Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C17 He Was a Peerless Expert!
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C17 He Was a Peerless Expert!
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C17 He Was a Peerless Expert!

Chu Xuan sat on the sofa, seemingly unfazed, and leisurely watched a nature documentary. Hsu Qingya, on the other hand, couldn't relax; her mind was still reeling from the recent events.

After a long period of restlessness, she remembered she needed to call her best friend. She went back to her room, closed the door, and dialed Xiao Qianxue's number.

"Hello, Qianxue."

"Qingya? What's up? Oh, are you planning to return home? I've temporarily arranged for a friend to stay at your place. You..."

"I've already met Chu Xuan."

There was a brief pause on the other end as Xiao Qianxue processed the news, clearly not expecting Hsu Qingya to have returned so quickly.

"Qingya, I'm really sorry for not informing you beforehand."

"It's okay, Qianxue. I have a question."

"Ask away."

"What's the deal with this Chu Xuan? Who is he, exactly? How can he catch bullets?"

Xiao Qianxue was taken aback. "What? What happened?"

Hsu Qingya recounted the day's events.

"Just wait for me; I'll be right there!"

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Chu Xuan answered it.

"Mr. Chu," Xiao Qianxue greeted him with a hint of formality.

"She's fine," Chu Xuan assured her, clearly aware of her concerns.

"Qingya!" Xiao Qianxue hurried into the house.

Hsu Qingya emerged, and the two friends embraced each other tightly, their close bond evident.

"You're okay, thank goodness."

"I'm so grateful Xuan was here; otherwise, I might not have been able to see you again," Hsu Qingya expressed with heartfelt relief.

Xiao Qianxue gave her a peculiar look.

Xuan? She thought to herself, amused by the informal nickname that suggested he was just a college kid.

Noticing that Chu Xuan didn't seem to mind, Xiao Qianxue decided not to comment.

"Qingya, let's keep this quiet for now. I'll look into it for you. Also, it's not safe here anymore. You need to find somewhere else to stay. And don't travel abroad for the time being; it's safer to remain in the country. Until we expose the mastermind, you're still in danger."

"Okay, I understand. Qianxue, sorry to trouble you again..." Hsu Qingya said with a wry smile.

"Remember, you must keep Mr. Chu's matter a secret," Xiao Qianxue whispered, glancing at Chu Xuan, who was engrossed in the television.

Hsu Qingya's curiosity got the better of her. "You still haven't explained how Xuan managed to catch a bullet with his bare hands."

"How can I explain it?" Xiao Qianxue pondered deeply before answering with an air of mystery, "Actually, Mr. Chu is an unparalleled master. His martial arts skills are extraordinary, which is why he could catch the bullet."

Hsu Qingya's eyes grew wide in amazement. "Unparalleled master? Like you?"

"He's far more skilled than I am," Xiao Qianxue replied.

"And why do you refer to him as Mr. Chu?" Hsu Qingya inquired further.

Xiao Qianxue paused for a moment before responding, "Well... he once saved my life, and I'm deeply grateful to him, so I address him as Mr. Chu."

"I see," Hsu Qingya said, still astonished by Chu Xuan's seemingly supernatural feat. A peerless master with formidable martial arts? Could such abilities really be attributed to high-level martial arts skills?

Xiao Qianxue stayed for about an hour, consoling Hsu Qingya until she was completely calm. Only then did she say goodbye to Chu Xuan and depart.

"Xuan, I really don't know how to thank you enough. Let's exchange phone numbers. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'll be there to help in any way I can," Hsu Qingya said, sitting next to Chu Xuan with heartfelt gratitude.

"Sure, you can handle it for me. I'm not too familiar with this gadget," Chu Xuan replied, handing his phone to Hsu Qingya.

After a few taps and swipes, Hsu Qingya saved the contact information.

"There, it's all set. Xuan, don't forget to call me if you need anything," she said.

Looking up, Chu Xuan noticed Hsu Qingya giving him a wink.

Despite the passage of a billion years, the cultural differences remained significant. Naturally, Chu Xuan had no idea what her wink signified.

"I have something for you," I offered.

With a delighted smile, Hsu Qingya inquired, "What are you going to give me?"

"A protective talisman," Chu Xuan replied, retrieving a shimmering white jade piece from his Space Ring.

It was a fragment he had salvaged from a damaged magical artifact.

Divine Sense Power rapidly infused the jade, etching an array within it in roughly two seconds.

"Keep it on you; it can shield you from five lethal injuries," Chu Xuan explained as he handed over the talisman.

Hsu Qingya accepted it joyfully, feeling a surge of warmth from the jade that seemed to invigorate every cell in her body.

Incredible! Hsu Qingya was astounded.

"Xuan, thank you so much."

"Don't mention it. It's all part of our destiny."

Chu Xuan was touched by Hsu Qingya's previous act of bravery, stepping in front of him despite her lack of strength but demonstrating true loyalty. It was this gesture that prompted him to present her with the life-saving talisman.

With this talisman, Hsu Qingya would be better protected from any future perils.

"Xuan, where are you attending school?" Hsu Qingya asked, her eyes twinkling. She was already considering picking out a return gift for Chu Xuan in the next few days, as a gesture of goodwill.

"I'm at Capital Technology University," Chu Xuan responded.

Hsu Qingya's eyes brightened. "Impressive, Xuan. You must be quite talented."

Capital Technology University is renowned as one of the top five institutions across Huaxia.

"Is that so? I'm not really aware," admitted Chu Xuan, genuinely unaware of the university's prestige.

"Really?" Hsu Qingya was puzzled. "Didn't you look into it when you applied?"

Chu Xuan chuckled. "Qianxue was the one who got me in; I don't know much else."

Hsu Qingya fell silent, now pondering the nature of the relationship between Chu Xuan and Xiao Qianxue.

Why else would Xiao Qianxue go out of her way to get Chu Xuan a spot at Capital Technology University? With the Xiao family's influence, it was a simple task for them, but they wouldn't do it for just anyone.

She then recalled, how exactly did Chu Xuan refer to Xiao Qianxue earlier?

Qianxue, that girl, huh?

If you're friends, the least you could do is call her 'sister.'

Is it possible that Chu Xuan is actually Xiao Qianxue's boyfriend?

Hsu Qingya felt it was necessary to inquire further with Xiao Qianxue.

"Seriously, girl, you say we're best friends, yet you won't tell me? I wouldn't tease you, honestly..."

Hsu Qingya's love for gossip was ablaze; she hadn't considered Chu Xuan's abilities at all.

Indeed, his capabilities were precisely why the Xiao family held him in such high regard!

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