Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C6 Ancient Secrets
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Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C6 Ancient Secrets
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C6 Ancient Secrets

"Don't just focus on food. Quickly absorb me into your body, so our communication won't be so exhausting."

With the Ice Dragon Crystal no longer stabilizing his soul, Patriarch Lieshan felt his Primordial Spirit growing weaker. He needed to find a suitable host to prevent his soul from scattering too easily.

"Didn't you say you needed to nourish it with blood for seven days?"

"That was for the old you. Can't you tell how different you are now?"

"Yeah, I really am different. I've returned to looking like a normal person!"

This transformation was the most delightful change for Laojiu. However, he wasn't as aware of his increased strength since there were no clear benchmarks for comparison in his current environment.

While talking, Laojiu managed to slice open his finger, letting only a few drops of blood fall. Instantly, the bone lost its shine and became a plain, unremarkable bone, inferior to even those within the coffin.

"Stop dawdling, boy. I'm already inside your body. If you want to go, you're free to leave."

Patriarch Lieshan's voice echoed more clearly in Laojiu's mind, his tone now lighter and more at ease.

"Is that it? You're leaving just like that? Patriarch, haven't you left behind any treasures or teachings of your cultivation techniques?"

Laojiu had been eagerly anticipating this moment. Now that he had completed his physical refinement, it was time to advance to the next phase of his training. He had pinned all his hopes on Patriarch Lieshan since expecting to gain cultivation techniques from outsiders was utterly unrealistic.

"There's no inheritance, and the cultivation method I practiced isn't suitable for you. There's a Water Repellent Pearl on the ceiling. Take it with you; it will come in handy later."

Patriarch Lieshan's response was disappointingly blunt, leaving Laojiu feeling deflated.

"Patriarch, don't hold out on me. Look at how strong I am now. If I learned your cultivation method, I could carry on your legacy. Don't you want to see your disciple succeed?"

Laojiu shamelessly pressed on, knowing that without a proper cultivation method, even the most successful physical refinement meant nothing. Material possessions were of lesser importance.

"Heh, you wish to become my apprentice? Not a chance! We'll discuss the details of the cultivation methods later. Your future actions will determine everything."

Patriarch Lieshan was in high spirits, his thoughts reaching further than Laojiu's.

"Very well, I'll take your remains outside. They deserve a proper burial, after all."

Laojiu got to work, moved by genuine respect. Regardless of anything else, Patriarch Lieshan deserved his reverence. It was simply improper for his remains to stay here.

"At least you've got some decency in you."

Patriarch Lieshan inwardly approved of Laojiu's actions. He had hesitated to take Laojiu as his disciple, partly to assess his character. No one wants their legacy to be carried on by a scoundrel capable of the worst betrayals.

Laojiu ripped up his scant clothing to fashion makeshift ropes, binding Patriarch Lieshan's bones together. He then propped up the coffin and removed the Water Repellent Pearl from the ceiling.

As for the six Night-Luminescent Pearls, Laojiu had no intention of taking them. Before the calamity, they were invaluable, but now they had lost much of their worth. Taking them would be more trouble than it was worth, likely inviting unwanted complications.

Once he left the tomb, the lake water quickly filled the space. A large bubble formed around Laojiu, keeping the water at bay – the Water Repellent Pearl was truly remarkable.

Emerging from the lake's depths, Laojiu's confidence soared along with his swimming speed. Dahei, the large black fish trailing him, couldn't keep up. Soon, Laojiu reached the shore with Patriarch Lieshan's remains and made his way to the base of Nine-eye Mountain.

Laojiu carefully selected a spot with a clear view and blasted a large hole for the burial. He solemnly laid Patriarch Lieshan's remains to rest and placed a massive stone at the head of the grave. He inscribed it with reverence: "Tomb of Patriarch Lieshan, erected by his junior, Luo Jiu."

Having completed the rites, Laojiu knelt and paid his respects to his forebear with three deep bows and nine heartfelt kowtows.

Since he was paying his respects to the elder, it was akin to seeking a master's guidance.

Throughout the entire ceremony, Patriarch Lieshan remained silent. It was unclear whether he was deep in slumber or lost in thought.

"Ancestor, please make do with this. My calligraphy isn't the best."

Laojiu examined the tombstone he had inscribed. The handwriting left much to be desired, and he was somewhat embarrassed by it.

"Let it be. The intention is what counts, and it's certainly better than being submerged in the lake."

Patriarch Lieshan finally spoke up, sounding somewhat more spirited than before.

"Ancestor, take me on as your disciple. I've achieved Perfect Body Refining. Aren't you satisfied yet?" Laojiu seized the moment to broach the subject of discipleship again, his desire to grow stronger was palpable.

"It's not about perfection. Why do you want to become my disciple? Explain your reasons."

Patriarch Lieshan held firm, intent on further assessing Laojiu's character.

"Becoming your disciple would allow me to practice cultivation techniques and grow stronger." Laojiu was straightforward, with no pretense.

"And what will you do once you've grown stronger?"

"With strength, I can lead a better life and protect my family. If I'm strong enough, I'd like to drive away these detestable invaders and restore Yanhuang Star to its former glory." Laojiu's response was earnest, having given it considerable thought.

"Your ambitions may be modest, but it's clear you're a person of deep loyalty and integrity. You haven't used our shared connection to coerce me. You're an honest kid."

Patriarch Lieshan finally felt reassured and offered Laojiu a resoundingly positive assessment.

"However, let's set aside the idea of you becoming my disciple. As I've said before, my cultivation technique isn't right for you, and I wouldn't want to squander your Perfect Body."

"Are you suggesting there's a better cultivation technique for me to learn?" Laojiu was quick on the uptake. Since Patriarch Lieshan mentioned not wanting to waste his potential, there surely must be a suitable technique for him.

"Indeed! But this particular technique is in the possession of my own master, so I'll need to find it for you."

"Really? The Xuanyuan Monarch has been gone for five thousand years. Where could we possibly find any inheritance? And if it exists, why haven't we, the descendants of the Yanhuang, heard of it?"

Laojiu was deeply disappointed, left speechless by Patriarch Lieshan's words. He had never heard of any legacy of cultivation techniques being preserved, save for a few books on fist techniques and weaponry. It was unclear if they were even from that era.

"Five thousand years, is that really so long? Had I not sustained severe injuries back then, I might still be alive today," Patriarch Lieshan responded nonchalantly.

"Are you serious? You're claiming you could live for five thousand years? Then why didn't the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch live as long? He was your master and possessed a Perfect Body. Surely he should have outlived you!"

Laojiu was astounded, his understanding of the Yanhuang's millennia of history completely upended by Patriarch Lieshan's revelation.

"In theory, my master could have lived for about ten thousand years, even without further advancement. As to why he didn't, I can't say for certain. The circumstances back then were complex, and I'd need to see him to fully grasp many details."

Patriarch Lieshan's tone grew somber, and he lapsed into a lengthy silence, lost in thought.

"See him where? At the Yellow Emperor's Tomb? I'm not even sure if it still exists."

Unable to contain his impatience, Laojiu pressed for an answer.

"It's not a tomb. Let's put that topic aside for now; it's too complicated to explain at the moment. Let me tell you about the old days, so you're not startled by every little thing."

Patriarch Lieshan shifted the conversation away from his master's fate and began recounting the tales of yore to Laojiu.

He spoke for hours on end, and Laojiu listened, utterly captivated. The stories stirred his passion, making him yearn to travel back in time and be part of those monumental events.

As it turned out, over five thousand years ago, Yanhuang Star was a very primitive Life Star, with its indigenous human population leading a barbaric existence, subsisting on raw meat and blood.

The first civilized humans to arrive on Yanhuang Star were from the Lianshan family, led by Shennong Yan Monarch. They came as pioneers to gather resources, with no intention of settling on the planet permanently.

However, all these plans were thrown into disarray with the arrival of the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch. He had unexpectedly come into possession of a very important legacy and was being pursued to this planet.

The main pursuers of the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch were led by Chiyuv, with members of the Lianshan family also involved. Naturally, there were others eager to capitalize on the chaos.

Upon his arrival on this planet, the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch encountered the Shennong Yan Monarch. Mistaking him for an assassin sent by the Lianshan Clan, a fierce battle ensued between them, shattering mountains, reversing rivers, and dimming the sun and moon!

The Yan Monarch was no ordinary figure, his strength just slightly less than that of the Xuanyuan Huang Monarch. Known for his integrity and kindness, the two went from mortal combat to mutual respect. Impressed by the Yan Monarch's character and magnanimity, the Xuanyuan Monarch, upon learning the truth, forged a deep friendship with him.

But peace was short-lived. Soon after, Chiyuv and his forces caught up to them on Yanhuang Star. To his surprise, he found the Shennong Yan Monarch on the planet, and the two had become close allies.

With the aid of Shennong Yan Monarch, the combined forces repelled Chiyuv, sending him fleeing in defeat. However, the disgraced Chiyuv was not ready to concede. He stealthily lay in wait, colluding with Kuiluo, a disciple of the Yan Monarch, planning a surprise attack on the Xuanyuan Huang Monarch.

As Kuiluo was poised to strike, Patriarch Lieshan perceived the danger. Sacrificing himself, he intercepted Kuiluo's lethal blow, saving the life of his lord, the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch.

Enraged, the Dragon Monarch struck down Kuiluo, a fellow at the Saint Becoming Stage, and led a relentless pursuit of Chiyuv and those who sought to stir trouble amidst the turmoil.

The ensuing battles were brutal and unrelenting. After several months, Chiyuv was finally slain by the Dragon Monarch. Only then did the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch return, bearing the scars of battle.

Over the past few months, Patriarch Lieshan had been under the care of the Flame Emperor's people. Despite their efforts, his injuries were severe, and the barren environment of Yanhuang Star made recovery nearly impossible.

The Xuanyuan Monarch was also in dire straits. His pursuit of Chiyuv had left him and his followers, including Lieshan Hongye, gravely wounded. Under such circumstances, it was not feasible for him to leave Yanhuang Star with his followers in tow.

After extensive deliberation, the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch resolved to harness the collective power of the Saints to seal the Space-time Gate leading to Yanhuang Star. Their goal was to prevent any future assailants from pursuing them for at least a few thousand years.

Naturally, with the Space-time Gate sealed, their return would be delayed indefinitely.

Once the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch had completed these tasks, Patriarch Lieshan was barely clinging to life. No elixir or spiritual medicine could bring him back from the brink.

The Dragon Monarch, in his profound grief, sealed Lieshan Hongye's Primordial Spirit within his own finger bone and used the Ice Dragon Crystal to soothe his soul. His hope was that, in time, he would find a suitable body for his esteemed disciple to inhabit and be reborn through Possession.

But Patriarch Lieshan slept for thousands of years, never to see his master again. As for what transpired afterward, that remained unknown to him.

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