Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C3 Do You Still Remember Me?
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C3 Do You Still Remember Me?
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C3 Do You Still Remember Me?

"Hello Mike, this is Vorenus. Backup satellite number one is now operational. Please continue monitoring the site!" The voice in Mike's earpiece filled him with excitement: "Fantastic!"

He quickly linked the main computer screen to the newly activated backup satellite.

As the satellite scanned the area, it revealed that the P-998 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile had vanished from above the Sahara Desert, leaving only the figure of the Huaxia man standing in the sky, as if he were catching the breeze.

"Damn, the P-998 must have malfunctioned and crashed!"

Then, abruptly, the big screen went dark again.

Mike froze, cursing under his breath, "Could the backup satellite be malfunctioning too?"

"Freaking unbelievable! What is this trash?" Carlos, enraged, hurled his drink at the big screen.

Sparks flew and a sizzling sound filled the air!

A surge of dense silver electricity enveloped Mike, who was seated in front of the screen, causing him to shake violently and emit white smoke.

"Oh, damn! Mike, hold on, I'm calling emergency services right now."

The sudden emergence of a mysterious Huaxia man had thrown the secretive organization's plans into complete disarray. Chaos reigned throughout the underground base.

Chu Xuan's actions went far beyond merely intercepting missiles and destroying satellites.

He unleashed his Divine Sense, following the signal emitted by the satellite back to the precise location of the underground base. With a seemingly effortless Divine Sense attack, he brought the entire network to its knees.

For the first time, this arrogant and secretive organization faced a major defeat, sending its leadership into a frenzy. They hastily called an emergency meeting.

"Damn it, we've underestimated Tianche Xiao! He has a powerful bodyguard and a top hacker capable of attacking our base!" The organization's leader was in shock.

"China is truly a land of mystery. They have a saying, 'crouching tiger, hidden dragon,' which is frighteningly apt."

"Boss, what's our next move?"

"Jason, issue the order to halt all organization activities immediately. We need to fully investigate this Huaxia man's identity. Once we have the details, we'll reconvene and strategize!"

"What? Stop everything? But..."

"This is an order!"

"Alright, Boss, your word is law."

And just like that, a mysterious underground organization with a formidable global reputation was spooked by a single individual into vanishing without a trace. It was an unprecedented event since the group's inception.


Hovering above the Sahara, Chu Xuan looked down with disdain. With his Divine Sense, he could easily survey the underground base thousands of miles away. Yet, he found it beneath him to bother with such insignificant beings.

They weren't worthy of dying by the hand of the One-generation Human Emperor Chu Xuan.

As for the P-998 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, Chu Xuan had already confiscated it.

He had never encountered such a device before, but he recognized that it wasn't crafted by a cultivator; it bore no marks of arrays or the essence of a talisman. It seemed to be purely a creation of mortals.

Remarkably, something fashioned by mere mortals possessed power on par with an attack from a Deification Stage cultivator. This piqued Chu Xuan's curiosity.

Having been in seclusion for a billion years, he had been detached from the world for quite some time and was intrigued by many things.

This era appeared to be evolving in a new direction.

To grasp the nuances of this age...

Chu Xuan shifted his gaze downward to Xiao Tianche and the others in the desert below.

It was likely that these individuals would be eager to assist him in his quest for understanding.

At that moment, Xiao Tianche, his daughter, Yang Hao, and Dr. Chen gazed up at Chu Xuan with a reverence akin to that for a deity, their eyes filled with boundless admiration.

To stop a massive Transcontinental Ballistic Missile with sheer personal might— who else in the world could achieve such a feat?

Xiao Tianche, who had never held anyone in high esteem, nor had been moved by anything in his illustrious career as the North Border War God, found his entire worldview shattered. The day's events left him profoundly shaken and acutely aware of his own insignificance.

A single missile could claim the life of a Martial Dao Grandmaster who once believed himself to be unrivaled and without equal.

Yet, in the presence of Chu Xuan, such a threat was effortlessly neutralized with a mere gesture.

There's always a higher mountain! Today, Xiao Tianche deeply grasped the essence of this saying, having experienced it firsthand.

Personal experience trumps all reasoning.

Chu Xuan gracefully descended from the sky, and the looks on Xiao Tianche and his companions' faces were a mix of admiration, shock, reverence, and curiosity. Their hearts were churning with tumultuous waves, for the person before them was merely a youth, appearing to be no older than eighteen or nineteen!

How could someone of such tender years wield such defy-the-heavens strength?

A Martial Dao Saint! Or perhaps even beyond that. How could such a formidable figure be so youthful?

Xiao Tianche's face was a picture of incredulity. Once hailed as a once-in-a-lifetime genius, he had become a Martial Dao Grandmaster by the age of thirty, his prowess earning him countless accolades for his country and instilling fear in nations worldwide. His moniker, the North Border War God, resonated across the globe.

But it was only upon meeting Chu Xuan that he truly comprehended the meaning of genius!

Xiao Tianche was awash with emotions, his mind racing. Realizing Chu Xuan had approached, he knew it would be impolite not to acknowledge him. Quickly, he followed the Martial Cultivator Realm's etiquette, cupping his fists and bowing respectfully, "Junior Xiao Tianche, I am deeply grateful for your life-saving grace, Senior!"

Chen Hao, Xiao Qianxue, and Dr. Chen were taken aback. They were accustomed to seeing others show Xiao Tianche the utmost respect, but never had they seen him extend such courtesy to another.

Yet they were acutely aware of the young man's terrifying power, fully justifying Xiao Tianche's deferential treatment.

Therefore, they too did not dare to delay, pushing aside their astonishment to each offer their thanks, "We are profoundly thankful for your life-saving grace, Senior."

Chu Xuan responded with a nonchalance, "I was merely passing by and lent a hand. No thanks are necessary."

Xiao Tianche's gratitude was palpable, his eyes brimming with tears, "Senior's immense benevolence will forever be etched in our hearts!"

"Hmm," was all Chu Xuan uttered in response. After all, as a lofty Immortal Monarch, what's wrong with being a bit aloof?

Xiao Tianche and his companions naturally wouldn't presume to judge the situation.

"Esteemed elder, this is my daughter, Xiao Qianxue, alongside Yang Hao and Dr. Chen. I haven't had the honor of learning your esteemed name. May I inquire if you would be willing to share it?" Xiao Tianche felt a twinge of surprise. When he had introduced himself, Chu Xuan remained unmoved. Could it be that Chu Xuan hadn't heard of him, the North Border War God?

Xiao Qianxue, Yang Hao, and Dr. Chen regarded Chu Xuan with a mix of curiosity and awe.

Chu Xuan's attire and hairstyle, reminiscent of ancient times, were quite extraordinary, and he exuded an enigmatic aura that was utterly captivating.

"Chu Xuan."

As he uttered his name, Chu Xuan felt a faint sense of melancholy. Perhaps his name had long since been relegated to the annals of history.

Would anyone, after eons, still remember Human Emperor Chu Xuan, who once reigned supreme across the myriad heavens?

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