Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C19 God Cultivating Stage
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Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C19 God Cultivating Stage
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C19 God Cultivating Stage

Using his inner vision, Laojiu sensed that his Origin Energy Pill was the size of a washbasin, teeming with incredibly dense Origin Energy. Patriarch Lieshan had explained that for ordinary Cultivators achieving Three-dantian Becoming One, the norm was a fist-sized core, which was already deemed impressive.

A Perfect Cultivator, upon reaching Core Combining, would have a core at least as large as a bowl, with the more exceptional ones cultivating a core the size of a small plate. Yet, Laojiu's core was more than double that size.

Despite this, Laojiu remained unsatisfied; he aimed for the pinnacle of the Celestial Dragon Guidance: the crystallization of Origin Energy!

The question was how to crystallize the newly combined Origin Energy Pill? The Celestial Dragon Guidance provided detailed instructions for cultivation, though the process was far from pleasant.

Cultivators had to exert their full strength to compress the Origin Energy Pill, a process that worked from the inside out, the complete opposite of Laojiu's Core Combining experience and exceedingly challenging. The risk of failure was significant, and each compression had to be undertaken with the utmost care to avoid backlash from their own Origin Energy.

Laojiu summoned all his focus, compressing his core little by little, enduring such intense pain that his entire body was soaked with sweat, yet he could not afford to pause. The Origin Energy Pill had already solidified after the success of Three-dantian Becoming One, making this further refinement an act against the natural order.

After half a day, Laojiu had managed to compress his Origin Energy Pill by one-third. His clothes were thoroughly soaked with sweat. The cultivation guide indicated that initial compression was the easiest part, with the difficulty escalating as one progressed.

The hardest step was crystallization, surpassing all previous stages in difficulty.

The earlier steps involved quantitative changes, but the final step was a transformation in quality.

It's akin to compressing an object's volume while keeping its mass constant; the smaller the volume, the greater the difficulty naturally becomes.

Three days later, Laojiu had succeeded in compressing his Essence Core to one-fifth of its original size. The agony he endured over those days was so intense that even Patriarch Lieshan took notice. It was undoubtedly an excruciating method of cultivation.

The Essence Core had yet to show any signs of crystallization, but it had become exceptionally dense. The Origin Energy surged with increased power and swiftness.

After ten grueling days, Laojiu had endured immense pain, striving to compress his Essence Core to the size of an egg. The surface of this egg-like core was entwined with countless colorful threads, reminiscent of rainbows in the sky, though they crisscrossed in a somewhat disordered fashion.

Through his diligent efforts, Laojiu had grown accustomed to the pain that accompanied his cultivation. To his delight, his physical strength had also seen a significant boost. It wouldn't be an overstatement to compare his resilience to that of a Mortal Exuviating Stage expert.

Patriarch Lieshan himself marveled at this development. He had never imagined that a Low Rank Cultivator, not yet at Middle Rank Three, could achieve such formidable power. In terms of physical strength, Laojiu was now on par with a master of the Mortal Exuviating Stage.

The claims of invincibility within one's rank, as touted by those with a Perfect Body, paled in comparison to Laojiu's prowess. He had come to truly appreciate the adage: with great effort comes great reward.

Buoyed by his substantial gains, Laojiu's drive to cultivate grew even stronger, undeterred by the physical pain that once plagued him.

Another half month passed, and Laojiu's eyes snapped open, his face alight with joy. The Essence Core within him had finally begun to crystallize at an astonishing rate. He estimated that in just three to five days, the crystallization of the entire Origin Energy Pill would be complete.

"Kid! Keep your composure, don't let success go to your head. You haven't reached the God Cultivating Stage yet," Patriarch Lieshan reminded him, though he too felt a surge of pride. Officially, he was Laojiu's senior brother, but in truth, Laojiu was like a disciple to him, one he had watched grow every step of the way. Cultivating such an exceptional disciple was a source of immense pride for him.

Heeding his senior brother's counsel, Laojiu settled his mind and resumed his cultivation. True to his expectations, by the fourth day after crystallization began, the Essence Core had completed the entire process. The Celestial Dragon Guidance technique had described this phase as challenging, yet Laojiu had achieved it effortlessly.

The situation might be related to his substantial accumulation.

His Essence Core was currently as small as a soybean, yet it resembled a seven-colored crystal—translucent, dazzling, and brimming with immense Origin Energy.

"Time to embark on the God Cultivating Stage!"

Laojiu had already achieved the first step of breaking through to the God Cultivating Stage with his Three-dantian Becoming One. Moreover, having cultivated his Primordial Spirit, the subsequent breakthrough went incredibly smoothly.

Within a single day, Laojiu had successfully ascended to the Middle Rank Three of the God Cultivating Stage!

During this progression, however, Laojiu expended dozens of High Level Essence Spirit Stones, and his Essence Core grew noticeably larger.

The sapling of the Primordial Spirit Tree in his Divine Sea also shot up about a foot, its verdant leaves more vibrant than ever.

"Kid, why don't you challenge that Water Shadow Beast and see how you fare?"

Patriarch Lieshan could hardly contain his excitement. He was eager to witness Laojiu's newfound strength.

"Sure! That creature used to give me a hard time, but now it's my chance for payback."

The memory of the Water Shadow Beast was etched deeply in Laojiu's mind. Without Patriarch Lieshan's fierce protection, he might not have survived their past encounters.

Stepping onto the Martial Training Field, Laojiu's Primordial Spirit scanned the area and quickly located the completely camouflaged Twin Water Shadow Beast.

The Water Shadow Beast, feeling the sweep of the Primordial Spirit, responded with a languid acknowledgment. It showed little interest in engaging with Laojiu and wasn't particularly fearful, considering their numerous past skirmishes. Although the Water Shadow Beast had consistently held the advantage, Laojiu's indomitable resilience left it at a loss, hence its reluctance to engage in another battle.

"Little Shadow, take this punch!"

Laojiu didn't hold back. He surged forward, closing in on the Water Shadow Beast like a phantom. This time, he forwent the Dragon Trapping Staff, opting to strike with his bare fist.

His speed had more than doubled after ascending to the God Cultivating Stage, a testament to both his elevated realm and the transformative effect of the Origin Energy Pill. Previously, he was a notch slower than a fully recovered Water Shadow Beast, but now he far surpassed his adversary.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Laojiu charged toward the Water Shadow Beast. The creature was just beginning to react, hastily unleashing a Primordial Spirit Attack. Laojiu felt only a minor sting in his Divine Sea, a sensation that was now almost trivial.


Laojiu's iron fist inevitably collided with the Water Shadow Beast's body. Its mushroom-like form caved in significantly, altering its shape entirely.

The Water Shadow Beast emitted a bizarre cry and quickly backed away. Clearly, Laojiu's formidable strength now posed a real threat to it.

It was inconceivable to the beast that this man had grown stronger in such a short time, strong enough that even it had to evade him.

"The fight's not over yet!"

Laojiu was thoroughly enjoying the battle. Following his punch, he delivered a flying kick, striking one of the mushroom heads as if he were kicking a ball. The heavy blow caused the once-invisible Water Shadow Beast to tremble and reveal itself.

"Little Shadow, you seem to have weakened quite a bit. Can't even perform your guard duties properly?"

Laojiu moved swiftly, circling and attacking the Water Shadow Beast while continuously taunting his opponent, hoping to provoke it into a fiercer confrontation.

Indeed, with Laojiu's current speed, he could effortlessly evade the Primordial Spirit Attacks, but that would make the fight far less interesting.

After several unsuccessful Primordial Spirit Attacks, the Water Shadow Beast changed its tactics. Although its specialty was the Primordial Spirit Attack, it was no stranger to physical combat—a fact Laojiu had painfully learned.

Its tentacles, seemingly transparent, were each incredibly thick and strong. Whether sweeping, lashing, or coiling, they were formidable. Particularly when it brandished all its tentacles at once, Laojiu used to be unable to get anywhere near it.

Yet, the Water Shadow Beast's Primordial Spirit Attack was so prominent that it often overshadowed its physical prowess. An ordinary Cultivator, especially one two ranks lower, would stand no chance against these tentacles.

But for someone like Laojiu, with his resilient hide, slaps and strikes were ineffective. Only its lethal coiling technique posed a threat. This was the wisdom the Water Shadow Beast had gleaned from numerous battles with Laojiu—a testament to its cunning intelligence.

Laojiu's prowess in close-quarters combat inadvertently gave the Water Shadow Beast an opening. The beast's tentacles, resembling the gills of a mushroom, swarmed and ensnared Laojiu in an instant, binding him as tightly as a wrapped dumpling. The tentacles then constricted, becoming thinner and tighter, as if determined to end the life of their old adversary.

"Break free!" Laojiu's voice thundered like a crack of spring lightning, and his Crystalized Essence Core unleashed a massive wave of Origin Energy. The force of the blast was so swift and powerful that it bordered on the unbelievable.


Several tentacles snapped like brittle straw, leaving the Water Shadow Beast in a state of shock. The remaining tendrils hastily released their grip and flung themselves away. Laojiu, with a slight adjustment of his body, landed firmly on the ground, exuding an air of calm composure.

"Heh, the Fierce Creature is finally scared. Well done, kid," chuckled Patriarch Lieshan, who was known for his stern demeanor. Laojiu had only recently ascended to the God Cultivating Stage, yet he managed to intimidate a Twin Water Shadow Beast from the Life Union Stage—a feat so incredible it would be met with disbelief if told.

"Enough, I won't torment it any further. Keeping it around provides a free sparring partner. It's time I dedicated myself to mastering the Stacking Wave Staff Technique," Laojiu mused, his interest in continuing the fight waning. Though he hadn't reached the point of utterly overpowering the Water Shadow Beast, he had firmly secured the advantage.

Should the battle escalate to a life-or-death struggle, Laojiu knew he could potentially slay the beast, especially since there were no rivers or oceans nearby for it to swiftly replenish its Origin Energy.

The daily practice of Celestial Dragon Guidance was the most time-consuming aspect of his cultivation routine. The God Cultivating Stage was designed to lay a solid foundation for the Primordial Spirit, yet Laojiu had already bypassed this phase.

In theory, he could skip the entire foundational process. However, Laojiu chose not to. Aware of the extraordinary benefits of Celestial Dragon Guidance, particularly in cultivating the Primordial Spirit, he was committed to starting from the beginning to reinforce his base.

Despite the relative simplicity of these foundational practices, Laojiu approached each step with meticulous care, determined to perfect every aspect of his cultivation.

After ten days of diligent effort, Laojiu successfully completed the foundation establishment process. From now on, his Divine Sea would continue to refine itself, even without his conscious effort.

"Hmm, not bad at all. Your Primordial Spirit Tree has reached a height of five feet," Patriarch Lieshan commented, clearly satisfied with Laojiu's overall progress.

"Senior Brother, my Primordial Spirit takes the form of a tree. What form does yours take?" Laojiu asked, driven by curiosity. Without something to compare to, he felt there was no way to gauge his progress.

"Me? My Primordial Spirit is just that—a Primordial Spirit. It doesn't take any particular shape," Patriarch Lieshan replied.

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