Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C13 F Ck How Is This Possible?
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C13 F Ck How Is This Possible?
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C13 F Ck How Is This Possible?


Chen Guangyun's arms, crossed in an X-shape and carrying a heavy and ferocious momentum, slammed down hard onto Guo Hao's right shoulder.

He could have aimed for Guo Hao's head, but at the last second, he shifted slightly to the side, mindful of the other's status.

A sickening crack echoed as the shoulder bone shattered. Guo Hao's right shoulder caved in, rendering half of his body numb.

"Ah..." Guo Hao let out a pained scream, his face turning ghostly pale as he collapsed onto the arena floor, utterly devoid of any remaining fight.

With his strike landing true, Chen Guangyun refrained from further attacks. The outcome was crystal clear—the victor was decided!

He was filled with a mix of shock and elation. The Profound Dragon Hand technique, imparted by Chu Xuan, had incredibly enabled him to defeat Guo Hao, who was several levels above him.

The turn of events was jaw-dropping!

The crowd was in total disbelief!

Guo Hao had been defeated, and by a single move, no less.

He had fallen to Chen Guangyun in just one move.

How could this be?

Wasn't Chen Guangyun considered a weakling?

Even Hee Qinghao couldn't defeat him, so how on earth did Guo Hao lose?

Was Chen Guangyun concealing his true power all along?

But that made no sense!

Fourth Young Master Guo, a master of Inner Strength, losing to Chen Guangyun, an Outer Strength Martial Cultivator? It was as improbable as an adult losing a fight to a child.

There seemed to be only one plausible explanation for this upset.

Chen Guangyun had defeated Guo Hao with guidance from the enigmatic young man in VIP room number nine!

It was almost too fantastical to believe!

Wasn't that guy just a boastful poser?

Could he actually be that formidable?

A few casual tips to Chen Guangyun, and he managed to best Guo Hao?

What kind of otherworldly skill was this?

The inner turmoil of the onlookers was akin to experiencing an earthquake and a tsunami simultaneously.

Inside VIP room number nine, Xiao Qianxue stared at Chu Xuan, her eyes brimming with indescribable astonishment.

After a long pause, she finally managed to ask incredulously, "Mr. Chu, how... How did you do it?"

She had been observing the entire encounter between Chu Xuan and Chen Guangyun, yet she couldn't fathom how Chu Xuan had managed to accomplish the guidance he had spoken of.

Confronted with Xiao Qianxue's skepticism, Chu Xuan merely smiled, offering no explanation.

Next door, Xiao Tianhai was too agitated to remain seated. His heart was in upheaval, filled with astonishment. "My goodness, this is a true master of martial arts! No wonder Qianxue spoke so highly of him. I, Xiao Tianhai, have lived a good part of my life, yet today I almost missed what was right before my eyes! I must befriend such an eminent figure."

He left the private room in a flurry of urgency.

Meanwhile, Elder Hu in another private room was still struggling to grasp the situation.

Guo Hao was his disciple, and he knew Guo Hao's capabilities better than anyone.

He could easily assess Chen Guangyun's level of skill; indeed, even ten Chen Guangyuns might not match up to Guo Hao.

These were the logical assumptions.

Yet, reality had dealt Elder Hu a severe blow.

His esteemed disciple, Guo Hao, had been defeated by Chen Guangyun, whom he deemed unworthy.

Elder Hu was having a difficult time coming to terms with this reality.

It was a near complete reversal of everything he believed!

Everyone was so stunned that they overlooked Guo Hao's cries of pain on the stage.

Elder Hu was the first to snap out of it, rushing down in a frenzy to assess Guo Hao's injuries, his aged face darkening with concern.

Chen Guangyun, feeling somewhat uneasy, glanced towards private room number nine.

Since Miss Xiao had promised to protect him, surely everything would be alright?

The medical team arrived promptly, placing Guo Hao on a stretcher.

Elder Hu cast a look towards private room number one, where Xiao Tianhai was. Seeing no sign of him, frustration welled up inside him. He shot Chen Guangyun a fierce glare before storming off.

The others seemed indifferent to Guo Hao's plight; their curiosity was piqued by the enigmatic Mr. Chu in private room number nine, eager to uncover his identity.

No longer did anyone underestimate the young man who had initially come across as presumptuous.

It was clear now that his confidence was rooted in genuine ability.

With just a few pointers, he managed to significantly enhance Chen Guangyun's abilities, allowing him to defeat Guo Hao, who was the stronger opponent. Such skill suggests that he's at least a Martial Dao Grandmaster, right?

In the Martial Cultivator Realm of Huaxia, a Martial Dao Grandmaster is a figure at the pinnacle of achievement.

Yet the voice of Mr. Chu from the ninth VIP room sounded incredibly young, no more than in his twenties!

A Martial Dao Grandmaster in his twenties is unheard of across all of Huaxia!

Even the renowned hero War God Xiao only reached the Grandmaster Stage at the age of thirty!

It's a mystery how the Xiao family managed to find such a prodigy for Miss Xiao to personally attend to. Clearly, Mr. Chu holds a very high status!

The other forces from the Martial Cultivator Realm in the nearby cities became restless.

They all recognized the significance of Mr. Chu.

Just imagine, if a few casual tips from him could greatly empower Chen Guangyun, what could his guidance do for them? They'd soar to new heights!

To not seize the opportunity to ingratiate themselves with him would be foolish in the extreme.

Consequently, a throng of esteemed individuals from the Martial Cultivator Realm made a beeline for the ninth VIP room.

Chen Guangyun, bewildered, stood in the arena. Perhaps the intense scrutiny was too much for him, or maybe he feared retribution from the Guo family, but he hastily retreated from the stage and made a swift exit.

Several wealthy onlookers had considered bidding for his services as a bodyguard, but the threat of the Guo family left them all too intimidated to speak up.

At the entrance to the ninth VIP room on the second floor, Xiao Tianhai faced the crowd of Martial Cultivators with a helpless smile. "Alas, Mr. Chu has already departed. It's truly unfortunate that we won't have the chance to meet him."

"What? He's gone already?"

"Can't be. I was hoping to meet him in person."

"It's such a shame. A young Martial Dao Grandmaster with a limitless future ahead of him."

The crowd collectively sighed.

"Brother Xiao, wasn't Mr. Chu invited by your family? How come you seem not to know him?" someone suddenly inquired.

Xiao Tianhai shook his head, "I'm afraid I don't know him. Mr. Chu is a friend brought by my niece, Qianxue."

The crowd was visibly disappointed and left with reluctance.

With a sly grin, Xiao Tianhai turned and entered VIP Room No. 9.

"Mr. Chu, I've taken care of sending them off."

Chu Xuan gave a slight nod, "Thank you. If there's nothing else, I should be going."

"Mr. Chu, we've hit it off like old friends. Why not stay for a simple meal and a couple of drinks?" Xiao Tianhai was really putting himself out there, unmatched in his boldness.

"Uncle!" Xiao Qianxue gave him a reproachful look, "Mr. Chu has other matters to attend to."

"Oh, right, of course. Some other time then." Realizing he may have overstepped with his enthusiasm, Xiao Tianhai reluctantly shelved the idea.

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