Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C16 You Are the Evil God of Fire Cloud
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C16 You Are the Evil God of Fire Cloud
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C16 You Are the Evil God of Fire Cloud

"Then go die with her!" A vicious sneer crept across the watermelon man's face as he viciously swung his iron club toward Chu Xuan's head.

Hsu Qingya's face drained of color, and she fell to the ground in terror, quickly shutting her eyes to avoid witnessing the gruesome scene she imagined was about to unfold.

The watermelon man's lips twisted into a cruel smile as he saw his iron club about to crush Chu Xuan's skull. He relished the thought of his enemy's head bursting open, blood and brains splattering everywhere.

Yet, Chu Xuan's composure left him baffled. It was unnervingly calm.

But in that moment, he didn't have the luxury of pondering. A swing of his club and a head would be split open—what was there to think about?

What happened next, however, took him completely by surprise.

Chu Xuan nonchalantly raised his hand and caught the iron club, then slowly exerted pressure, bending it as if it were no sturdier than a bubble.

The watermelon man's face turned ashen, and he quickly released the club, stumbling backward several steps in shock.

His iron club, forged from the finest steel, could shatter a five-centimeter-thick steel plate without exaggeration. But in Chu Xuan's grasp, it might as well have been tofu.

"So you're a martial artist. I really misread you," the watermelon man said, backing away to the door with a wary look. He reached behind himself and drew a black pistol.

"No matter how skilled your Kung Fu is, you can't dodge bullets. Let's see you catch these," he taunted with a maniacal laugh, raising the gun at Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan simply smiled back, "Alright, I'll give it a try."

Hsu Qingya, her eyes now open and finding Chu Xuan unharmed, didn't understand where her sudden bravery came from. She quickly scrambled to her feet, holding her phone up in front of Chu Xuan, and screamed at the watermelon man, "Don't you dare! I'm calling the police!"

"Call the police? You might as well report to the Yama King!" he sneered, malice glinting in his eyes as he pulled the trigger.


In the nick of time, Chu Xuan's hand swept around the back of Hsu Qingya's neck, effortlessly pinching the speeding bullet between his fingers.

The bullet's blast forced Hsu Qingya to squint, unable to fully open her eyes.

The watermelon man froze in disbelief!

He was certain he hadn't missed. With his level of confidence in his marksmanship, a shot to the forehead should have been fatal for Hsu Qingya.

Yet, Hsu Qingya was still alive, and Chu Xuan's pose...

The watermelon man's pupils shrank rapidly as he fixated on Chu Xuan's fingers!

Wasn't that the very bullet he had just fired now caught between them?

How was this possible? Catching a bullet with bare hands?

Even a Transforming Strength martial artist could only dodge bullets from a distance with extreme speed; catching one at close range was unthinkable!

Dodging a bullet was impressive enough, but catching one? What kind of feat was that?

Even a Martial Dao Grandmaster would likely find it impossible.

The watermelon man felt a chill in his heart and began to consider fleeing.

What kind of monster had he encountered?

"Catching it wasn't that hard," Chu Xuan remarked, releasing his fingers and letting the bullet drop to the ground with a clink.

Shock painted Hsu Qingya's face. She slowly bowed her head, gazing at the bullet on the ground, her mind awash with waves of astonishment.

Had Chu Xuan just caught a bullet and saved her life?

Catching a bullet?

Wasn't that a stunt reserved for science fiction films?

Could a human even achieve such a thing?

Hsu Qingya felt as if her twenty-some years of life had been lived in ignorance.

Did such phenomena truly exist beyond her comprehension?

"Xuan, am I hallucinating?" Hsu Qingya struggled to accept the reality.

"What you've seen is utterly real," Chu Xuan assured her, pulling her to safety behind him and nudging her onto the sofa. He then advanced towards the watermelon man with measured steps, his gaze detached as though all life held no value to him.

The title of Human Emperor wasn't mere flattery from others; it was earned by Chu Xuan as he walked a path paved with the bodies of countless formidable adversaries.

How could a mere mortal, as insignificant as an ant, endure the piercing stare of the Human Emperor?

The man known for his watermelon-sized physique was consumed by an overwhelming fear. The young man approaching him seemed like the grim reaper incarnate, each step thunderous, laden with a weight that was suffocating, nearly shattering his psyche.

He tried to fire at Chu Xuan again, but inexplicably, he found himself utterly drained of strength, lacking even the power to pull the trigger.

In that moment, the watermelon man resembled a deflated balloon.

Thud! The pistol dropped to the ground.

He collapsed, his body slack as a heap of sludge.

In a terrified plea, he begged, "Please, have mercy, sir. I was just following orders; it's not my fault. Spare me."

Chu Xuan picked him up by the collar as effortlessly as one would a small chicken.

"Let's step outside for a proper chat."

Thump! It wasn't until the door shut that Hsu Qingya managed to shake off her astonishment.

Reflecting on the recent events, she was still in disbelief.

The man who had been brandishing a gun, intent on taking her life, had been effortlessly whisked away by Chu Xuan as if he were nothing.

Hsu Qingya, still shaky, stepped forward and stooped to retrieve the bullet from the floor.

Upon closer inspection, one could see the flattened edge of the bullet, marked by distinct fingerprints!

Shortly thereafter, the door swung open and Chu Xuan returned.

"Are you okay?" he inquired.

Hsu Qingya nodded, "I'm fine. What happened to that man?"

"He's gone," Chu Xuan replied, choosing not to disclose that the watermelon man had been reduced to ashes by his Indestructible Blazing Flame.

"But rest assured, he'll never bother you again."

"That's a relief..." For some inexplicable reason, Hsu Qingya found herself harboring a newfound sense of trust in Chu Xuan.

"Xuan, I can't thank you enough for today. Without you here, I surely would've been dead."

Still harboring a trace of concern, Hsu Qingya wondered who could be after her life.

"It was the least I could do; no thanks needed," Chu Xuan reassured her as he picked up the gun from the ground and offered it to her, asking, "Do you recognize this?"

Hsu Qingya couldn't bring herself to take it. "It's a gun."

Chu Xuan explained, "It's not very effective, but it can be used for self-defense. Here, it's yours."

Hsu Qingya quickly protested, "I can't accept that."

Chu Xuan was puzzled. "Why not?"

"Carrying a gun is illegal."

"Oh, then I'll just dispose of it."

"Xuan, who exactly are you?" Hsu Qingya inhaled deeply, her curiosity getting the better of her.

She could no longer regard Chu Xuan as an ordinary person.

Chu Xuan chuckled, "I'm just a regular guy. Tomorrow, I'll even be a college student."

Hsu Qingya countered, "That can't be true. Can a regular person catch bullets with their bare hands?"

"To most people, a bullet is lethal, but to me, it's trivial." Suddenly, Chu Xuan spun the gun to point at himself.

Hsu Qingya gasped in alarm. "What are you doing?"

Bang! Chu Xuan squeezed the trigger!

Ding! He caught the bullet mere centimeters from his forehead.

"If you're interested, I could teach you."

Chu Xuan set the gun aside, along with the bullet.

Hsu Qingya was utterly astounded.

Could he possibly be the legendary Fire Cloud Evil God?

It was only after witnessing Chu Xuan catch a bullet again that she truly came to terms with this incredible reality.

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