Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C5 Apocalypse Era My Fault
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C5 Apocalypse Era My Fault
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C5 Apocalypse Era My Fault

Chu Xuan signaled for Yang Hao to lay Xiao Tianche down. Complying, Yang Hao carefully positioned Xiao Tianche on the sandy ground.

"Senior Chu, I can't thank you enough. I owe you my life, twice over," Xiao Tianche expressed, overwhelmed with gratitude. To have Chu Xuan's aid seemed like a blessing from a past life. He had saved him from a Transcontinental Ballistic Missile before, and now he was about to save his life once more.

He had unwavering faith that Chu Xuan could rescue him, despite feeling as though his life was hanging by a thread, teetering on the brink of death.

Chu Xuan remained silent, standing still for a few seconds. The Immortal Essence Power within him surged to his fingertips, and suddenly, the environment transformed. Countless streams of Spiritual Qi converged from afar, breathing life into the once-barren desert.

Xiao Tianche and the others were astounded by the dramatic shift unfolding before them. Was this the power of a Martial Dao Saint?

With a serene expression, Chu Xuan siphoned off a tiny fraction of the Immortal Essence Power and diluted it tens of thousands of times until it was safe for Xiao Tianche to absorb.

To Chu Xuan, Xiao Tianche's mere Foundation Establishment level was as fragile as a mortal's. How could he possibly endure the galaxy-rending force of Chu Xuan's Immortal Essence Power?

With Chu Xuan's meticulous manipulation, the immensely weakened Immortal Essence Power transformed into a white beam of light that shot into Xiao Tianche's body. Within seconds, it mended his shattered dantian and coursed through his body, revitalizing his organs.

Xiao Tianche seemed to be infused with a miraculous elixir. His complexion glowed, his energy was restored, and he was snatched from the jaws of death.

He retched, expelling several mouthfuls of dark blood, and felt a surge of vitality. His wounds were healed, his strength had returned to its pinnacle, and there was no trace of his former frailty. He was a changed man.

"Dad, how do you feel now?" Xiao Qianxue asked, a mix of astonishment and joy in her voice.

"I'm completely healed!" Xiao Tianche leapt to his feet, bursting into hearty laughter. The indomitable spirit of the North Border War God had indeed returned.

Yang Hao was overjoyed, "Marshal Xiao, you're alright! That's wonderful!"

"It's truly inconceivable!" Dr. Chen adjusted his reading glasses, feeling a surge of emotion.

He had dedicated his life to science, with a focus on human potential, and had encountered many formidable individuals in the Martial Cultivator Realm. Yet, he had never witnessed someone revive a person on the brink of death in such a brief time.

It was merely a gentle touch. Chu Xuan pointed his finger, emitting a beam of light, and Xiao Tianche was instantly revitalized. The occurrence was beyond belief.

But then Dr. Chen recalled how Chu Xuan had effortlessly caught a 300-ton Transcontinental Ballistic Missile, and he couldn't help but smile wryly to himself.

The phenomena surrounding Chu Xuan defied scientific explanation.

It was nothing short of a miracle!

The most astounded of all was Xiao Tianche himself. He alone knew the severity of his wounds, teetering on the edge of death. Even if he had narrowly escaped, he would have been left a cripple, devoid of any cultivation.

Yet, with a mere infusion of energy from Chu Xuan, everything was reversed.

His injuries healed instantaneously, his cultivation was restored to its peak, and he even experienced significant advancement.

Xiao Tianche was at a loss for words to express the shock he felt inside.

To him, Chu Xuan was akin to a deity!

"Senior Chu, I'm at a loss for how to express my gratitude," Xiao Tianche said, bowing deeply to Chu Xuan, his face etched with thankfulness.

"Take me to Huaxia," Chu Xuan requested calmly.

For Xiao Tianche, this was an act of life-saving mercy, but for Chu Xuan, it was a simple gesture.

Throughout his life, he had bestowed countless favors, yet few had truly reciprocated.

Thus, Chu Xuan didn't place much weight on Xiao Tianche's words.

He had more pressing matters to attend to and showed little concern for such things.

"Of course, Senior Chu, it's absolutely no trouble," Xiao Tianche replied, his face nearly splitting with joy.

To be in the company of someone with such awe-inspiring power, who could effortlessly save a life teetering on death's door, he fervently wished he could bring him back and revere him as one would an ancestor.

Having the opportunity to be mentored by such a luminary is like being given wings to soar to the heavens, isn't it?

The esteemed North Border War God had never felt such exhilaration in his life.

Now, with his wounds healed and the presence of the great Chu Xuan, there was nothing left to fear. Even if their enemies launched ten Transcontinental Ballistic Missiles at them, there would be no cause for alarm.

Their group had expanded from four to five, with Chu Xuan taking over as the core leader from Xiao Tianche.

Chu Xuan steered them in a new direction, heading straight north.

"Senior Chu, shouldn't we be heading east?" Xiao Tianche eventually spoke up after some time.

"Aren't you looking for the signal?" Chu Xuan gazed into the distance and replied, "Once you reach the slope up ahead, you'll find it."

At his words, Xiao Tianche and the others were momentarily taken aback.

How did you know about that?

Yang Hao was quick to act. He snatched the communicator from Dr. Chen and dashed towards the sand dune ahead.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!* The communicator's light switched from red to green. Yang Hao exclaimed with joy, "We've got a signal! We've got a signal!"

"Senior Chu, you're truly remarkable," Xiao Tianche said, astounded.

"I'm just a bit more perceptive," Chu Xuan mused, considering that the signal was probably akin to the Divine Sense waves he had encountered while intercepting missiles.

Chu Xuan, with a slight frown, turned to Xiao Tianche. At the Foundation Stage, one should have already developed Divine Sense. Why did Xiao Tianche seem utterly oblivious to its use? He couldn't even detect this?

Moreover, Xiao Tianche's cultivation at the Foundation Stage was significantly inferior to those from the Ancient Times, weaker by an immeasurable margin.

Even with the decline of Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy and the waning of the Martial Dao Inheritance in the Apocalypse Era, it seemed inconceivable that one would be unaware of how to cultivate Divine Sense.

Chu Xuan shook his head, dismissing these thoughts. Times change, and many outcomes are unpredictable.

And perhaps, he had played a role in this Apocalypse Era himself!

During the billion years of his seclusion, he had nearly drained the Earth's core, let alone the Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy.

Had Yang Hao not established a formation in advance, meticulously timing the automatic transfer of Spiritual Energy from the Immortal Realm to replenish what was consumed, Earth's ecology would have collapsed long ago. Ultimately, this was all his responsibility!

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