Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C6 I Am the Only One Left
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C6 I Am the Only One Left
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C6 I Am the Only One Left

Once the communicator picked up a signal, Yang Hao quickly got in touch with their team.

Roughly half an hour later, a massive armed helicopter touched down in the desert. Xiao Tianche approached and respectfully invited, "Senior Chu, please!"

Chu Xuan leapt aboard the helicopter, taking in his surroundings with interest. Xiao Tianche and the rest hurriedly followed suit. They couldn't help but be astonished at Chu Xuan's curious demeanor. How long had Senior Chu been cut off from the world? Had he really never seen a helicopter before?

Once airborne, Chu Xuan lost interest in his surroundings. Despite the helicopter's intricate design, it was just a machine and slow at that. How could it possibly compare to the thrill of flying on his own? It was quite remarkable that mere mortals had managed to invent such a device for flight.

Inside the cabin, Xiao Tianche sat pensively before finally voicing the question that had been nagging at him, "Senior Chu, what happened to the missile you caught?"

At his words, Xiao Qianxue, Yang Hao, and Dr. Chen were momentarily taken aback. They had been so astounded by Chu Xuan's power that they had completely overlooked the Transcontinental Ballistic Missile. Now, they wondered, where had it gone?

"That fiery projectile?" Chu Xuan casually flicked his hand, and the black ring on his finger emitted a faint glow. "It's right here."

Xiao Tianche and the others were dumbfounded. "Senior must be jesting. How could something so large fit inside a ring?" Yang Hao found it hard to believe.

Chu Xuan let out a soft sigh, "A speck of dust can contain the heavens and the earth; a single drop of water can hold the universe."

Times had changed, and it seemed that people today no longer recognized the existence of Space Rings.

Xiao Tianche mulled over Chu Xuan's profound statement, his admiration deepening. Perhaps Senior Chu Xuan was telling the truth? After all, if he could catch a Transcontinental Ballistic Missile with his bare hands, what couldn't be possible?

Yang Hao and Dr. Chen were captivated by the fantastical imagery Chu Xuan had conjured.

Xiao Qianxue, however, was less interested in these wonders. She was far more intrigued by Chu Xuan himself.

"Senior Chu..."

Chu Xuan interjected, "The title 'Senior' feels a bit antiquated. Please, call me something else."

Xiao Qianxue offered a restrained smile, "Mr. Chu!"

Chu Xuan nodded in approval, "That will do."

Xiao Qianxue inquired, "Mr. Chu, do you have any family or friends back in China? Having lived in seclusion for so many years, you must miss your hometown terribly. We could arrange for someone to look for them on your behalf."

"Family or friends? I'm all that's left." Chu Xuan's expression briefly took on a distant look, then he smiled faintly, a profound sense of age-old sorrow and solitude emanating from him.

Since childhood, he had been an orphan. The closest people to him were his master and his beloved Chiang Li.

Sadly, his master had passed away before he could fully mature, and Chiang Li had sacrificed herself to save him from a heavenly tribulation a billion years ago, leaving him with a lifetime of grief.

His old friends and disciples were likely gone as well. Even Immortal Monarchs cannot escape the fate of death when their lifespan reaches its limit.

A billion years is but the lifespan of an Immortal Monarch. Who could ever transcend the Heavenly Dao?

Chu Xuan was an exception. During a billion years of seclusion, he had endured countless deaths and rebirths, grasping the cycle of reincarnation between life and death, and surviving through immense suffering. Each resurrection was akin to starting anew; otherwise, he would have met the end of his lifespan.

I am the only one left! For some reason, this statement gripped Xiao Qianxue's heart tightly, causing her great discomfort.

What kind of stories did this man carry with him?

Her eyes reddened slightly as she spoke gently, "Mr. Chu, please come with us to the capital. There, you can start anew. I can introduce you to my friends, and I'm sure you'll be able to integrate well into this era."

Chu Xuan responded succinctly, "Alright." After all, he had nowhere else to go at the moment.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Qianxue felt a surge of joy within.

The more she learned about Chu Xuan, the more she yearned to uncover the depths of his past.

Chu Xuan was shrouded in mystery. Never in her life had she felt such a strong curiosity about anyone before.

Several hours later, the helicopter touched down at a non-civilian airport within a restricted area of the capital.

Stepping off the helicopter, Chu Xuan instructed, "Don't reveal anything about me to anyone."

"No problem, Mr. Chu. I've got it," Xiao Tianche assured, readily agreeing. He knew Chu Xuan preferred to maintain a low profile. Turning to Xiao Qianxue and the other two, he said sternly, "Remember, you must not disclose Mr. Chu's origins or identity. Is that clear?"


"Yes, Marshal Xiao!"

Xiao Tianche then expressed his regrets, "Mr. Chu, I have urgent matters to attend to and must excuse myself. Please forgive my abrupt departure. My daughter Qianxue will stay behind to help you get acquainted with the surroundings."

Chu Xuan was not one for pretense. "Alright, go ahead. She'll be fine guiding me."

This down-to-earth demeanor deepened Xiao Tianche's respect for Chu Xuan.

"I shall take my leave now."

Swiftly, Xiao Tianche removed the black case from Xiao Qianxue's back and hurried off with Yang Hao and Dr. Chen.

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