Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C12 Profound Dragon Hand!
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C12 Profound Dragon Hand!
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C12 Profound Dragon Hand!

Xiao Qianxue chuckled lightly and reassured, "Are you worried about offending the Guo family? Relax, with me here, they won't dare to give you any trouble, no matter what."

Chen Guangyun felt somewhat reassured, yet he remained uneasy. He covertly observed Chu Xuan, and despite being taken aback by his youth, he inwardly scoffed at his previous remarks.

"But honestly, I'm no match for Fourth Young Master Guo. I could handle the embarrassment of losing on my own, but I wouldn't want to bring shame upon this gentleman..."

Xiao Qianxue's eyes settled on Chu Xuan, who appeared as serene as a still pond, exuding a sense of confidence. Was he certain of his plan?

Frankly speaking, Chen Guangyun's abilities were as feeble as a chick compared to Guo Hao, who had already attained Inner Strength. He was at Guo Hao's mercy.

Could Chu Xuan's advice really make Chen Guangyun a match for Guo Hao?

You're undoubtedly impressive, but can a few tips really transfer such prowess to someone else?

Xiao Qianxue was skeptical, yet Chu Xuan's self-assurance sparked a glimmer of anticipation in her.

"Do you believe I can make you win against him?" Chu Xuan asked calmly, his gaze fixed on Chen Guangyun.

"I don't believe it," Chen Guangyun replied bluntly, shaking his head.

Chu Xuan stated, "The gap between you and him isn't vast. I'll teach you the Profound Dragon Hand technique, which will enable you to triumph over him."

The Profound Dragon Hand, a formidable set of eighteen moves, was created by Chu Xuan for the most novice disciples at the Qi Refining Stage after he founded the renowned Great Dao Heaven Sect in the Immortal Realm. Its power was boundless, and when fully mastered, even an ordinary Qi Refining Stage cultivator could defeat a Foundation Stage adversary with it.

Chen Guangyun was astounded, sensing genuine intent in Chu Xuan's voice.

Could this Profound Dragon Hand truly enable him to defeat Guo Hao?

How could that be possible?

Chu Xuan pondered, "We're short on time, so let's make this a crash course."

Despite the Profound Dragon Hand being designed for those at the Qi Refining Stage, mastering even a single move was far from simple.

Chu Xuan didn't have time to wait for Chen Guangyun to practice. He chose the most direct approach, transferring the essence of the Profound Dragon Hand technique straight into Chen Guangyun's mind, granting him instant mastery. To others, this might seem like fantasy, but for Chu Xuan, it was a simple task.

Xiao Qianxue witnessed a baffling scene. Chu Xuan placed his hand on Chen Guangyun's forehead, and the latter froze as if under a spell. Roughly five seconds later, Chu Xuan withdrew his hand. When Chen Guangyun regained his composure, he was astounded to discover new knowledge in his mind.

"The first move of the Profound Dragon Hand, Dragon Soaring Slash? Hiss... Truly remarkable."

"That's enough. Go down and win," Chu Xuan said, turning away and closing his eyes, as if the outcome was already clear to him.

Confused, Xiao Qianxue asked, "Mr. Chu, weren't you supposed to impart the Profound Dragon Hand to him?" Hadn't they just begun?

"It's done," replied Chu Xuan.

Xiao Qianxue was perplexed, "???"

Chen Guangyun marveled at the infinite subtleties of the Profound Dragon Hand, overwhelmed by the revelation. He now realized that the young man known as Mr. Chu was indeed an extraordinary sage. How else could one explain such a miraculous transfer of knowledge directly into the mind?

Chen Guangyun's attitude underwent a complete transformation. With utmost respect, he said, "Thank you, Mr. Chu, for your guidance. I shall now go and engage him. Regardless of the outcome, I will give it my all." He bowed deeply to Chu Xuan and then leaped out of the window of VIP room number nine.

"Mr. Chu, you're sending him to his doom. He clearly hasn't learned anything!" Xiao Qianxue was frantic, unable to grasp what Chu Xuan had done. Chen Guangyun had been summoned only minutes ago, and after a brief exchange, nothing seemed to have happened. Where was the promised instruction?

"He has learned the Profound Dragon Hand," Chu Xuan stated.

"That's impossible," Xiao Qianxue said in disbelief.

Chu Xuan simply shrugged and replied, "Just watch."

On the platform, Guo Hao stared at Chen Guangyun in astonishment. Could it be that this guy actually had the guts to challenge him? Was he out of his mind?

The crowd was in disarray!

Just moments ago, Chen Guangyun had been reluctantly coaxed by Miss Xiao to take the stage, clearly against his will. Yet now, he was eagerly stepping forward to confront Guo Hao. Could Miss Xiao have threatened him?

But what was the point if he couldn't defeat Guo Hao?

"Mr. Chu has imparted to me a special move. Fourth Young Master Guo, I would be honored to learn from you," Chen Guangyun said, bowing his fist in Guo Hao's direction.

"Haha, hahaha, he taught you a special move? That's hilarious!" Guo Hao laughed so hard he was nearly in tears. He looked up at the ninth VIP room and mocked, "So, this is the 'guidance' you boasted about? Just a quick stroll on the stage and that's it? You're truly impressive, hahaha..."

The onlookers shook their heads and sighed. It seemed the young man in the ninth VIP room, Chu Xuan, was ready to throw in the towel.

Today was shaping up to be a spectacular flop!

Elder Hu, initially curious when he heard Chu Xuan mention he would offer some pointers to Chen Guangyun, now felt nothing but disdain.

He despised those who tried to appear more important than they were.

"This is absurd, pure and simple. Where did this kid come from? He's clearly just here to cause trouble," grumbled Xiao Tianhai from the neighboring VIP room. A perfectly good Martial Dao Exchange Conference was being turned into a farce.

He resolved to have Chu Xuan removed from the ninth VIP room later on.

As for Xiao Qianxue's comments, he dismissed them outright.

"Fourth Young Master Guo, if you please," Chen Guangyun said, tuning out the surrounding noise. His gaze was fixed solely on Guo Hao, his heart pounding with uncontainable excitement. He had grasped the essence of the Profound Dragon Hand; all he needed now was an opportunity to prove its effectiveness.

Could he truly overcome Guo Hao as Chu Xuan had suggested?

"Don't say I didn't give you a fair chance. I'll let you have the first three moves," Guo Hao said contemptuously, eyeing Chen Guangyun with a sidelong glance.

Hee Qinghao didn't stand a chance against him, and Chen Guangyun was even less of a threat—certain to be defeated in mere seconds!

The crowd was baffled by Chen Guangyun's earnest demeanor. Had he been paid off? His performance was almost too convincing, stubbornly pretending even though he was clearly outmatched.

"Fourth Young Master Guo, watch out!" Chen Guangyun bellowed, lunging forward like a ferocious tiger.

"You're seeking your own demise," Guo Hao said with a sneer, his speed astonishing as he effortlessly widened the gap between himself and Chen Guangyun.

Then, in a burst of speed, Chen Guangyun tapped into his body's full potential, pushing himself to the extreme.

"Dragon Soaring Slash!" Chen Guangyun's arms formed a cross above his head, resembling a mighty dragon soaring into the sky, before he ferociously brought them down in a powerful slash!

"What?" Guo Hao's face paled as he saw the looming shadow overhead, desperately trying to evade.

But Chen Guangyun's attack was unexpectedly swift, striking with the force of thunder and lightning.

"What does speed matter if you're just a minor Outer Strength Martial Cultivator? You think you can hurt me?" Guo Hao, realizing he couldn't escape, braced himself to withstand the blow.

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