Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C18 On the First Day of School
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C18 On the First Day of School
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C18 On the First Day of School

Early the next morning, Hsu Qingya was adamant about taking Chu Xuan to school.

With no other option, Chu Xuan consented to her driving him.

Hsu Qingya was a whirlwind of activity, purchasing daily necessities and clothing. Her attentiveness was so pronounced that Chu Xuan began to wonder if she had an ulterior motive.

However, her actions stemmed from a place of gratitude.

Chu Xuan had saved her life, and she saw these efforts as a way to repay him.

Once they had acquired all the essentials, Chu Xuan climbed into Hsu Qingya's Maserati and they set off for Capital Technology University.

Half an hour later, Hsu Qingya pulled into the campus parking lot.

It was the first day of the academic year, so the place was bustling.

The Maserati drew plenty of stares, and Hsu Qingya's striking looks and exceptional demeanor made them quite the spectacle.

In a city like Beijing, where land is gold and the wealthy are plentiful, a Maserati isn't all that extraordinary. But a beauty like Hsu Qingya is indeed a rare sight.

Chu Xuan, accompanying Hsu Qingya, naturally became the object of many envious glances.

To be so young, attending school in a luxury car, with a beautiful woman at the wheel – he was living the dream.

One couldn't help but wonder which wealthy family's scion he was.

The enrollment process was intricate, but with Hsu Qingya's assistance, it was swiftly completed.

Chu Xuan felt a surge of relief that he had come with her; alone, he would have likely spent much more time.

After moving his belongings into the dormitory, his day's mission was accomplished.

Gazing around the empty dorm room, Chu Xuan felt a sense of absurdity wash over him.

He had come here to live among ordinary people, pretending to be one of them.

If his old friends could see him now, they would surely laugh themselves silly.

Yet, to mend the shortcomings of his Dao Heart, Chu Xuan had to immerse himself temporarily in the modern world.

He decided to treat this time as a leisurely break.

Pretending to be an ordinary person and quietly observing the various walks of life – it didn't seem too bad after all.

The dormitory housed four beds, clearly indicating it was meant for four occupants.

The other three beds were vacant, with Chu Xuan being the first to arrive.

Chu Xuan, of course, had no intention of just sitting around; he was eager to explore the campus.

With the influx of people, the atmosphere was quite vibrant.

Having spent a billion years in solitary cultivation, Chu Xuan was accustomed to loneliness but found joy in bustling environments.

Descending from the dorm, Chu Xuan was taken aback to see Hsu Qingya still waiting for him.

"Why are you still here? I've finished up everything I needed to do."

With a playful grin, Hsu Qingya teased, "What's the rush? Are you trying to get rid of me? After all the help I've given you this morning, and in this heat, don't you think I deserve a couple of drinks to cool off?"

Chu Xuan considered her point and conceded, "Alright, let's go. But I'm not familiar with the area, so I have no idea where we can grab a drink."

Hsu Qingya quickly responded, "No worries, I know this place well. I'm aware of a great spot. Let me take you there."

"Sounds good." Chu Xuan was curious about everything and eager to check out new places.

They left the dormitory and made their way toward the school gate. The midday crowd had thinned, making it less congested than in the morning.

As they approached the gate, a crisp voice called out from behind, "Cousin?"

Chu Xuan turned to see two young men and two women approaching. The speaker was a pretty girl, likely seventeen or eighteen years old, standing around 1.65 meters tall in a white floral dress with her hair in a simple ponytail, radiating youthful energy.

The other girl and the two guys appeared to be around the same age, probably fellow students at the university.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing here?" Hsu Qingya exclaimed with delight.

"I was accepted here and came to register today," Shen Xiaoyu replied, her curiosity piqued. "Cousin, what brings you here?"

Her gaze subtly shifted to Chu Xuan at her side.

He was strikingly handsome, leaving a strong first impression.

Was my cousin accompanying someone for university enrollment?

It doesn't seem like her family has any kids heading to college, right?

"I'm here with a friend. Meet Xuan; he's also a freshman at this school. You might run into each other quite a bit."

Hsu Qingya introduced Chu Xuan to Shen Xiaoyu, then turned to Chu Xuan, "This is my cousin."

"Hello, my name is Shen Xiaoyu." Shen Xiaoyu smiled and reached out to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan extended his hand as well, giving hers a gentle shake. "Chu Xuan."

He had recently learned that shaking hands was the modern way to greet someone.

Hsu Qingya smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, why don't you introduce us to your classmates?"

"This is my roommate, Chen Xinxin, and these two are our upperclassmen, Luo Yun and Ye Tao."

"And this is my cousin, Hsu Qingya."

After Shen Xiaoyu's introductions, everyone was acquainted.

"Ms Qingya is truly stunning," Luo Yun complimented.

"Indeed, I've never seen anyone as gorgeous as Ms Qingya," Ye Tao chimed in, echoing the sentiment.

From the moment they laid eyes on Hsu Qingya, they couldn't look away.

Chu Xuan inwardly shook his head. Such characters existed even in Ancient Times, always fawning over beautiful women.

Hsu Qingya simply smiled, paying no mind to their comments, and turned to Shen Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, we haven't seen each other in over a year. We're planning to grab some drinks and have fun. Would you like to join us?"

"Yeah, let's all go," Shen Xiaoyu replied, but Luo Yun and Ye Tao couldn't contain their eagerness.

Shen Xiaoyu felt a bit annoyed. Moments ago, these two were all over her, and now...

'Do I not compare to my cousin's charm?'

"Let's get going then."

Hsu Qingya suggested, "How about the Sapphire Bar?"

"Whatever you think is best, cousin," Shen Xiaoyu responded, her enthusiasm waning.

At the parking lot, Luo Yun and Ye Tao watched enviously as Chu Xuan climbed into Hsu Qingya's Maserati, with Shen Xiaoyu and Chen Xinxin following suit.

Naturally, they were too embarrassed to force their way in, and there wasn't enough room for them anyway, so they decided to drive a separate car.

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