Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C4 Patriarch Lieshan
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Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C4 Patriarch Lieshan
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C4 Patriarch Lieshan

"You're not trying to trick me, are you? If not, I'll give you a drop of my blood."

Laojiu eyed the crystal-clear finger bone with skepticism. He talked about giving a drop of blood, yet his hand remained still; one can never be too careful, after all. Who knows if this peculiar old man might be setting a trap for him?

The voice fell silent for a good while before finally letting out a long sigh and asking slowly.

"Do you know of the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch? How many years have passed since his time?"

"Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch? Who's that? It sounds vaguely familiar."

It took Laojiu a moment to catch on, as there didn't seem to be any emperor by that name in the annals of the Eastern Ancient Kingdom.

But as he pondered emperors, a term suddenly sprang to mind — Huang Monarch!

"Are you referring to the most ancient progenitor of the Huaxia race, the Xuanyuan Huang Monarch? The ancient texts say his family name was Ji, given name Xuanyuan. Is that who you mean?"

Laojiu was both excited and incredulous. The Xuanyuan Huang Monarch was a figure from over five thousand years ago, often regarded as a mythological character in ancient history. The people of the entire Huaxia Ancient Kingdom are known as the descendants of the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch, all believed to be his bloodline.

"If not him, then who else could it be? My surname is Lieshan, given name Hong Ye. I am one of the Dragon Monarch's most devoted followers and his final disciple. Do your ancient books mention this?"

His words left Laojiu momentarily dumbfounded. This was almost too far-fetched! A character from thousands of years ago had appeared and was speaking to him, even asking for his help!

Could this really be happening?

"How should I know? The accounts of the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch are largely mythical, not to be taken as factual. But the surname Lieshan does seem to have been mentioned in ancient texts. These events happened over five thousand years ago; they're beyond any possibility of confirmation."

Laojiu answered with a mix of skepticism and belief, his knowledge stemming from a past interest in ancient history. Another young man in his place would likely know nothing beyond the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Monarch.

If the claims of this elder named Lieshan Hongye hold true, he must certainly be one of the ancient forebears of the Huaxia civilization!

"Alas! The Lieshan clan is my tribe. I wonder if any descendants have carried on our lineage. I've been asleep for so many years, and it seems the time has come for them to arrive!"

Patriarch Lieshan spoke with a weightiness in his voice, a departure from his previously aged and haughty tone.

"Them? Are you referring to those foreigners? Do you know where they come from? What exactly is happening?"

Laojiu had come to believe nearly everything the elder said. But the elder's words raised too many questions, leaving Laojiu baffled and unable to piece it all together.

"Hurry and bleed onto this, will you? If we keep talking, I won't last much longer. You might be a bit slow, but you're still a disciple of my Master, and I mean you no harm."

"You don't need to rush into knowing everything. Once my Primordial Spirit is more stable, I'll explain it all to you. Your body is far too frail. Today, I'll bestow upon you your first boon, to complete your body's transformation."

"Alright, it's actually quite straightforward."

Laojiu, while contemplating the nature of body training, pressed the finger bone against the wound on his thigh. The bleeding had ceased, but as the bone touched the wound, his body involuntarily shuddered, the wound reopening and blood pouring into the bone.

He had assumed only a small amount of blood was needed, but the bone seemed to be an insatiable void. It wasn't until Laojiu's legs shook and his body quivered that the flow ceased.

"You're quite merciless, almost draining me to a husk."

Laojiu grumbled, leaning against the stone wall, feeling a weakness he had never known before, even weaker than in his previous life.

"Don't just sit there; climb into the coffin, sit cross-legged, and I will impart to you the Body Penetration incantation."

Patriarch Lieshan commanded Laojiu with an air of authority, offering the first of the promised benefits.

Laojiu clumsily made his way into the coffin and managed to sit up with difficulty. As soon as he settled, a cryptic ancient verse filled his mind, its meaning utterly elusive.

"Ah, you foolish boy! In just a few thousand years, you've managed to lose the very essence of our people."

Patriarch Lieshan, feeling somewhat helpless, began to explain things to Laojiu in plain language. It was actually quite straightforward – he was teaching him how to still his mind and use his body to sense the environment around him, gathering elements that were beneficial to his well-being.

It was unclear whether Laojiu had a natural talent for this, but after only three attempts, his body responded immediately.

His pores opened up one by one, and the blood flowing from his bones seemed to find a direct path, coursing through his skin and into his body, where it quickly integrated with his own blood, indistinguishable from the rest. Laojiu couldn't clearly perceive the internal changes, but he felt immensely comfortable, and the weakness from excessive blood loss soon vanished.

This sensation left Laojiu beaming with delight, almost floating on air.

"Pay attention, don't let your mind wander!"

Noticing Laojiu's lack of focus, Patriarch Lieshan couldn't help but chide him. Luckily, the Body Penetration technique wasn't overly demanding and was designed with beginners in mind; even if Laojiu's thoughts strayed slightly, it wouldn't pose a significant issue.

After the warning, Laojiu's concentration improved markedly. The blood continued to be absorbed into his body, swiftly compensating for his earlier losses.

Over time, Laojiu noticed that his wounds had healed. His body grew warm, and his heart rate increased significantly, reminiscent of the effects of the insects he had consumed earlier. He had fully adapted to the strain on his body and found the experience quite exhilarating.

Regrettably, the pleasant sensation was short-lived, lasting less than ten minutes before it was overtaken by a tingling soreness. Laojiu felt as if he were an elderly man in his fifties or sixties suffering from a bout of rheumatism; it was as though countless ants were crawling inside his body, causing unbearable discomfort and leaving him feeling utterly weak and limp.

Shortly thereafter, his body's temperature began to soar, with each wave of heat surpassing the last. It was as if he were being seared on glowing coals. The previous tingling sensation vanished, replaced by waves of pain that emanated from every part of his body.

At first, it felt as though someone was jabbing needles into his body. In less than thirty seconds, the pain escalated exponentially! It was as if his bones were being sawed with jagged teeth, a pain that was not only excruciating but also seemed to reach deep into his bone marrow.


Laojiu couldn't help but release a prolonged howl, reminiscent of an injured wolf crying out in the wilderness, sending shivers down one's spine.

"Hang in there! Your body's transformation is only just beginning. To build a solid foundation, enduring this hardship is necessary. You're receiving my Holy Blood, an opportunity not afforded to just anyone."

Patriarch Lieshan's words almost made one feel on the verge of collapse, with the torment appearing to stretch out endlessly.

"What in the world is this Holy Blood? Are you trying to kill me?"

Laojiu's willpower was exceptionally strong, yet the severe pain had him writhing in agony. He resorted to bickering with Patriarch Lieshan as a distraction.

He noticed that even without consciously reciting the mantra, the blood energy would still flow into his body. It was as if it bore a grudge against him, determined not to cease until it burst him open.

In fact, the creators of the mantra had anticipated such reactions from novices, so this experience was entirely expected.

Patriarch Lieshan didn't scold Laojiu. Instead, he earnestly began to recount the origins of the Holy Blood.

As it turned out, this so-called Holy Blood was the Life Blood Essence of a Saint Becoming Stage Expert. Far from ordinary, even Patriarch Lieshan had only a limited amount in his body.

When he was gravely injured, he concentrated his Life Blood Essence at the site of the wound and used the finest spiritual medicine for treatment, but it was not enough to halt the deterioration. Xuanyuan Huang Monarch devised numerous remedies, yet none could reverse the damage.

As death approached, the Huang Monarch sealed Lieshan's Primordial Spirit within his finger bone and secretly interred his body at the bottom of a lake, intending to revive him when he had the means to heal Lieshan.

But Lieshan lay dormant for millennia, and what transpired afterward remains a mystery. Over time, his body decayed, his Blood Essence dried up, and his slumbering Primordial Spirit weakened with the passage of time.

The vortex that emerged over the South Pole had repercussions across the entire Yanhuang Star, rousing Patriarch Lieshan from his deep slumber. Yet, he was a shadow of his former self.

As the lake water flooded the tomb, the parched Blood Essence slowly began to melt away. This was the culmination of Patriarch Lieshan's two centuries of devoted cultivation, with each strand potent enough to stain vast swathes of water red. The physique of a Saint Becoming Stage Expert was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

As a result, the beasts that drank from this blood grew extraordinarily powerful, and the large fish in the waters became exceptionally fierce—all benefits from Patriarch Lieshan's Holy Blood.

Regrettably, the expanse of Green Sand Lake was immense, and Patriarch Lieshan's Life Blood Essence was nearly depleted. Nevertheless, it was more than sufficient for cleansing Laojiu's body.

The process of infusing the body with Holy Blood was straightforward, but acquiring the Holy Blood was the real challenge. This substance was the fruit of someone's laborious cultivation over many years—why would anyone part with it selflessly? Besides, the quantity of Blood Essence in each individual was finite, making every drop exceedingly valuable.

Laojiu, through a stroke of fortune, was privileged to receive such treatment, a rarity on the contemporary Yanhuang Star.

"Young man, count your blessings. Even I, let alone my master, never had the opportunity to experience the infusion of Life Blood Essence," Patriarch Lieshan remarked.

Laojiu was at a loss for words, in so much pain that speaking was a struggle. His greenish-gray scales had turned a fiery red, and his body was drenched in sweat, exuding a black, foul-smelling liquid from the crevices of his scales.

"With such potent Blood Essence, why do you need to absorb mine? Wouldn't it be easier to cultivate your Primordial Spirit with yours?" Laojiu managed to say, teeth clenched. He felt as if each tooth was loose, as if he could breathe fire with his words.

"It's not the same. My Blood Essence has dried up and lost its original vitality. At this point, it can only serve as an auxiliary medicine. Only fresh blood can truly nourish my Primordial Spirit."

Patriarch Lieshan responded with utmost seriousness, effectively providing Laojiu with a complimentary lesson.

As the Q&A session unfolded, more than three hours slipped by. The intense heat and pain that Laojiu had been experiencing were gradually subsiding. His fractured ribs seemed to have fulfilled their purpose, as the bleeding had ceased. The scales on Laojiu's body were also transforming, becoming faint and shimmering with a subtle glow.

"The results look promising. You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but your body is quite remarkable. Since I've taken you this far, I might as well go the whole nine yards and see you through this time," Patriarch Lieshan remarked.

He had been closely monitoring the changes in Laojiu's body and was very pleased with the outcome. Not everyone who underwent the Holy Blood Body Penetration could achieve such impressive results. If that were the case, creating top-tier experts would be far too easy.

Noticing the favorable results of Laojiu's body refinement, Patriarch Lieshan pondered deeply before deciding to enhance the process with an additional ingredient.

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