Supreme Emperor/C34 Natural evildoer
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Supreme Emperor/C34 Natural evildoer
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C34 Natural evildoer

"Huff … Huff …"

In the middle of the air, ice swords danced about, whistling like dragons.

The nature of the Imperial Sword Technique was the communication between people and the sword.

"An eye-opener, what an eye-opener …"

The crowd below was in an uproar.

"This Meng Yunhan really hides his cards well, luckily Qin Feng forced his trump card out."

Lei Yiming took a deep breath, feeling shocked.

If he did not know about it, Lei Yiming would not be able to dodge this move.

On the other side.

Jiang Mofeng also frowned, although he did not have much expression on his face, his heart was also in turmoil.

Within the outer sect grounds, the Imperial Sword Technique was simply an extravagant hope. Even the outer double male would not be able to control the sword and kill the enemy.

"Haha, like I said, Meng Yunhan is not someone that Lu Fan can compare to. If Qin Feng meets him, the only thing left is death."

Li Xingyao was extremely excited, and continued to laugh.

"If we can't dodge, then let's fight head on."

High up in the sky, Qin Feng's eyes turned cold, and his internal respiration began to surge violently.

"mixed vital energy, Five Elements Transformation."

Qin Feng growled, all the pores on his body opened, and his internal respiration surged out like flames.

At this moment, all the power in his body had been converted into fire element. His entire body turned into a huge fireball, burning fiercely.

From afar, it was as if there was an extra sun in the sky, making everyone speechless.

When the ice sword hit the fireball, it instantly melted.


After the ice sword melted, water vapor rose and turned into a giant mushroom cloud.


This scene caused the crowd below to be in an uproar.

Just what kind of terrifying high temperature was needed to melt these ice swords in an instant?

It was simply impossible for an ordinary person's internal respiration to achieve this. Even if it was an inner sect disciple who had cultivated a true qi, there was no guarantee that it would be possible.

Qin Feng used the mixed vital energy, fusing and transforming all sorts of powers in his body, thus forming a strong power of true fire.

Without the mixed vital energy, he would not be able to do this.

"If I'm not seeing things, this should be the mixed vital energy, right?"

"But this Cultivation Method requires a lot of comprehension. Even inner disciples are unable to learn it, but this kid actually managed to learn it?"

A few Deacons s were shocked.

"As far as I know, within a hundred years, no one has managed to cultivate the mixed vital energy, right?"

"This is a big discovery, I want to report it to the Head Elder."

Someone suggested a suggestion, and the rest of the Deacons s nodded their heads in agreement.

Since this was only a preliminary competition, all the Head Elder s in the inner sect were not present. Only until the finals would they appear.

However, such a valuable discovery had to be reported.

Just as everyone was in shock, Qin Feng had already returned to the Battlestage.

Meng Yunhan had a face of disbelief, staring straight at Qin Feng, "Why is it like this? Just what kind of Cultivation Method did you cultivate? "

His "Icebreak Slash" combined with the Imperial Sword Technique, he had thought that he could smoothly defeat Qin Feng, but he did not expect that it would be easily resolved by Qin Feng.

"You did not manage to injure me during that sword strike. This is your miscalculation." You will have no chance in this battle. "

Qin Feng laughed, with a confident look on his face.

《 Thirteen Navy Tide Swords》 was a swordsmanship that consumed an extremely large amount of internal respiration. In order to achieve the required killing effect, Meng Yunhan's previous strike had already consumed more than half of his internal respiration.

Qin Feng's endurance far surpassed his opponent's, so he could still continue to fight, but it would be very difficult for his opponent to unleash any more powerful attacks.

"Since we have already been exposed, we might as well expose ourselves thoroughly."

Qin Feng said to himself.

At the same time, his internal respiration erupted, and the power of the five elements continuously transformed. The power of True Fire fused into the Flame Astral Fist, causing this ordinary boxing to be filled with power.

Bang! Bang!

boxing was unleashed, and one after another, fiery fist shadows rumbled towards Meng Yunhan.

"So powerful …"

Meng Yunhan was shocked, he immediately used his sword to block.

Boom! *

Sparks flew in all directions in midair as his long sword was sent flying by the strong shock wave.

The Hidden Dragon Step, Flame Astral Fist, and the three great Cultivation Method combined to form an extremely ferocious attack.

When Meng Yunhan's long sword left his hands, it immediately fell into a predicament. It was beaten until it was forced to retreat step by step by Qin Feng.

Seeing this scene, the disciples outside cried out in alarm.

No one could have thought that Meng Yunhan, a rising star of the genius, would actually be beaten into such a sorry state by Qin Feng.

Li Xingyao was also dumbstruck, the words he said before were still in his ears, but now it sounded like he was slapping himself.

"You've lost."

After 50 moves, Meng Yunhan was forced out of the stage.

He had already exhausted all of his energy to lie on the ground, gasping for air. His eyes were filled with shock and unwillingness.

A genius who everyone thought could challenge the outer double male had actually lost so miserably.

The strength that Qin Feng had displayed had already far surpassed everyone's imagination.

"This kid is really a monster!"

The few great Deacons s also revealed shocked expressions.

"If we didn't see it with our own eyes, it would be really hard to imagine this guy's control over internal respiration, distribution of physical strength, and tactics … "Everything is impeccable."

Lei Yiming's brows tightly knitted, as he felt an unprecedented pressure.

He originally came to observe Meng Yunhan, but didn't expect that he would be shocked by Qin Feng's stunning performance.

"Is this kid really only in his teens?"

Jiang Mofeng was also shocked.

From his observation, Qin Feng was more suited to be an old monster who had cultivated for thousands of years.

If he hadn't been through so many battles, where would he have gotten such terrifying control?

Amongst the crowd, Jiang Mofeng swept his gaze across and glanced at Lei Yiming. Coincidentally, Lei Yiming also turned his head over and their gazes met.

The two of them had grave expressions on their faces as they laughed bitterly to themselves.

It seemed like everyone had the same conclusion, that Qin Feng was the most difficult opponent to deal with.

"Fifth round, first match, Qin Feng wins."

Following the announcement of the results, the battle for the top spot of the seventh group came to an end.

"Qin Feng, five matches and five victories, ranked first, lock onto the top position of the group ahead of time, and advance to the final battle stage …"

This result exceeded the expectations of many.

After all, no one had expected Qin Feng to snatch a ticket for the finals under the pincer attack of Lu Fan and Meng Yunhan.

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