thought, Laojiu hurled the Viper to the ground with all his might!


Dust billowed in every direction!

Immediately, Laojiu lunged forward, seizing the viper's tail and lashing it against the ground like a whip. The thudding sounds were relentless.

After a dozen forceful strikes, Laojiu sensed the Viper's resistance waning and he eased up.

As he was about to stoop down to see if the Viper was truly dead, the viper's head shot up, aiming straight for Laojiu's nose!

Caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, Laojiu was stunned. He couldn't have imagined that the Two-tail Viper would still be alive in such a state. Luckily, the viper, gravely wounded by Laojiu, was only making a final stand, its speed significantly reduced.

With a swift flip of his left hand, Laojiu precisely pinched the viper's head at the vital spot and, exerting great force, he snapped the head off. The snake's body twitched, but with its head now dangling, it was essentially dead.

"Kid, how does that feel?"

"Extremely fierce, with an impressive capacity to take a hit! Plus, it's not lacking in intelligence," Laojiu assessed, gaining a fresh perspective on these exotic species.

"The richer the Origin Energy, the higher the intelligence and strength of the creatures that inhabit the area. They generally dislike disturbances and are vengeful once provoked, often fighting to the bitter end. You've done well to effortlessly kill a Viper of a higher realm than yourself."

"Absolutely! If I couldn't handle a little guy like this, how would I ever make my way in the world?" Laojiu beamed with pride, his ego soaring as if he had completely forgotten the beating he had just taken from the Viper.

"Take a break, set one down."

Patriarch Lieshan offered little in the way of comment. He knew Laojiu well enough to recognize that his combat potential was far from fully tapped. For an average Cultivator, defeating a Viper two ranks above oneself would certainly merit praise.

Laojiu produced another beast ring and positioned it at the center of the Martial Training Field.


As the seal was released, a massive creature materialized in the square!

The beast stood nearly ten meters tall, with four legs as thick as barrels, a pitch-black body resembling a cow, yet sporting a solitary horn. Its most striking feature was a pair of blood-red eyes that were truly frightening.

He estimated that the creature's weight easily exceeded five thousand kilograms.


The monster bellowed furiously, its cry oddly reminiscent of a cow's.

"Senior Brother, what is this creature?" Laojiu quickly relayed his sighting to Patriarch Lieshan.

"A Unicorn. It's known for its thick hide and resilience; it possesses immense strength and a foul temper! If I'm not mistaken, this Unicorn has reached the Life Union Stage. You need to be cautious."

"Great, is my luck running out already?"

Laojiu felt disheartened, not expecting to encounter a Fierce Creature in the early period of the Life Union Stage on his second attempt.

While he was talking, the Unicorn charged towards him, kicking up a fierce wind.

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