Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C21 Young Master Yu
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Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C21 Young Master Yu
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C21 Young Master Yu

In the western highlands, in the town that Laojiu calls home, a grand and magnificent edifice soared into the sky, its architectural style starkly contrasting with that of the buildings on Yanhuang Star.

Outside the grand hall, a young woman draped in red stood at the forefront. Her face was obscured by a white veil, rendering her true features indiscernible. Yet the innate tranquility and grandeur she exuded could not be concealed by the fabric, inspiring an involuntary reverence in those who beheld her.

She was none other than the highest authority of this small town: Miss Soong Hsing.

Arrayed behind her were six imposing men clad in black. These formidable figures, strong as oxen and sharp-eyed as eagles, typically carried themselves with an air of arrogance.

At this moment, however, the six men stood with their hands clasped behind their backs, their expressions solemn and their demeanor respectful, as if they were statuesque guardians.

More than ten individuals stood behind these men, all locals, nodding and bowing in a subservient manner reminiscent of lackeys. Among them was Yuh Hualong, who had once pursued Laojiu.

"Stay alert! We're hosting a VIP today. Let's not embarrass Miss Soong Hsing!" bellowed the formidable man to the left. The group behind him straightened up, though their gazes wandered, and their demeanor was akin to that of an enemy sneaking into a village.

Just then, a piercing whistle echoed from the distant sky, followed by a streak of silver light that sliced through the heavens and descended swiftly onto the square before them.

A procession emerged from the silver craft, and the leader with a simple gesture made the several-meter-long vessel vanish into nothingness.

It was then that Miss Soong Hsing slightly lifted her head and advanced with measured steps, her entourage closely mirroring her pace.

"Ah, Miss Soong Hsing, it's been years, and you've only grown more enchanting! What's this? Still reluctant to remove your mysterious veil even for an old friend?" The young man at the head of the newcomers was striking in appearance, with well-defined features and skin as fair as any lady's. He wore a shimmering silver windbreaker with a vibrant scarlet lining, exuding an air of flamboyance. Yet his tone was anything but flippant, suggesting a deep familiarity with Soong Hsing.

"Young Master Yu must be jesting. Everyone is aware that the Soaring Yellow Star is teeming with stunning beauties, and I am merely a plain Jane from a distant minor planet. How could I possibly merit such lavish praise from Young Master Yu?"

Miss Soong Hsing spoke with impeccable courtesy, yet her true thoughts remained a mystery. After all, the Heben family was not one to be trifled with, and Heben Yu was rumored to be the family's golden boy, groomed for greatness and held in high esteem by the family's elders.

"Miss Soong Hsing, let's dispense with the pleasantries and proceed to discuss the matter at hand," Heben Yu said, shedding his previously light-hearted demeanor with a glance at Soong Hsing. He confidently led the way into the hall. His stature certainly afforded him the luxury of looking down upon others.

Inside the hall, the guests and hosts took their seats, though only their respective insiders were permitted to sit; the locals from Yanhuang Star had no place at the table.

"Last month, I chanced upon a report you submitted over a year ago concerning Blood Lake, which piqued my interest. I've decided to stay here for a spell to investigate further. You don't mind, do you, Miss Soong Hsing?" Heben Yu broached the subject of his visit, clearly harboring suspicions about Blood Lake.

The newcomers had been on Yanhuang Star for several years, with all the higher-ups scouring the planet. Some influential figures extended their search to nearby celestial bodies, including the moon, Mars, and various asteroids. Naturally, Yanhuang Star remained the focal point of their search.

The official line was that they were searching for Shennong of the Lianshan family, but the true nature of their quest was known only to the innermost circle. Miss Soong Hsing, like many others, had only bits and pieces of information and lacked a clear picture, which explained her assignment to this out-of-the-way highland town.

Over the years, tens of thousands more had arrived from Purple Flame Star. They might seem numerous, but spread across a planet or the vastness of space, they were hardly significant. With a plethora of ancient sites and mythologies in the West, they had their work cut out for them.

The legends of the Eastern Divine Land were of particular interest to these researchers. They had already excavated the tombs of the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch long ago. In the end, those proved to be mere cenotaphs, which, aside from confirming their historical existence, offered no further clues.

The Heben and Soong families had scoured the Divine Land multiple times without finding the clues they sought. Consequently, they had no choice but to broaden their search area. Considering the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch were experts at the Saint Becoming Stage, they could have ventured to countless places.

"Blood Lake, you say? Young Master Yu might be in for a disappointment. Over the past year, Blood Lake has undergone significant changes and has lost its mystical properties. If you're truly interested, I'd be happy to take you there myself," Miss Soong Hsing offered candidly. She had visited Blood Lake before, where the aggressive black fish had given her a minor injury, and she had come away empty-handed. Despite reporting this to her superiors, no further guidance was provided.

Yanhuang Star had been rife with bizarre occurrences during that time, making it challenging to sift through and identify valuable information. Furthermore, the emergence of mutated beasts was a widespread phenomenon, hardly indicative of anything specific.

"Oh, there's been a change? Then I must see it for myself. The family elders have brought the latest bloodline testing device, and I've brought it along. It might prove useful," Heben Yu mused, his disappointment tempered by resolve. He couldn't possibly leave without achieving something.

"Fine, I'll take you there now," Miss Soong Hsing said, eager to assist. Perhaps she was keen to see the young master off sooner rather than later.

Their party set off toward Blood Lake with formidable presence, their strength ensuring that wild beasts steered clear, with any challengers swiftly dispatched.

The once murky waters of the lake had cleared significantly, resulting in a noticeable decline in the number of lingering predators. The group quickly reached the shores of Blood Lake, which now bore only a faint trace of red, a stark contrast to its state two years prior.

Heben Yu scooped up some water, examining it closely and taking in its scent, his eyes shining with intensity as if searching for something beneath the surface.

"So, what do you think? Did Young Master Yu find anything?"

Miss Soong Hsing, out of courtesy, asked a gentle question. She had already tried all the conventional methods.

"There was once a significant amount of blood in this lake, but it has nearly all disappeared now. We can discuss the details when we return."

Heben Yu, with a calm demeanor, took out a bottle and filled it with the lake water, indicating his intention to return.

Soong Hsing slightly raised her eyebrows but refrained from further comment. It was understandable that Heben Yu might withhold certain information from her.

The group had arrived in haste and now departed just as quickly, soon finding themselves back inside the grand structure.

"Miss Soong Hsing, I'm feeling a bit weary. Could you arrange a place for us to rest?" Heben Yu yawned, visibly exhausted.

"Young Master Yu, there's no need for formalities. The resting room is ready for you. Right this way, please."

Soong Hsing personally escorted Heben Yu and his companions to the prepared quarters before taking her leave.

"Ensure the perimeter is secure and prevent anyone from snooping around," Heben Yu ordered with a stern face. He meticulously scanned the room with his Primordial Spirit before feeling at ease.

He trusted that Soong Hsing wouldn't dare to spy on him unless he had indeed come across an exceptional find.

Once the security measures were in place, Heben Yu produced an odd-looking container and poured the Blood Lake water into it. Beneath the container was something akin to a progress bar, which moved swiftly once the water was added, reaching the top in just a few breaths.

"Excellent! It's just as I suspected."

Heben Yu gripped his right hand in excitement, realizing he had uncovered a crucial piece of information. Moments later, he regained his composure, acting as if nothing significant had occurred.

Back in Soong Hsing's room, she was flanked by four sturdy men, bodyguards sent by the Soong family.

"Soong Lin, do you think Heben Yu might be keeping something from us? I've heard he can be quite cunning, and we shouldn't take his actions at face value."

Miss Soong Hsing voiced her concerns, her main suspicion being that she hadn't witnessed Heben Yu using his new bloodline device in their presence.

Concealment might be possible, but it's unlikely to be anything of significant value. I've seen Blood Lake with my own eyes, and the presence of blood in the water is no secret. There are numerous reasons the lake could turn red, and it may not be related to what we're searching for. If it were, the higher-ups would have sent someone by now."

Soong Lin trusted his own judgment, as well as that of the higher-ups. The report they had submitted was already quite detailed.

"It's possible! Everyone, stay vigilant and see if Heben Yu returns to Blood Lake." Soong Hsing was still uneasy. If a major secret was hidden in her jurisdiction and she failed to notice, it would be difficult to face her family.

Despite being addressed as Miss, her position within the Soong family was precarious due to her birth circumstances. Furthermore, some of the family elders ostracized her both openly and covertly, which explained her assignment to this lesser post.

"Don't worry, Miss. I'll have Yuh Hualong organize the locals to keep watch. Their skills may be modest, but their numbers are an advantage, and they're less likely to be detected. Even if Heben Yu is as sly as a fox, he wouldn't suspect that we'd employ these unassuming locals to surveil them," Soong Lin assured her with confidence. They were all recognizable faces; any sign of disturbance would immediately alert Heben Yu.

"Good, that sounds like a solid plan. Go ahead and set it up. Have Yuh Hualong recruit more people to conceal themselves in the woods along the lake's edge. Make sure the surveillance area is large enough so we don't miss anything."

Soong Hsing was well aware that with Heben Yu's capabilities at the Life Union Stage Early Period, the indigenous humans of Yanhuang Star wouldn't stand a chance at tracking his movements. Only by deploying a substantial number of people to covertly monitor Blood Lake could they hope to uncover his intentions.

As Soong Lin hastily exited the hall, Heben Yu and his companions had yet to emerge, giving the impression they were genuinely resting.

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