Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C11 Pointing at Chen Guangyun
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C11 Pointing at Chen Guangyun
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C11 Pointing at Chen Guangyun

Guo Hao was at the height of his youthful vigor, and he couldn't stand being slighted in such a manner.

"It's an absolute farce! Am I, Guo Hao, not worthy of your attention? Hahaha, are you a Transforming Strength expert or a Martial Dao Grandmaster?"

"Neither," Chu Xuan answered with composure.

Guo Hao scoffed, "Oh, so you've reached the pinnacle of Inner Strength?"

"That's not the case either," Chu Xuan responded.

Guo Hao burst into a mocking laugh, "Neither this nor that, so where do you get the audacity to make such bold claims? Are you just all talk? Hmm?"

The warriors in the nearby VIP rooms were utterly baffled.

Damn, who is this clueless guy in VIP room No. 9? Does he have a screw loose?

Why on earth did Miss Xiao bring someone who's all bark and no bite?

Xiao Tianhai's brow furrowed deeply as he pondered, "What sort of friends is Qianxue making? This is unacceptable!"

Elder Hu, who had accompanied Guo Hao, had initially intended to intervene, but upon witnessing the unfolding events, he felt some displeasure and decided to let Guo Hao proceed. After all, with his presence, he was confident that no serious trouble would arise. And if any issues did occur, a simple conversation with Xiao Tianhai would suffice.

Judging by the individual's behavior and reactions, Guo Hao was now utterly convinced that the person in VIP room No. 9 was nothing more than a blowhard.

"You claim to be so formidable. If you're brave enough, come down and face me in combat. If you defeat me, I'll acknowledge you; if not, then get lost."

Xiao Qianxue was taken aback by his words and quickly leaned forward to caution him, "Guo Hao, I urge you to watch what you say."

Offending Chu Xuan could have dire consequences. After all, he was a powerhouse capable of catching a Transcontinental Ballistic Missile with his bare hands. A single outburst from him could reduce this place to rubble!

Unperturbed, Guo Hao retorted, "Miss Xiao, there's no need to defend him. I simply want to test his skills. What's so difficult about that? Your reluctance suggests you're afraid to face me, doesn't it?"

Inside the VIP room, Xiao Qianxue watched Chu Xuan with a look of concern, "Mr. Chu, these people are unaware of your stature, so..."

Chu Xuan chuckled, "Why the nerves? I'm not the kind of devil who kills without a second thought."

Xiao Qianxue let out a silent sigh of relief at the sight of Chu Xuan's reassuring smile.

"Why the silence? Have you gone mute?" Guo Hao blurted out impatiently, receiving no response from Chu Xuan.

"I've made myself clear; you're not worthy of my effort," Chu Xuan replied calmly.

Guo Hao was fuming, his frustration boiling over. "Keep on pretending, keep it up! You're nothing but a blowhard, a waste of space! You don't even measure up to one of my fingers, Guo Hao!"

The crowd was at a loss for words. Guo Hao was spot on; this guy seemed to be all talk and no action, too scared to engage in a real battle.

"If you're so keen on a confrontation, I'm not entirely opposed," Chu Xuan declared.

Xiao Qianxue's brow furrowed. Was Chu Xuan about to take action?

The onlookers were taken aback. Could this man actually be a hidden expert, simply too modest to show it?

"As long as you have the guts to step up, I'm ready," Guo Hao retorted coldly.

Chu Xuan reiterated, "As I said, you lack the qualifications to provoke me into action."

Guo Hao was on the verge of losing it. "What are you trying to say? Playing games with me?"

"I mean to find someone to stand in for me," Chu Xuan explained.

The crowd was baffled. What did he mean by having someone else step in?

Guo Hao paused for a moment before scoffing, "You're not thinking of having Miss Xiao step in, are you? With her peak Inner Strength, I stand no chance. And even if Miss Xiao defeats me, it wouldn't reflect on you in the slightest."

"So after all this, you're still too scared to face me head-on."

Even Xiao Qianxue was puzzled by Chu Xuan's intentions.

Chu Xuan maintained his composed tone, "The person I'm choosing to stand in is not Miss Xiao. I have someone else in mind."

Guo Hao's patience was wearing thin, feeling that conversing with this man was a total waste of time. "Who cares who it is? It's all the same, isn't it?"

Chu Xuan chuckled, "Of course, there's a difference."

Guo Hao's fists were clenched tight, ready to storm into VIP Room No. 9 and give that guy a thrashing. "What's different?"

"The person I've chosen," Chu Xuan replied.

Guo Hao tensed, poised to leap. "Who?"

"Chen Guangyun," said Chu Xuan.


Guo Hao froze, as if turned to stone.

The crowd was equally stunned.

They all wondered if they had misheard.

Chen Guangyun? Wasn't he the one defeated by Hee Qinghao right at the start?

What sort of joke was this? If Chen Guangyun couldn't even beat Hee Qinghao, how could he possibly stand a chance against Guo Hao?

If their memory served them right, Hee Qinghao, who had beaten Chen Guangyun, was swiftly defeated by Guo Hao in a single move.

"This guy must be out of his mind!"

"Chen Guangyun might have some skill, but he's not fit to even carry Fourth Young Master Guo's shoes!"

Chen Guangyun hadn't left; he was baffled himself.

What was happening?

Why was he being dragged into this?

He certainly didn't dare to face Guo Hao.

At that moment, Xiao Tianhai was utterly convinced that the person in VIP Room No. 9 was an idiot.

He quickly summoned a subordinate, "Go, tell Qianxue to escort him out. We can't have him disrupting the meeting's proper flow."

"Don't!" Xiao Qianxue suddenly appeared at the VIP room's entrance.

"Uncle Tianhai, please don't act hastily!"

Xiao Tianhai was puzzled, "What do you mean? I don't quite follow."

"I can't explain much right now, just watch. But please, don't interfere, remember that," Xiao Qianxue urged before quickly departing.

She needed to go and fetch Chen Guangyun for Chu Xuan.

Xiao Tianhai was deep in thought, unable to make sense of the situation.

Yet, he always had faith in his niece.

If she insisted, he would stand back for the time being.

"I originally thought you were crazy, but now it's clear you're just foolish," Guo Hao shook his head, summarizing the situation.

Chu Xuan's voice continued to emanate from VIP Room Nine, "I'll give him a few tips, then have him spar with you."

It was getting more absurd by the moment! Was he still trying to keep up appearances? Everyone was dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

Who the hell do you think you are? Not even if a deity descended could you make Chen Guangyun defeat Guo Hao.

It was clearly a desperate attempt to save face. Was he looking for an easy way out?

When his true colors showed, he would still be the laughingstock.

If you don't have the skills, don't try to show off. It's just ridiculous.

"Sure, go ahead and give your pointers. I'll be right here waiting for him to come out and beat me, hahaha..." Guo Hao's rage had dissipated into amusement. What a bizarre character this was.

The crowd couldn't help but revel in the anticipation of this showoff's downfall.

Meanwhile, Xiao Qianxue had already 'escorted' Chen Guangyun to VIP Room Nine.

"No, please, I can't beat Fourth Young Master Guo. Let me leave..."

Chen Guangyun was utterly frantic.

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