Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C19 Chu Xuan Sold Himself out
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C19 Chu Xuan Sold Himself out
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C19 Chu Xuan Sold Himself out

The Sapphire Bar was conveniently located just three blocks from the entrance of Capital Technology University. Known for its serene ambiance, it was a popular hangout for students from nearby schools.

Whether for a casual drink, a chat, a party, or a date, it was an ideal spot!

By the time Chu Xuan and his friends arrived, the place was bustling with patrons. Inside, the dim lighting, perhaps intended to enhance the mood, played off the ceaseless flashing of colorful lights.

The hall's dozen or so tables were nearly full. At the center, a small stage hosted a fashionably dressed girl perched on a high stool, strumming her guitar and singing with a voice that was as delightful as her performance.

Chu Xuan found himself captivated by her, intrigued by the distinctive musical style of this era.

"How may I help you?" a male waiter approached with a somewhat indifferent demeanor.

"Table for six," Hsu Qingya responded.

"There's space available upstairs," the waiter informed them, leading Chu Xuan and the group to the second floor.

From their vantage point, they could easily survey the hall below. Hsu Qingya selected seats along the edge, near the railing. Once settled, she took everyone's preferences into account and ordered a selection of light drinks, fruit juices, and snacks.

In no time, the order arrived, and the group of young adults dived into conversation, covering a wide range of topics.

Chu Xuan, however, felt like an outsider, sometimes struggling to grasp the subject of their discussions.

The cultural divide was palpable. Despite having been in this era for only a few days, his understanding remained superficial.

Resigned to his solitude, Chu Xuan sipped his juice in silence, occasionally observing the crowd below or intently listening to the girl's singing. His demeanor clearly set him apart from the rest.

Noticing his isolation, Hsu Qingya quickly engaged him in conversation. "Xuan, where's your family from?"

Caught off guard by the question, Chu Xuan hesitated. Did he even have a home?

After a brief pause, he fabricated a response, "From the mountains."

The conversation caught the attention of Shen Xiaoyu and her companions. Upon learning that Chu Xuan hailed from the mountains, Luo Yun and Ye Tao couldn't help but let a flicker of scorn cross their eyes. It explained why Chu Xuan had been silent during their earlier chat—he was a simple country bumpkin, utterly out of his depth.

And yet, how could such a bumpkin be so intimately close to a stunning beauty like Hsu Qingya? To be able to sit beside her, mere inches apart, while they could only watch from a distance, filled with envy.

While Shen Xiaoyu and Chen Xinxin managed to hide their disdain, it was clear their opinion of Chu Xuan had significantly dropped. Shen Xiaoyu was particularly baffled. Her cousin was the epitome of beauty and wealth—gorgeous and affluent. How on earth did she end up associating with someone like Chu Xuan, even going so far as to personally bring him to school?

Logically, they were worlds apart, with no chance of their social circles intersecting. Could it be that Chu Xuan had a knack for charming women and had somehow swept Hsu Qingya off her feet? That seemed unlikely.

Would Hsu Qingya really choose a boyfriend several years her junior? Or was it possible that her compassion had led her to take him under her wing? Shen Xiaoyu was utterly perplexed.

Determined to get to the bottom of it and protect her cousin from potential deceit, she decided to probe a bit. "Chu Xuan, do you have any family? What do your parents do?"

"I'm on my own," Chu Xuan replied, echoing the sentiment he had once shared with Xiao Qianxue. But this time, his tone lacked the heaviness of their previous conversation. Family and friends were distant memories to him; he had come to terms with his solitude and was living well, as long as he stayed focused on his goals and mission.

Realizing she had touched on a sensitive topic, Shen Xiaoyu felt a twinge of regret. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"It's okay," Chu Xuan responded with a light smile, draining his glass of juice before pouring himself some wine.

"Xiao Xuan..." Hsu Qingya's eyes glistened with unshed tears, wanting to offer words of comfort but uncertain how to begin.

Upon seeing Hsu Qingya's demeanor, Shen Xiaoyu felt the scant sympathy she harbored for Chu Xuan slowly dissipating.

Could Chu Xuan be exploiting his unfortunate background to garner Hsu Qingya's sympathy?

The more Shen Xiaoyu pondered, the more convinced she became. How could someone from a humble background like Chu Xuan be a match for her cousin? Was he feigning distress to swindle her out of money? Perhaps he even had designs on her beauty.

Luo Yun and Ye Tao shared this sentiment. So, feigning misery could win over a beauty's sympathy? He was truly cunning! Why hadn't they thought of such a scheme?

Hence, Luo Yun interjected, "Hey, let's shift the conversation to something else."

Catching on, Ye Tao turned to Chu Xuan, "Junior Brother Chu Xuan, what's your take on the recent fluctuations in the Bitcoin market?"

Chu Xuan inquired, "What is Bitcoin?"

"Uh, you don't know, Junior Brother Chu Xuan?" Ye Tao and Luo Yun exchanged glances, their disdain for Chu Xuan intensifying.

Chu Xuan shook his head, "Forgive my ignorance."

Struggling to suppress his amusement, Luo Yun pressed on, aiming to discomfort Chu Xuan further, "No worries. How about we discuss the stock market? Are you aware of any recent favorable stock trends?"

"I'm not familiar with the stock market or stocks," Chu Xuan admitted, realizing these two were deliberately trying to make a fool of him.

"Ah, Junior Brother Chu Xuan, you really need to brush up on your knowledge. Without understanding these things, you'll struggle to find your footing in society. The capital is a major city, quite different from the countryside!" Ye Tao feigned a mentoring tone, but his sense of superiority was palpable and off-putting.

"Wow, Junior Brother Chu Xuan, having someone accompany you to register at Capital Technology University today must be nice. I'm quite envious!" Luo Yun's sarcasm was thinly veiled, insinuating that Chu Xuan couldn't even handle enrollment without a woman's assistance.

"Enough is enough!" Hsu Qingya's face was flushed with rage, her hand clutching the glass shaking so much that wine splashed across the table.

She was livid!

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