Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C7 Yang Essence Crystal
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C7 Yang Essence Crystal
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C7 Yang Essence Crystal

Chu Xuan's gaze rested on the black box for a moment, until Xiao Tianche and his companions had vanished from sight. Xiao Qianxue, observing his interest, spoke with a tinge of sorrow, "For that very item, we've lost many comrades who were as close as family in life and death."

Chu Xuan, taken aback, questioned, "All this for a mere handful of Yang Essence Crystals?" He was well aware of the contents of the black box and was astonished that the Yang Essence Crystals, once considered worthless in Ancient Times, were now so coveted.

He had found it odd during their journey, the excessive measures taken to guard a few Yang Essence Crystals. Was it really necessary?

Xiao Qianxue, surprised, asked, "Mr. Chu, you're familiar with this mineral?"

Chu Xuan looked at her for a long while, somewhat at a loss for words, "Of course, I am. Is it considered valuable?"

Xiao Qianxue was taken aback by his reaction. Valuable indeed! Her father, the esteemed North Border War God of Huaxia, had nearly sacrificed his life in a foreign land for that very ore. The mineral held a unique energy that could significantly enhance human physique, discovered in a diamond mine in southern Africa.

If this energy could be extracted for martial artists to absorb, it would immensely boost their abilities, rendering them impervious to blades, fire, and much more. Crucially, this energy could also benefit ordinary people. Not everyone is gifted with the talent for martial arts, but this energy could empower the average person. Just imagine an army of such enhanced individuals and their potential might.

Dr. Chen, the lead on this project, had even hypothesized that with enough resources, he could develop a cadre of warriors capable of withstanding bullets.

"Mr. Chu, before encountering you, we lost thirty of our brothers just to secure these Yang Essence Crystals," Xiao Qianxue said with a wry smile. "They were bought with their lives."

Chu Xuan felt a wave of melancholy, "In our time, Yang Essence Crystals were commonplace, overlooked by everyone."

"Is that so," Xiao Qianxue murmured, steadying her heavy heart as fresh questions began to surface in her mind.

In the past, the precious Yang Essence Crystal was overlooked by many?

It's worth noting that several mysterious international underground organizations have battled fiercely over it, resulting in countless deaths and injuries!

Which era was Mr. Chu referring to?

Gazing at the distinguished man in traditional attire beside her, Xiao Qianxue's curiosity intensified.

Chu Xuan was equally eager to grasp the nuances of this modern era.

The fact that Yang Essence Crystals were now considered valuable was utterly fantastical.

"Mr. Chu, please wait here for a moment while I bring the car around," Xiao Qianxue said with a soft smile.

Chu Xuan nodded in agreement. "Sure."

Two minutes later, a thunderous rumble erupted behind them.

Xiao Qianxue arrived in a camouflage-colored Hummer.

Chu Xuan, unfamiliar with the vehicle, leaped agilely like a monkey, landing stylishly in the front passenger seat through the window.

This unexpected maneuver left Xiao Qianxue's hand, poised to open the door for him, hanging in the air.

"This 'box' is quite different from the metal contraption that flew us here. The only commonality is the crude quality of the materials," Chu Xuan remarked, running his hand over the metal door and detecting numerous impurities.

In his days in the Immortal Realm, he was renowned not only for his unmatched strength but also for his exceptional weapon forging skills, which gave him exceedingly high standards.

But, he thought, one shouldn't hold mortal creations to such lofty expectations.

Xiao Qianxue was at a loss for words, increasingly convinced that Chu Xuan was a man out of time.

Nevertheless, she patiently explained, "Mr. Chu, this is an automobile. There are many innovations in this era that you'll gradually come to understand."

They quickly left the secluded, enigmatic zone behind, speeding along the highway and reaching the city in half an hour.

As Chu Xuan observed the towering skyscrapers and the ceaseless flow of traffic, he was struck by the stark contrast to the Ancient Times.

Yet, this disparity brought him some discomfort.

The sky was a murky gray, and the air was polluted—a far cry from the pristine environment of the Ancient Times.

Even the Apocalypse Era wasn't supposed to be this bleak. What on earth had these mortals done?

Chu Xuan was perplexed.

Roughly ten minutes later, Xiao Qianxue pulled into a residential complex. After finding a parking spot, she escorted Chu Xuan up to the ninth floor of an apartment building.

"Mr. Chu, I've lent this apartment to a friend who's currently abroad and hasn't returned yet, so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with staying here for now. It's not very spacious, but I hope you won't find it too inconvenient," Xiao Qianxue explained, unlocking the door with an apologetic expression.

"It's quite alright; this place seems rather nice," Chu Xuan remarked as he entered and glanced around the apartment.

The layout included a living room and two bedrooms, all neatly arranged and pleasantly decorated.

Having spent his life in rigorous cultivation, Chu Xuan was accustomed to simple living conditions. He had resided in the abyss, at the ocean's depths, on desolate planets, and even within the recesses of black holes.

"As long as you're pleased," Xiao Qianxue said with a charming smile. "I'll find you a larger place in a few days. For now, I'm going to buy you some clothes. Please make yourself at home; I'll return shortly."

"Alright, go ahead," Chu Xuan responded, settling into the sofa and idly picking up a magazine.

As the door closed behind Xiao Qianxue, Chu Xuan began leafing through a magazine titled "90 Trendiest Men's Hairstyles."

After a brief perusal, he stood before a full-length mirror in the corner of the room, running his hands through his long hair. With a look of disdain, he tossed the magazine aside.

"This is just hideous!" he declared.

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