Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C7 The Death Star of the Future
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Supreme Dragon Sovereign/C7 The Death Star of the Future
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C7 The Death Star of the Future

"Are you suggesting that the seal has been broken and these people have come in search of the inheritance once claimed by the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch?" Laojiu was slowly piecing together the puzzle. Yet, living on the fringes of society, he was clueless about the actions of those at the top.

Indeed, the tombs of the Yan Monarch and Huang Monarch had been breached in recent years. Whatever treasures they uncovered remained a mystery to the local inhabitants.

"The seal was shattered with brute force, hence the significant impact on our planet. Typically, a seal would reveal a light gate, not a Space-time Swirl. These individuals have expended considerable effort to get here. If not for the Dragon Monarch's legacy, what else could motivate them? The resources of a mere planet are hardly worth such an endeavor," Patriarch Lieshan had a good grasp of the situation and was confident about the visitors' intentions.

"So you're saying, once they've secured the inheritance, they'll just leave?" Laojiu ventured the question, his thoughts bordering on fantasy. He longed for the days when Yanhuang Star was free, as the taste of servitude was bitter. If it were possible, he was ready to hand over the inheritance to these outsiders, if only they would agree to depart.

"Leave? My boy, you're far too innocent. Without the seal being broken, perhaps they wouldn't have come. But now that the gateway is open, the planet's resources and its people have become their private possessions. Why would they leave so easily? Without significant change, this planet is doomed to be their private hunting ground forever!" Patriarch Lieshan ruthlessly crushed Laojiu's fanciful hopes.

"No! I refuse to let these people go unpunished!" Laojiu's roar echoed like that of a wounded animal. He couldn't come to terms with this reality, a tragedy for all the inhabitants of Yanhuang Star.

"Child, be still. You can't change this now. Wait until you've grown stronger," Patriarch Lieshan sympathized with Laojiu's plight. The fate of many colonized worlds was similar, and for those enslaved, life was nothing short of catastrophic.

"Please, help me find the Dragon Monarch's inheritance quickly. I must grow stronger. I refuse to be a conquered slave!"

"The inheritance won't be lost. Aside from my master, I was the only one who knew its location. However, the natural environment has greatly changed. The Origin Energy is depleted, making it seem unsuitable for cultivation now."

As Laojiu ventured outside, Patriarch Lieshan too sensed the changes in the environment, which was starkly different from the ancient times on Yanhuang Star.

"Unsuitable? It was far worse before those people arrived. Most couldn't even lift a hundred kilograms. People became much stronger after the disaster, and even the vegetation grew taller," Laojiu disagreed with Patriarch Lieshan's assessment.

"Are you suggesting that before those people arrived, the planet was utterly unfit for cultivation? What happened? Let me think!"

Patriarch Lieshan was taken aback. He had believed the cultivation conditions on Yanhuang Star were poor, but he hadn't realized they were even more dire than he had perceived!

"There are typically only two scenarios when a planet is completely unsuitable for cultivation: either it naturally lacks Origin Energy, or its Star Core has been taken. If it's the latter, the planet will gradually wither and, within ten thousand years, it will inevitably become a dead star."

After much contemplation, Patriarch Lieshan arrived at a conclusion that Laojiu found unbearable. Although he didn't understand what the Star Core was, or what kind of powerful being could remove a planet's Star Core, he realized that Yanhuang Star might have lost its most crucial element.

"What's the purpose of the Star Core? Can it be retrieved and restored?"

"The Star Core is immensely valuable! Each Life Star's Star Core is a vast reservoir of energy, capable of powering a super metropolis for hundreds of thousands of years. Since this planet's Star Core has been taken, the chances of retrieving it are slim, unless you possess the strength to seize a new Star Core and replace it. Only then can the planet be rejuvenated."

Patriarch Lieshan's revelation left Laojiu reeling for quite some time. He understood that the Star Core was in the possession of powerful forces, and it was certainly not something that could be easily reclaimed.

"What do we do now? Can I still continue my cultivation?" Laojiu inquired with concern.

"You should be fine cultivating on your own. The Master likely left behind some resources for training, so you won't be completely unprepared. The Space-time Gate was opened by force, releasing the sealed Origin Energy from the ancient experts. This planet's current state should remain stable for about thirty to fifty years. After that, it will revert to its original condition."

"To change this, you'll need to become a powerful Saint Becoming Stage Expert at the very least. Only then might you have a chance to seize the Star Core and rejuvenate this planet."

Patriarch Lieshan didn't entirely extinguish Laojiu's hopes. He believed that someone willing to shoulder such immense responsibility could be greatly motivated. But he left out that even Saint Becoming Stage Experts might only have a chance at obtaining the Star Core, not a guarantee.

"How long would it take to advance from Body Refining to the Saint Becoming Level?" Laojiu pressed, feeling the weight of the challenge.

"The quickest? I recall some reaching sainthood in a hundred years, and those were exceptional prodigies, especially on planets rich with Origin Energy. But with the current state of Yanhuang Star, it's impossible to reach the Saint Becoming Level. It's already a miracle for those who succeed in their cultivation to live past a thousand years."

Patriarch Lieshan spoke frankly, though his words were disheartening.

"But didn't you mention that Xuanyuan Monarch left some resources?" Laojiu persisted, not ready to concede.

"Resources can at best provide a solid foundation. To think you could become a saint with just that is wishful thinking," Patriarch Lieshan stated bluntly.

"So what am I supposed to do? This seems impossible. I'm just a novice who doesn't even know the first thing about cultivating."

"Don't worry about it too much right now. Take care of your immediate concerns, and then we'll seek out the inheritance. Securing the Master's legacy is your only chance to achieve your goals."

Seeing Laojiu's spirits falter, Patriarch Lieshan refrained from further discouraging him.

"Alright, I'm fine, but I need to ensure my parents' well-being and safety first," Laojiu emphasized, his greatest concern being his parents. He was aware that once he departed, it might be some time before he could return to see them.

Having come to terms with many unbelievable issues, Laojiu no longer harbored unrealistic ambitions. He realized that his only goal was to transform his current circumstances and grow stronger.

During the journey from Nine-eye Mountain to his hometown, the elder and the youth discussed a multitude of topics. They covered everything from ancient mysteries to the recent state of affairs on Yanhuang Star, including shifts in power throughout the dynasties and some seemingly far-fetched legends. Laojiu shared all he knew with Patriarch Lieshan.

Luo Liguo and his wife were overjoyed at their son's return. Yang Shumei was particularly elated, barely able to believe that her son was the same 'beast' who had rescued her earlier that day. Laojiu was transparent with his parents, recounting his experiences in full detail, though he omitted the involvement of Patriarch Lieshan.

He attributed his miraculous recovery to drinking water from Blood Lake. The family's tears and laughter intermingled in a deeply moving scene.

When Laojiu announced his intention to leave, his mother vehemently opposed the idea. However, after a long silence, Luo Liguo showed his support. He recognized that his son had undergone a profound transformation. If he was an eagle, he should be allowed to soar in the sky; keeping him confined to the courtyard would only ensure he remained a chicken.

Upon seeing her son's resolve, Mother Yang ultimately consented to his decision. She had faith that her son would indeed become a successful young man.

However, figuring out how to settle his parents proved to be a challenge for Laojiu. With no prior experience and no place of absolute safety in these tumultuous times, he was at a loss. Thankfully, his parents were in good health, which provided him with some peace of mind.

Eventually, Luo Liguo came up with a solution. He had recently discovered a hidden bomb shelter, but it was secured with a thick iron door that he couldn't open.

For Laojiu, this minor obstacle was easily overcome. With a single-handed twist, he snapped the hefty iron lock and even took care of some mutated creatures lurking in the vicinity.

Witnessing his son's abilities firsthand, Lao Luo was utterly astounded. He had never even imagined his son could become so strong. This revelation only strengthened his support for his son's ventures into the world.

Upon opening the iron door, Laojiu was thrilled to discover a substantial amount of food still stored in the cave—enough to sustain his parents for many years! Although some of the food stored below was slightly moldy, in these times, no one would turn their nose up at it. Having food at all was a blessing.

After relocating his parents, Laojiu resealed the large iron door and camouflaged it well. He then created a smaller, more accessible door on the side for easy entry and exit. With these precautions in place, he finally felt a sense of relief.

The following morning, Laojiu bid a heartfelt farewell to his parents and embarked on his life's journey.

"Patriarch, where are we headed now?" he asked.

"To Kunlun Mountain, where my master's secret retreat is located. I'm not sure if the old dragon is still there, but I hope he's alive," Patriarch Lieshan revealed their destination.

"A dragon? Are you serious? Do dragons really exist in this world?"

Laojiu was taken aback once more. Patriarch Lieshan had shared so much with him the day before, yet he had never mentioned dragons.

"Don't be so shocked! Our master is known as the Dragon Monarch for a reason. He tamed a young dragon in his early years. By now, that creature must be several thousand years old, a venerable old dragon indeed."

"So that's why we're called the descendants of dragons, with all those dragon totems. It all makes sense now," Laojiu said, as the truth dawned on him. The legends were real.

Laojiu's hometown was situated on the Qingzang Plateau, at the edge of the Kunlun Mountains, making the journey to Kunlun Mountain not particularly challenging. However, with the landscape having undergone significant changes over five thousand years, locating the Xuanyuan Dragon Monarch's cave dwelling based solely on Patriarch Lieshan's memory was no easy task.

If it had been simple to find, those powerful beings capable of soaring through the skies and vanishing into thin air would have discovered it long ago, leaving no opportunity for Laojiu to seek it out.

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