Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C9 The Declining Martial Dao Realm
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Supreme Lord Of The Cosmos/C9 The Declining Martial Dao Realm
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C9 The Declining Martial Dao Realm

Time flew by, and before I knew it, night had fallen. The lights remained off, and Chu Xuan sat quietly in the darkness on the sofa, lost in the memories of his life.

He reminisced about his past glory. Once, as the Human Emperor, he had commanded awe across the heavens. But his pride nearly led to his demise during the Heavenly Tribulation as he advanced to the Great Monarch Stage. It was Chiang Li who selflessly shielded him from the final, most fearsome Tribulation Thunder, allowing Chu Xuan to cling to life.

Though Chu Xuan's life was spared, Chiang Li vanished without a trace, her essence dissipated into the cosmos. A billion years have passed, and despite her soul's disappearance, Chu Xuan's resolve to find her remains unshaken.

It was only in the wake of Chiang Li's death that he grasped the true value of what he had lost. His fame as the Human Emperor and his dominion over the stars paled in comparison to the love he held for her—a love that was more precious than anything else.

Regrettably, he had come to this realization far too late. Still, he perseveres, dedicating a billion years to rigorous cultivation, understanding life and death, and exploring the cycles of reincarnation—all in preparation for another attempt to reach the Great Monarch Stage.

Legend has it that upon becoming a Great Monarch, one can wield the power over the Dao of Reincarnation. Then, he could trace the path of reincarnation to find Chiang Li.

Chu Xuan inhaled deeply, setting aside these ponderings. For now, his priority was to restore his weakened Dao Heart. Coincidentally, he was also on a quest to gather the ingredients needed to craft the Imperial Tribulation Pill, which could bolster his odds of surviving the Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Monarch.

The herbs he had collected long ago had turned to dust over the years. He would ask Xiao Qianxue to keep an eye out for them. Yet, Chu Xuan wasn't overly optimistic, especially since acquiring just one of the more basic ingredients, the Ginseng King, required the essence of over a hundred thousand ginsengs, each aged over fifteen hundred years.

The other medicinal herbs were even more precious. With Earth's environment so barren and the Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy so scarce, it was virtually impossible for herbs of such caliber to exist.

Thus, Chu Xuan would have to wait until he ventured beyond Earth to continue his search.

Chu Xuan let out a wistful smile. In the days of his reign as the Human Emperor, a mere word from him would have had countless experts clamoring to present their herbs, pleading for his acceptance.

Times had changed, and Chu Xuan was no longer the revered Human Emperor. The world had long since forgotten his name.

But the insignificance of the title didn't bother him. His sole purpose was to find Chiang Li, to resurrect her and atone for his past failings.

As night deepened, Chu Xuan abandoned all caution and surrendered to sleep. He was invulnerable, even if the Earth were to shatter; defenses were unnecessary.

Only the weak need to stand guard. To the strong, any challenge is welcome—if you can pluck even half a hair, consider it your victory.

At the break of dawn, Chu Xuan was roused by the distinctive growl of Xiao Qianxue's Hummer. Soon after, there was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Chu."

Chu Xuan opened the door and replied, "I'm here."

Xiao Qianxue entered, bearing a bag of breakfast, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, please enjoy some breakfast. We'll head out shortly."

Chu Xuan sampled a few buns, finding them quite satisfactory.

For someone at his Great Monarch Stage, eating was merely a pleasure; his body no longer required sustenance. The Immortal Essence Power within him was eternal, like the cosmos itself.

An hour later, Xiao Qianxue drove Chu Xuan to a manor on the city's outskirts.

Numerous luxury cars were already there, signaling the elite status of those attending today's Martial Dao Exchange Conference.

Xiao Qianxue mentioned that the event would host not only individuals from the Martial Cultivator Realm but also notable figures from the business and political sectors.

The Martial Dao Exchange Conference was hosted by the Xiao family, a prominent family in the capital with considerable influence. The renowned North Border War God, Xiao Tianche, hailed from the Xiao family, which speaks volumes about their clout in the capital. The Xiao family had a hand in various sectors, from the business world to the Martial Cultivator Realm and beyond.

Xiao Qianxue had given Chu Xuan a rough idea of the conference's purpose, which was tied to Dr. Chen's research project. However, Chu Xuan wasn't particularly interested. Was all this fuss really necessary for a few Yang Essence Crystals? It seemed excessive.

The manor's security was formidable, with heavily armed soldiers stationed at frequent intervals. Thanks to Xiao Qianxue's guidance, they navigated through the defenses and made their way deep into the estate without incident.

The conference was held in a spacious hall, at the center of which was a stage—or more accurately, a ring—befitting the martial focus of the event. Seats encircled the ring, while the second floor boasted a ring of VIP rooms with an excellent view of the action below.

By the time Chu Xuan and Xiao Qianxue arrived, the hall was bustling with attendees. Chu Xuan took a moment to survey the crowd and noted that most were ordinary people with no signs of cultivation. In contrast, the VIP rooms above housed several individuals with formidable auras, yet none surpassed the rudimentary levels of Foundation Establishment, and their cultivation techniques were likely subpar.

Chu Xuan was disheartened by this revelation. Clearly, the Martial Dao Inheritance had fallen into decline on Earth.

Xiao Qianxue led Chu Xuan upstairs to a VIP room where they could enjoy some peace and quiet, away from the crowd.

"Ms. Xue?" A head peeked in stealthily from the doorway.

Xiao Qianxue turned to identify the intruder and, recognizing him, she snapped irritably, "I should have known it was you, Yang Biao. What are you doing skulking around here? Shouldn't you be training instead of seeking out distractions?"

"Hehe, I was so bored that I took some time off to get out and about. I heard Uncle Xiao Tianhai was hosting a Martial Dao Exchange Conference here, so I thought I'd come and check it out. And what a coincidence, I ran into you just outside," said Yang Biao, his gaze subtly resting on Chu Xuan's silhouette. He lowered his voice and asked, "Ms. Xue, is he your boyfriend?"

Chu Xuan was already seated comfortably by then, intently observing the crowd in the hall below, paying no mind to the conversation behind him.

Xiao Qianxue's cheeks flushed slightly. "No, he's just a friend."

"Just a friend? You expect me to believe that?" Yang Biao gave a dismissive roll of his eyes. "Would you bring just any friend here?"

"Believe it or not, that's your choice," Xiao Qianxue retorted quietly, stealing a glance at Chu Xuan, who remained indifferent, causing her some inner turmoil.

Chu Xuan, for his part, was indifferent to their exchange.

"Hehe, Ms. Xue, there's no need to explain. I get it," Yang Biao said with a knowing smile. "I'll leave you two be. I'm off."

As he walked away, Yang Biao couldn't help but ponder Chu Xuan's identity. What kind of man had the charm to win over a beauty like Xiao Qianxue? In the capital, young men lined up by the dozens, hoping for a chance with Xiao Qianxue, the War God’s daughter. If Yang Biao hadn't already been smitten with someone else, he might have been one of those fervently pursuing her. Unfortunately for them, Xiao Qianxue set her sights high, and many accomplished suitors had been turned away, finding even a brief conversation with her a challenge.

Yet here was Chu Xuan, who Xiao Qianxue had not only brought along but also treated with a noticeable warmth. It was nothing short of astonishing!

Though curious, Yang Biao had a good rapport with Xiao Qianxue and respected her privacy. Since she chose not to elaborate, he wouldn't pry.

Once Yang Biao had left, Xiao Qianxue turned to Chu Xuan with a nervous look. "Mr. Chu, about earlier…"

Chu Xuan chuckled, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Qianxue appeared slightly panicked and hastily replied, "It's nothing, really."

Chu Xuan could easily read the young girl's mind, yet he chose not to call her out, feigning ignorance instead.

In the past, numerous prodigies and holy maidens had pursued him to the brink of madness, but Chu Xuan only ever had eyes for Chiang Li.

Since Chiang Li's passing, Chu Xuan's heart had sealed shut, never again to be stirred by another woman.

His heart remained open solely for Chiang Li.

To alleviate the awkwardness, Xiao Qianxue deftly steered the conversation elsewhere, "Do you think today's Martial Dao Exchange Conference will capture Mr. Chu's interest?"

"It's quite good," Chu Xuan responded succinctly. Coming from anyone else, such a reply might be seen as dismissive.

While they conversed, a burly middle-aged man made his way onto the stage.

He bore a resemblance to Xiao Tianche; indeed, it was Xiao Tianhai, Xiao Tianche's brother!

Xiao Tianche, renowned as the North Border War God, had a brother, Xiao Tianhai, who was no less formidable. With his high-level martial arts prowess and status as a Martial Dao Grandmaster, he held a significant position within Huaxia's Martial Cultivator Realm.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to have you all here at the Martial Dao Exchange Conference today. This gathering is intended for mutual exchange and harmony. I hope that everyone, whether from the Martial Cultivator Realm or otherwise, will adhere to the rules and afford me, Xiao, due respect. Thank you all!" Xiao Tianhai proclaimed.

Following his opening remarks, a wave of thunderous applause swept through the crowd.

Clearly, everyone was showing him respect.

And why wouldn't they? The man addressing them was Xiao Tianhai, a prominent figure in the capital's Martial Cultivator Realm and a key member of the Xiao family. Naturally, everyone was eager to ingratiate themselves with him.

Besides, today's event was centered around the Martial Cultivator Realm.

Many business moguls were in attendance, hoping to scout out formidable martial artists to serve as their personal bodyguards at the Martial Dao Exchange Conference.

The Martial Dao Exchange Conference serves a dual purpose, one of which is to drum up business for martial artists.

The reality is that practicing martial arts requires substantial financial resources. Not every martial artist has the deep pockets of the Xiao family, so taking on jobs like bodyguard work becomes crucial.

Times have changed, and martial artists need to earn their keep.

Who wants to retreat to the deep mountains and forests for arduous cultivation like in the old days?

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