Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C14 Give Me a Hundred Thousand 1500 Year Old Ginseng
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C14 Give Me a Hundred Thousand 1500 Year Old Ginseng
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C14 Give Me a Hundred Thousand 1500 Year Old Ginseng

Before departing, Xiao Tianhai discreetly took Xiao Qianxue aside and asked in a low voice, "Qianxue, be honest with your uncle, who exactly is this Mr. Chu?"

"He's a big shot!" Xiao Qianxue's response was deliberately vague, as she had promised Chu Xuan not to disclose his real background.

Even with her own relatives, she was determined to keep Chu Xuan's secret.

"What kind of big shot? Be more specific," Xiao Tianhai pressed.

Finding herself at a loss for words, Xiao Qianxue deflected, "You should ask Dad."

"Big brother?" Xiao Tianhai was taken aback. Could it be that Chu Xuan was brought in by Xiao Tianche?

"I've got to go." With that, Xiao Qianxue strode away, quickly putting distance between them.

"This girl, always playing coy..." Xiao Tianhai muttered, exasperated.

"Mr. Chu... he's so young, yet so gifted. I wonder which Ancient Sect he hails from. Could he be from one of the Four Great Ancient Sects?"

"It's incredible that someone so young possesses the air of a grandmaster."

"Chen Guangyun? How on earth did he manage to win?"

Xiao Tianhai wasted no time in summoning an underling, instructing, "Find Chen Guangyun for me; I have questions for him."

"Yes, Mr. Xiao!" the subordinate replied, promptly setting off to carry out the order.

Meanwhile, Chu Xuan had already left the Martial Dao Exchange Conference estate with Xiao Qianxue and was on their way back.

As she drove, Xiao Qianxue couldn't stop grilling Chu Xuan on how he had advised Chen Guangyun.

Her curiosity was piqued; she was dying to know.

"I directly transmitted the core details of the technique into his mind," Chu Xuan explained.

Xiao Qianxue was initially skeptical. Transmitting information into someone's mind as if it were an email?

But recalling the myriad of inexplicable events surrounding Chu Xuan, she began to waver.

It seemed almost impossible not to believe...

Especially since he had caught a Transcontinental Ballistic Missile barehanded and claimed to have stored it in his ring.

It was straight out of a fantasy novel!

Before long, Xiao Qianxue dropped Chu Xuan off at the base of his apartment building.

Chu Xuan opened the car door and stepped out.

At today's Martial Dao Exchange Conference, Chu Xuan was finally able to grasp the current state of affairs within the Martial Dao Realm.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, Xiao Qianxue's palms were damp with sweat. Gathering her courage, she ventured, "Could you call me Qianxue?"

"Of course," replied Chu Xuan.

Beaming with joy, Xiao Qianxue then retrieved a bag from beneath her seat and handed it to Chu Xuan. "Mr. Chu, here's a smartphone for you to use to get in touch with me. I've already saved my number in it."

Accepting the bag, Chu Xuan recalled Xiao Qianxue explaining this modern tool to him. A device that could replace Divine Sense, enabling mortals to communicate across vast distances and even make video calls—quite impressive! The age of technology certainly had its advantages.

"Qianxue, thank you," he expressed with gratitude.

A blush tinted Xiao Qianxue's cheeks. "There's no need for formalities with me, Mr. Chu."

She continued, "Tomorrow marks the start of the new academic year at Capital Technology University. I'll come by to escort you for the enrollment process."

"There's no need to go out of your way for me; I can manage on my own," Chu Xuan assured her.

Xiao Qianxue persisted, "I'm just concerned you might not be familiar with the route."

"With the phone's GPS, I can simply take the subway," Chu Xuan pointed out, recalling how Xiao Qianxue had introduced him to various modern conveniences the day before.

"Alright then," she conceded, though a hint of disappointment crept into her tone.

Curiously enough, she found herself wanting to spend more time with Chu Xuan, leaving her with an unexplained sense of loss now.

"Mr. Chu, if there's anything you need, please feel free to reach out to me," Xiao Qianxue offered, her smile as warm as a spring day.

After a moment of contemplation, Chu Xuan responded, "There is actually something I need your assistance with."

Delighted at the opportunity, Xiao Qianxue eagerly asked, "What is it?"

"I'm in need of a substantial amount of ginseng," Chu Xuan revealed.

"That's easily done," Xiao Qianxue assured him with a smile. "I have a friend in the medicinal herb trade who regularly acquires high-quality ginseng from the Changbai Mountains in the Liaodong region. When you're available, I can arrange for her to meet with you."

Chu Xuan spoke again, "I'm not in need of ordinary ginseng. I require ginseng that's over 1500 years old."

"1500 years?" Xiao Qianxue gasped in astonishment.

Indeed, assisting Chu Xuan was no simple task!

Nowadays, finding ginseng that's even 500 years old is a rarity, let alone one that's 1500 years old, and such finds are incredibly valuable.

Chu Xuan confirmed, "Correct, 1500 years old, and I need one hundred thousand of them."

Xiao Qianxue burst out, "Pfft..."

"One hundred thousand? Mr. Chu, you can't be serious?"

Chu Xuan's eyebrows lifted slightly, "I am quite serious, no joke."

Realizing Chu Xuan wasn't joking, Xiao Qianxue gave a wry smile, "Finding even one or two might be impossible, much less a hundred thousand."

"We'll count as many as we can find," Chu Xuan conceded, not holding out much hope.

With the Earth's resources depleted and a scarcity of Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy, cultivating any rare medicinal herbs was exceedingly difficult.

The process of gathering and refining the ingredients for the Imperial Tribulation Pill was bound to be time-consuming.

Once in the Immortal Realm, they might be able to expedite the process.

For now, Chu Xuan had decided to remain on Earth for a while longer, to live well and replenish the void in his Dao Heart through worldly experiences.

Xiao Qianxue offered a charming smile, "I'll have my friend keep an eye out and contact you immediately if there's any news of 1500-year-old ginseng."

"Good," Chu Xuan replied, then turned and headed for the main entrance of the apartment building.

Xiao Qianxue watched his figure fade away before she drove off with a sense of reluctance.

Reaching the ninth floor, Chu Xuan stepped out of the elevator and was about to unlock his door when he paused.

Someone was inside the apartment!

A woman.

He recalled Xiao Qianxue mentioning that she had lent the place to a friend who was temporarily out of the country and hadn't returned.

It appeared she was back now.

Chu Xuan found himself in a dilemma, wondering whether to enter or not.

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