Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C16 Sect Master Zhang Daoming.
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Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C16 Sect Master Zhang Daoming.
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C16 Sect Master Zhang Daoming.

Zhao Yu's words sent Hsiao Fengyun into a trembling rage.

Stepping forward, Zhang Xuemeng took Hsiao Fengyun's hand, her voice a soothing whisper. "Senior Brother Hsiao, pay no mind to his wild ramblings. He's simply envious of us being together. Getting angry would only play right into his hands."

She then turned, her gaze icy as it met Zhao Yu's. "There's no need for such words, Zhao Yu. I'm aware you still have feelings for me, but my feelings for you have faded, and there's no future for us. Now, I'd like you to apologize to Senior Brother Hsiao. Let's not disgrace the Sky Profound Sect."

"You're the one bringing shame upon our sect," Zhao Yu retorted.

Zhang Xuemeng seethed with anger.

Zhao Yu let out a sigh, disappointment heavy in his voice. "Junior Sister Xuemeng, you've truly let me down. We're still betrothed, and I remain your fiancé. The colder you are to me, the more you seem fickle. As the Sect Master's daughter, you embody not just yourself but our entire sect's honor."

Another sigh escaped him, his face the picture of sorrow. "A year ago, you were devoted to me, promising a lifetime together. You were quite the actress, but in just six months, your performance has plummeted. Clearly, Senior Brother Hsiao's influence has dulled your wits."

Zhang Xuemeng's fury was palpable.

Though Zhao Yu looked unchanged, he had seemingly transformed into someone entirely different.

He was the type to exact a steep price from anyone who dared to cross him.

Despite her rage, Zhang Xuemeng found herself without a comeback; her heart had indeed wandered.

The disciples watched her with mixed emotions. Even as the Sect Master's daughter, her actions were not above reproach.

"Your foolishness has succeeded in provoking me!" Hsiao Fengyun declared, his voice icy, his eyes alight with the threat of violence.

Such was his standing that not even the Sky Profound Sect's Sect Master would dare address him so.

As an inner sect disciple of the Sky Profound Sect, Zhao Yu had the audacity to humiliate him. Zhao Yu was practically begging for death!

Feeling the formidable aura radiating from Hsiao Fengyun, Zhao Yu couldn't help but tense up. The Pill Sect's top inner sect disciple possessed a level of cultivation that was shockingly on par with Sect Master Zhang Daoming. There was no way he could defeat him!

Zhao Yu quickly backed away, calling out, "The Pill Sect's disciples have not only stolen someone's betrothed but now seek to commit murder. Fellow disciples, can you stand idly by while an outsider behaves so outrageously on our turf?"

He wasn't foolish. Knowing he was no match for Hsiao Fengyun, he certainly wasn't going to challenge him.

The surrounding crowd was taken aback. Zhao Yu had started shouting even before a fight could break out.

Elder Qian had been observing from the sidelines for quite some time. Finally, unable to contain his fury any longer, he stepped forward. Standing protectively in front of Zhao Yu, he bellowed, "Hsiao Fengyun, hold your tongue. This is the Sky Profound Sect, not the Pill Sect. You have no right to run wild here!"

"Step aside, or I'll take you down as well!" Hsiao Fengyun retorted with a fierce growl.

He carried himself with an air of superiority, clearly looking down upon the Sky Profound Sect.

Seizing the moment, Zhao Yu stirred the pot, "See for yourselves! His arrogance knows no bounds. If he dismisses me, so be it. But to disregard even the elders of our Sky Profound Sect? Isn't that a direct insult to us all? My fellow disciples, are we not of the Sky Profound Sect? Do we not have any pride? Are we truly willing to let an outsider trample over our honor?"

"That's right, this guy's arrogance is unbearable. We can't stand for this!"

"This isn't the Pill Sect. Who does he think he is, acting so high and mighty on our grounds?"

"What does it matter if he's from the Pill Sect? If he dares to harm Elder Qian or Senior Brother Zhao, we'll band together and teach him a lesson!"

"Leave now, the Sky Profound Sect doesn't welcome you."

Truth be told, the disciples had long been irked by Hsiao Fengyun's haughty demeanor. Spurred on by Zhao Yu, they quickly rallied together, united in their opposition.

Hsiao Fengyun's anger was palpable, the veins on his forehead throbbing visibly.

He had initially thought he only needed to best an inner sect disciple, but Zhao Yu proved to be a formidable opponent. Not only had the elders backed Zhao Yu, but he had also rallied a host of sect disciples to his side.

This forced Hsiao Fengyun to tread carefully. Despite his disdain for the Sky Profound Sect and confidence in his own strength, he was, after all, just one man.

Yet, he was not about to back down without a fight.

Hsiao Fengyun was seething, itching to rip Zhao Yu to shreds.

Zhao Yu, undeterred, continued to incite the crowd, "Let's all attack him together. No matter how strong he is, can't we overpower him? A Pill Sect disciple dares to strut around our Sky Profound Sect—we must teach him a lesson today and show the world that our disciples will not be trifled with!"

"Zhao Yu, enough!" Zhang Xuemeng snapped, "You're stirring up trouble between the Sky Profound Sect and the Pill Sect. What are you really after? If anything happens to Senior Brother Hsiao, can you live with the consequences?"

Zhao Yu shot back, "You're the one who should be silent, you fickle woman. As my betrothed, you side with an outsider. If I were in your shoes, I'd rather end it all."

Zhang Xuemeng was so livid she was shaking, speechless.

Zhao Yu let out a cold laugh, ready to go on, but was cut off.

Suddenly, a steady voice commanded the scene, "What is this commotion? Everyone, cease at once!"

The crowd turned to see a middle-aged man in a purple robe approaching with measured steps.

"The Sect Master!"

The disciples were taken aback, bowing in unison.

The man was none other than Zhang Daoming, the Sect Master of the Sky Profound Sect.

Elder Qian bowed and stepped aside. With Zhang Daoming's arrival, the matter would be in his hands.

Seeing her father, Zhang Xuemeng's demeanor brightened. She played the victim, "Father, your timing is impeccable. I was simply showing Senior Brother Hsiao the beauty of our sect when we stumbled upon Zhao Yu. He harbors a grudge because of my relationship with Senior Brother Hsiao and has been agitating the others against him, even trying to provoke a rift between our Sky Profound Sect and the Pill Sect. His intentions are malicious. Had you arrived any later, we would have been besieged, and the fallout would have been dire. You must ensure justice is served!"

"Such an incident actually occurred?" Zhang Daoming's expression hardened instantly.

"Sect Master, things aren't as they seem," Zhao Yu interjected. "I'm afraid I'm not the best person to clarify the situation. Perhaps Elder Qian and the other disciples should explain it to you."

He knew that if he tried to explain, he wouldn't be able to make it clear. Besides, if the entire group were to discuss the matter, even Zhang Daoming, as the Sect Master, would have to entertain some doubts and couldn't afford to show undue favoritism.

Zhang Daoming shot Zhao Yu a frosty look before turning his attention to Hsiao Fengyun, his demeanor softening considerably. "Nephew, why don't you and my daughter go rest for a while? I'll handle things here and ensure you get a full explanation later."

Hsiao Fengyun huffed, "In that case, I'll leave this matter in your hands for now."

He gave Zhao Yu a menacing glance before departing.

Zhang Xuemeng also gave Zhao Yu a chilly look before following suit.

Once they were out of earshot, Zhang Daoming faced Elder Qian and inquired, "Elder Qian, tell me what transpired."

"Sect Master, here's what happened."

Elder Qian recounted the events. As an elder of the Sky Profound Sect, his bias toward Zhao Yu was to be expected, especially since the fault lay with Hsiao Fengyun.

"I see," Zhang Daoming nodded, his tone measured. "I've got the picture. Everyone is dismissed, but Zhao Yu, you stay behind."

The others exchanged glances, but at the Sect Master's command, they respectfully withdrew.

Before long, only Zhao Yu and Zhang Daoming remained in front of the Merit Hall.

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