Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C8 Martial Dao Exchange Conference
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C8 Martial Dao Exchange Conference
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C8 Martial Dao Exchange Conference

After roaming around the room for a bit, Chu Xuan didn't find anything particularly fascinating—until he inadvertently pressed the TV remote on the table.

So there he was, the once invincible Human Emperor Chu Xuan, who had conquered the Immortal Realm and was undefeated in battles across the heavens and the earth, now engrossed in watching a cartoon about bears on the sofa!

A billion years had been an arduous wait, and any novelty now thrilled Chu Xuan to no end.

When Xiao Qianxue came back and witnessed this scene, she was utterly dumbfounded.

Was this the same Senior Chu who had caught a Transcontinental Ballistic Missile with his bare hands?

What happened to the air of an unrivaled master?

Noticing Xiao Qianxue's return, Chu Xuan turned and smiled, "This is quite intriguing."

"If Mr. Chu enjoys it, please feel free to watch at your leisure." Xiao Qianxue, of course, wouldn't mock Chu Xuan; she was well aware of his formidable abilities and understood that unfamiliarity with this era did not diminish his impressive presence.

"I've purchased a few sets of new clothes for you. Please try them on to see if they fit."

"Thank you, Miss Xiao," Chu Xuan replied, accepting the bag of clothes from her and heading into the room.

The styles of this era's clothing were vastly different from those of Chu Xuan's time.

Still, he could clearly distinguish between shirts and pants. Xiao Qianxue had thoughtfully coordinated the outfits, placing each set in a separate bag for him to try on.

Eventually, Chu Xuan emerged dressed in casual attire, though his hairstyle was still somewhat anachronistic.

"Mr. Chu, you really should update your hairstyle; it's quite unconventional," Xiao Qianxue finally blurted out, concerned that Chu Xuan might cling to outdated beliefs about not cutting one's hair.

"People in this era have such short hair; it's quite unattractive," Chu Xuan remarked, picking up a magazine he had discarded on the floor and shaking his head in disapproval.

Xiao Qianxue took the magazine, flipped through it, and then spread it out in front of Chu Xuan, suggesting with a smile, "What do you think about this style?"

Chu Xuan studied the page. It featured the Hong Kong actor Zheng Yijian, a man he didn't recognize, but whose flowing locks were stylish. Though shorter than his current hair, it seemed appealing.

"That's the one."

With those words, Chu Xuan's long hair began to move as if caught in an invisible breeze, then rapidly shortened. Within seconds, his hair had completely transformed, matching the style featured in the magazine exactly.

Was this some form of spell or magic?

Xiao Qianxue was astounded once again. She had been planning to take Chu Xuan for a haircut.

With his new hairstyle, Chu Xuan instantly went from looking like a figure from ancient times to a modern-day heartthrob.

"Mr. Chu truly has a remarkable presence," Xiao Qianxue exclaimed, utterly impressed.

Indeed, impressive!

She never imagined that the term 'stunning' could apply to a man.

Chu Xuan offered a slight smile. "Guide me through this era."

Xiao Qianxue returned the smile warmly. "It would be my pleasure to assist."

They descended the stairs, hopped into the Hummer, and began their exploration.

As they drove, Xiao Qianxue briefed Chu Xuan on the technological advancements and societal shifts that had occurred since the Industrial Revolution. Chu Xuan was starting to grasp that this was an age dominated by technological progress.

When Earth's environment became inhospitable for cultivation, technology seemed to be humanity's sole avenue to strength.

Yet, Chu Xuan knew that the technological path was, after all, a diversion. True strength came from within!

Chu Xuan had once traversed the cosmos, engaging with numerous civilizations across the Star Domain, each one focused on the ultimate goal of self-cultivation.

This alone confirmed that a civilization dedicated to cultivation was the true path, all others being secondary.

Nonetheless, thanks to Xiao Qianxue's insights, Chu Xuan learned that the Martial Dao Inheritance still existed in the modern world, albeit in a greatly diminished state—a fact he had already observed in Xiao Tianche.

Given the opportunity, Chu Xuan intended to meet other martial practitioners to fully assess just how far the Martial Dao Inheritance had declined in the current age.

After spending a day in the capital, Chu Xuan had gained a preliminary understanding of the times.

He felt ready to assimilate.

To mend the flaws in his Dao Heart, he would start here. With time, he trusted that all would be well.

On their way back, Xiao Qianxue handed a bag of documents to Chu Xuan.

"Mr. Chu, we've set up an identity for you as a freshman at the University of Science and Technology of China. All the details are in here," she said, her expression slightly odd.

Yang Hao had concocted this identity, assigning a Peerless Expert capable of catching a Transcontinental Ballistic Missile with his bare hands to pose as a college freshman. What an unusual strategy. Yet, Chu Xuan seemed to fit the role quite well.

"Let's go with this one. I'm not picky," Chu Xuan said, tucking the document bag away. For him, any identity offered a fresh new life experience.

Xiao Qianxue breathed a silent sigh of relief. She had been worried that Chu Xuan might reject the identity, but thankfully he was on board.

She found herself silently criticizing Yang Hao for his lack of attention to detail.

"By the way, Mr. Chu, the Martial Dao Aristocratic Families in Jing City are hosting a Martial Dao Exchange Conference tomorrow. Notable figures from the Martial Cultivator Realm in the surrounding provinces and cities will be in attendance. Would you be interested in attending?" Xiao Qianxue asked.

She recalled Chu Xuan's insight into the ores they had recovered, and with the conference closely linked to the research project led by Dr. Chen, she thought it might be a good opportunity to invite Chu Xuan. Maybe he'd be willing to share some valuable information.

Chu Xuan pondered for a moment. "A Martial Dao Exchange Conference? I am indeed interested in taking a look, but..."

Xiao Qianxue quickly reassured him, "Rest assured, Mr. Chu, we'll keep your identity confidential. If anyone inquires, I'll simply introduce you as my friend."

Chu Xuan nodded in agreement. "Alright, where will it be held?"

"I'll come to pick you up here tomorrow," Xiao Qianxue replied.

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