Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C20 The Bar Incident
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C20 The Bar Incident
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C20 The Bar Incident

Shen Xiaoyu's eyebrows twitched sharply. Her cousin was fiercely protective of Chu Xuan? It appeared that Chu Xuan held a significant place in her heart.

Her suspicions were likely very close to the mark.

Yet, with Hsu Qingya's current demeanor, it wasn't the time to voice her concerns. She resolved to wait for a better opportunity to offer her advice.

Chu Xuan, with his modest origins, was no match for Hsu Qingya. The disparity in their social standing was immense, and any attempt to unite them would surely end poorly.

As Hsu Qingya's close cousin, Shen Xiaoyu felt compelled to offer guidance. She couldn't stand idly by and watch her cousin potentially compromise her lifelong happiness over a fleeting impulse.

Upon seeing Hsu Qingya's irritation, Luo Yun and Ye Tao quickly toned down their behavior, though the jealousy within them intensified.

What did Chu Xuan, this simpleton from the countryside, have that won over a goddess like Hsu Qingya?

What was so extraordinary about him?

"I've had too much to drink and wasn't thinking straight. My apologies, I'll punish myself with another drink," Luo Yun said with a laugh, downing his wine in one go.

"Here's to you, Junior Brother Chu," Ye Tao chimed in, following suit.

Their apologies seemed sincere, but their nonchalance and dismissive attitudes made it clear they still harbored disdain for Chu Xuan.

Hsu Qingya was usually even-tempered, but she couldn't stand by as her life-saving hero was belittled by these two. It was more than she could bear.

Ignoring their attempts at amends, she didn't even lift her head, her gaze fixed coldly elsewhere.

The mood turned awkward, leaving everyone feeling uncomfortable.

"You both have a point. I indeed need to learn more to better adapt to this era," Chu Xuan said, his face unchanging, his smile serene as if their words were nothing but air.

He had once been a formidable figure at the pinnacle of the cosmos. How could he possibly be upset by the taunts of two insignificant youths?

They were like ants scoffing at a deity, blissfully unaware of their own insignificance and lacking the merit to even catch a god's glance.

Hsu Qingya was taken aback. She had expected Chu Xuan to be upset, considering his youthful impulsiveness—who could tolerate such mockery?

To her surprise, Chu Xuan simply brushed it off with a laugh.

His composure was remarkable, especially in contrast to the two individuals opposite him; the difference was stark.

Still, Hsu Qingya couldn't help but wonder if Chu Xuan was just concealing his true feelings with a façade of calm.

But from her perspective, what kind of cunning could Chu Xuan, a recent university graduate, possibly possess?

"Xuan is so humble; he's bound to do great things in the future," Hsu Qingya remarked, her anger subsiding as she complimented him with a smile.

At last, the atmosphere returned to normal.

Shen Xiaoyu and her group formed a circle and engaged in conversation.

Meanwhile, Hsu Qingya was all attention around Chu Xuan, talking incessantly about everything and anything. Chu Xuan often found himself at a loss for words, resorting to nods or smiles in response.

Before they knew it, more than an hour had slipped by, and their drinking session was nearly at an end.

As they were getting ready to leave, a commotion erupted from the hall below—a mix of shouting and cries for help.

"Little slut, what's the big deal about having a drink? Can't take a bit of kindness?"

"Let go of me, let go!"

Chu Xuan glanced downward to see a burly, tattooed, bald man on the central stage of the hall, yanking a girl's hair with brute force.

The girl, frail and powerless, couldn't muster any resistance.

Her guitar dropped and shattered under the man's boot.

Terror-stricken and desperate, she could only sob helplessly.

The onlookers, mostly students, were unaccustomed to such brutality and had retreated to a safe distance.

"Wasn't your dad's kung fu supposed to be impressive? Even Fourth Young Master Guo couldn't stand up to him. So why haven't you, a little slut, learned a thing? Huh?" The bald man sneered viciously as he dragged the girl off the stage, grabbing a wine bottle and dousing her head with its contents.

A handful of unsavory characters egged him on from behind: "Mr. Peng, that's the way! Teach this little slut a lesson and get some payback for Fourth Young Master Guo!"

Hsu Qingya seethed with rage as she watched from upstairs, her teeth clenched as she cursed, "These lowlifes!"

Chu Xuan's brow furrowed slightly. What were these people talking about when they mentioned Fourth Young Master Guo? Could they be referring to Guo Hao, who had tried to show off at the Martial Dao Exchange Conference a few days ago, only to be soundly beaten?

They were out to get revenge for Guo Hao, and they mentioned that this girl's father was a formidable fighter, clearly alluding to Chen Guangyun. That meant the girl singing must be Chen Guangyun's daughter!

Piecing it all together, the situation was clear. These individuals were either lackeys or followers of Guo Hao, seeking retribution for his defeat at the hands of Chen Guangyun by targeting Chen Guangyun's daughter.

It was uncertain if the Guo family had a hand in this.

Resorting to such lowly tactics was utterly contemptible.

"We should call the police," Shen Xiaoyu suggested, her face ghostly white, as that was the only solution she could think of.

Luo Yun quickly interjected, "No, don't call the police. These societal rejects are dangerous and desperate. We're out of our depth here..."

Ye Tao, equally pale, agreed, "Exactly, we should get out of here as soon as we can."

Chen Xinxin, who was usually unobtrusive, clung to Shen Xiaoyu's arm, speechless with fear, not daring to look down.

Remembering Chu Xuan's incredible feat of catching a bullet with his bare hands the day before, Hsu Qingya's spirits lifted. She whispered to Chu Xuan, "Xuan, Qianxue says you're an unparalleled master. Could you help that young lady?"

"Of course," Chu Xuan replied, though he had already intended to intervene. He had only met Chen Guangyun once, but the martial arts instruction he had provided, even if it was just a single technique, had created a bond. For cultivators, such connections were significant, and Chu Xuan would not simply stand by today.

However, he wouldn't make a spectacle of himself; he preferred to remain an inconspicuous college student, avoiding the spotlight.

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