Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C4 What Era Is This?
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C4 What Era Is This?
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C4 What Era Is This?

Chu Xuan? That was a name Xiao Tianche didn't recognize.

He was taken aback. Never had he heard of such a formidable force within the Martial Cultivator Realm, especially one so young. It seemed implausible for such a person to have remained obscure.

As the North Border War God, Xiao Tianche was a renowned figure in the Huaxia Martial Cultivator Realm. His name commanded immediate respect. Yet, Chu Xuan's lack of reaction was puzzling. Was it possible he had never heard of him, or did he simply not care?

Upon reflection, Xiao Tianche couldn't help but scoff at himself. Why would a Martial Dao Saint need to know him? Even if he had heard of Xiao Tianche, it likely meant little to him.

With Chu Xuan's capabilities, there was no need for him to seek the favor of the North Border War God.

"It's an honor to meet you, Senior Chu. Please forgive my oversight." Xiao Tianche bowed respectfully once more. "I am deeply grateful for your help. I owe you a debt I can never repay. Should you ever need anything, I am at your service, ready to face any peril."

Chu Xuan shook his head. "I don't require such extremes from you. I just need you to answer some questions."

"What would you like to know, Senior Chu? I will spare no detail in my response," Xiao Tianche offered.

"What year is it now?" Chu Xuan inquired.

At this question, Xiao Tianche, his daughter Xiao Qianxue, Yang Hao, and Dr. Chen were all momentarily dumbfounded.

They hadn't expected such a query. Did Chu Xuan come from another planet? How could he not know the current year?

Nonetheless, Xiao Tianche responded truthfully, "We are in the year 2016."

Xiao Qianxue, Yang Hao, and Dr. Chen remained perplexed but refrained from further questioning.

Chu Xuan explained openly, "There's no need for astonishment. I've been in seclusion for many years, detached from worldly affairs. I need to acquaint myself with this era."

Secluded for many years? Unaware of worldly affairs?

Suddenly, Xiao Tianche and the others began to piece together a narrative.

Could Senior Chu Xuan be one of those legendary hermits who spent decades in solitary cultivation?

How else could one explain the terrifying ability to catch a missile barehanded?

Without years of rigorous training, such a feat would be inconceivable.

Observing Chu Xuan's ancient attire, they dared not let their imaginations run wild. Could he be an ancient demon who had secluded himself for centuries?

Could a person live that long? It seemed improbable. Perhaps the ancient garb was merely a personal preference of Senior Chu Xuan!

The reason for Senior Chu Xuan's youthful appearance was simple. Highly skilled cultivators could often slow aging and even retain their youth indefinitely.

Driven by curiosity, Xiao Tianche cautiously inquired, "Please forgive my boldness, but may I ask Senior's age?"

Chu Xuan pondered for a moment, "I've forgotten."

He truly had forgotten. As the adage goes, in the pursuit of cultivation, time becomes irrelevant. Mortals, with their brief lifespans, can easily recall their age, but having lived for eons, how could he possibly remember his?

Xiao Tianche assumed Chu Xuan preferred to keep it secret and didn't press further. However, he was resolute in his decision to cultivate a relationship with this influential figure.

The journey ahead could be fraught with peril. With Chu Xuan by his side, his safety was virtually assured.

After all, with a powerhouse capable of intercepting missiles by his side, who could possibly harm Xiao Tianche?

Thus, Xiao Tianche brazenly proposed, "Senior Chu, if you wish to learn about this era, why not travel with us? Once we return to China, my daughter will personally clarify any queries you have, whatever they may be!"

He saw this as an exceedingly beneficial arrangement. Merely by aiding Chu Xuan in understanding the current times, he could gain the chance to foster a friendship.

Xiao Qianxue was his daughter. If this opportunity could spark a connection with Senior Chu Xuan, wouldn't that be even more fortuitous?

"Agreed." Chu Xuan accepted Xiao Tianche's offer without much deliberation.

While he could explore and learn on his own, assistance would make the process smoother.

Having resolved to remain on Earth to refine his damaged Dao Heart, it was essential to engage with humanity. What better way to start than to immerse himself in this new era?

Xiao Tianche was ecstatic. He had anticipated a lengthy persuasion, but to his surprise, Chu Xuan agreed without hesitation.

"That's wonderful! Once Senior Chu arrives in China, I will be sure to express my deepest gratitude!"

No sooner had he spoken these words than Xiao Tianche's complexion turned ashen, and he violently coughed up a mouthful of black blood containing fragments of tissue.

"Marshal Xiao!"


Xiao Qianxue and Yang Hao exclaimed in unison.

"Dr. Chen, do we have a signal yet? Please, find a solution quickly!" implored Yang Hao.

Xiao Qianxue's eyes locked onto Chu Xuan, her expression one of desperate hope. "Senior Chu, with your incredible abilities, you must be able to save my father, right? I'm begging you!" Overcome with emotion, she knelt before Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan cast a glance at Xiao Tianche, who was being supported by Yang Hao. "Your organs are gravely injured, and your dantian is ruptured. It's a miracle you've lasted this long. At best, you have half an hour left before death is certain."

"Life and death are predestined," Xiao Tianche said with a hearty laugh. "It seems my time has come. Well, I'll soon reunite with my brothers; they're all waiting for me on the other side!"

"Father..." Xiao Qianxue's tears streamed down her face, her heart aching as if sliced by a blade.

"Marshal Xiao, you must persevere," urged Yang Hao, the normally stoic man now unable to hold back his tears.

Chu Xuan spoke calmly, "Indeed, your time was meant to end, but with my presence here today, you shall not die."

"What?" Xiao Tianche was suddenly filled with hope. "Senior Chu, you can save me?"

"Senior Chu, is it true? Oh, thank goodness!" Xiao Qianxue's grief transformed into relief.

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