Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C2 This World Is too Crazy!
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C2 This World Is too Crazy!
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C2 This World Is too Crazy!

When Xiao Tianche looked up at the sky, he was completely dumbfounded!

What had he witnessed?

A figure in the sky had merely extended a hand, and a 300-ton missile ground to a halt.

The missile's own weight was 300 tons, but after flying for so long, the gravitational potential energy upon falling was even more terrifying – far exceeding 300 tons.

And yet, the figure in the sky had stopped such a fearsome missile with just one hand!

Was this person even human?

Was the power of the Martial Dao Saint truly so formidable?

Yang Hao began to doubt his own eyes, slapping himself repeatedly until his face swelled, before he could trust that what he was seeing was indeed reality.

"How can such a mighty person exist in this world? It's inconceivable, utterly inconceivable..." Dr. Chen shook his head frantically, clutching at the few strands of hair he had left, as he struggled internally to keep his faith in science.

Xiao Qianxue, who was nearby, picked herself up from the ground. Upon witnessing the spectacle in the sky, her face was overtaken by sheer astonishment. She gently covered her mouth with her hand, struggling to contain the scream that was nearly impossible to suppress.

Xiao Tianche's heart felt like the Pacific Ocean in the aftermath of a super bomb, waves of shock and awe crashing within him!

He was the esteemed North Border War God of China, commanding millions of troops and defending the border for years, instilling fear in nations worldwide. He had encountered all manner of powerful individuals and witnessed countless scenarios.

Even in his heyday, when he single-handedly faced the assault of thirty elite Superpower Users, he hadn't flinched.

But today, Xiao Tianche could swear that this was the most astonishing and unforgettable scene he had ever encountered.

A seemingly inconspicuous figure, unknown to Xiao Tianche, had stepped forward in their direst moment. Like a deity descending to earth, he had single-handedly intercepted a massive Transcontinental Ballistic Missile, accomplishing what was beyond the realm of human imagination.

Meanwhile, in a secret underground base thousands of miles away...

In a secure room brimming with sophisticated instruments and computer equipment, a blond-haired, blue-eyed man was intently focused on the massive screen before him. Displayed on the screen was an incredibly detailed electronic map, where a red dot had come to a complete standstill.

"Oh, shit! Everyone, come take a look at this! What's going on? Why has the P-998 stopped moving? Could it be malfunctioning?"

At his exclamation, the three foreigners nearby, who had been enjoying their drinks, burst into laughter.

"Mike, stop pulling our leg. The P-998 is flawless; it couldn't possibly have any issues. Surely Xiao Tianche has been reduced to ashes by now, right? Hahaha!"

"Mike, you must be losing your mind. Come join us for a glass of whiskey and celebrate our success in sending Tianche to meet his maker."

Mike shook his head vigorously. "Oh, you three fools, put down that damn whiskey for a second. Why don't you look at the screen with your own eyes and see why the P-998 has stopped?"

A portly man grumbled as he set down his whiskey glass, "Mike, you blockhead, if you're pulling our leg, I swear I'll take Crick's smelly shoe and whack you on the behind."

Mike shrugged nonchalantly. "Listen, Blues, there's no reason for me to lie. I swear to God, it's the truth!"

"Fine, let's have a look then." Blues rose impatiently and strode over to the large screen.

He might have been better off not looking because the sight that met his eyes left him stunned. "Oh, damn, everyone, get over here now!"

The other two foreigners also turned their gaze to the big screen, and they too were rendered speechless.

"The damn monitor must be glitching. Mike, did you sneakily yank out the graphics card to mine some Bitcoin?"

"Mike, quickly reconnect the monitor to the satellite feed; we need to see what's actually happening out there."

In no time, Mike was hammering away at the keyboard, executing a flurry of commands, and the big screen lit up with the satellite feed.

With the satellite's powerful zoom capabilities, they had a clear view of the scene unfolding in the skies above the Sahara Desert.

All four foreigners were utterly astonished!

Blues yelled as if he were in a slaughterhouse, "Oh, my dear God, look at what I'm seeing! Someone is actually stopping the P-999 in midair!"

Kirk looked on, his face a mask of disbelief. "Incredible, it's just not possible. The P-998 flies at fifteen times the speed of sound; not even the most advanced missile interception systems can catch it. How on earth could a person stop the P-998 with sheer physical force? Unless he's a deity, which is impossible. Mike, you numbskull, did you edit in a fake video just to mess with us?"

Carlos, who appeared to be the leader, snapped at Kirk, "You damned fool, shut up! Mike, zoom in on that image, now!"

Mike swiftly magnified the radar satellite's feed, revealing a distinct figure on the large screen.

"My God, this world has gone mad," Mike exclaimed, collapsing into his chair in astonishment.

Blues, with a quivering voice, speculated, "Could this Huaxia man be as formidable as Tony Stark?"

Kirk shook his head in disagreement. "No! Not even Tony Stark could manage that."

"Tianche? Xiao has a guardian angel? This has to be a top-tier bodyguard assigned by the Huaxia elite!" Carlos was both shocked and furious. "How could we be completely unaware of this person's existence? What on earth is the intelligence department doing?"

Mike murmured in disbelief, "This has to be an act of God. How could a human wield such inconceivable power?"

Blues, unable to come to terms with the spectacle, protested, "No, it's impossible. It has to be a hoax! How could China have such a potent Superpower User? No, it can't be anywhere in the world! It must be an illusion, or perhaps the P-998 is malfunctioning!"

"Exactly, it's got to be a malfunction. Mike, get in touch with the team monitoring the P-998 right away and find out what's happening!"

Unbeknownst to them, other departments within the underground base were already in an uproar over the incident.

Meanwhile, Chu Xuan effortlessly intercepted the plummeting missile. He then lifted his gaze to the heavens, locking onto a satellite orbiting 36,000 kilometers above the Earth.

The satellite was transmitting a signal akin to Divine Sense, surveilling him.

With a cold snort, Chu Xuan's formidable soul instantly obliterated the radar signals, rendering the satellite inoperative and sending it plummeting towards the Earth.

Back at the underground base, Mike stared at the now-blank screen and pounded the table in frustration, "Damn it, what's happened? We've lost the satellite connection. Could the satellite be malfunctioning too?"

Carlos, with a grave expression, commanded, "Mike, send the footage to headquarters immediately. They need to identify that Huaxia man. We're facing an adversary far more fearsome and dangerous than Tianche Xiao!"

Blues took a hefty swig of whiskey and grumbled, "Damn Xiao Tianche! That guy's got some serious luck!"

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