Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C2 ​
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Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C2 ​
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C2 ​

Blood sprayed out in a vivid red arc, causing onlookers to widen their eyes in shock.

The disciples around were frozen, each one staring in disbelief.

They couldn't fathom how Tian Feng had been defeated in a mere instant.

One disciple snapped out of his daze, pointed at the dagger in Zhao Yu's hand, and exclaimed, "That's a Spirit Weapon!"

The sight of the Nether Dream Dagger, still cloaked in a lingering dark glow, sent a ripple of astonishment through the crowd.

It was beyond their wildest thoughts that Zhao Yu actually had a Spirit Weapon in his possession.

They thought to themselves, "That explains his confidence in challenging Tian Feng."

"Junior Brother Tian, I appreciate the concession," Zhao Yu said, retracting the Nether Dream Dagger with a gracious hand gesture and a smile.

After that strike, he felt even more drained. His Dantian was depleted of genuine energy; he was out of fighting strength. Yet, he put on a brave face, masking his weakness.

Tian Feng, a mix of shock and rage on his face, suddenly coughed up blood and collapsed.

Deep down, he couldn't come to terms with his defeat.

Given his abilities, had he been on alert, he likely could have evaded the Nether Dream Dagger's strike and escaped with minor injuries at worst.

But now, all he had was regret.

"This was merely a friendly match. Junior Brother Tian, you've taken it too seriously."

Zhao Yu shook his head with a sigh, then scanned the crowd. "Does any other junior brother wish to have a friendly bout with me?"

The disciples all averted their gaze from Zhao Yu, none daring to meet his eyes.

What they didn't realize was that Zhao Yu was merely posturing.

Despite wielding the intimidating Spirit Weapon, his body was in a state of extreme frailty. Any one of them could have easily taken him down.

"To be invincible is to know solitude. I seek defeat, yet it eludes me," Zhao Yu lamented, shaking his head before turning to leave.

Just then, Light's voice chimed in, "Master, we are being watched in secret."

"Who is it?" Zhao Yu's heart raced, but he kept walking without pause.

Light was equipped with a scanning feature, capable of detecting presences up to a hundred meters away in a straight line.

Light reported, "After cross-referencing memories, the individual is Zhang Daoming, the Sect Master of the Sky Profound Sect."

Zhao Yu was taken aback, sinking into deep contemplation.

He had assumed Tian Feng was deceiving him with a false order from Zhang Daoming to lure him to the front courtyard. Yet, to his surprise, Zhang Daoming was actually present, lurking in the shadows.

Narrowing his eyes, Zhao Yu pondered, "Could Tian Feng be acting on Zhang Daoming's command?"

Back in his room, Zhao Yu could no longer keep up his strength. He sat on the bed, beads of cold sweat rolling down his forehead, his complexion ghostly pale.

"Light, is there any way to neutralize this poison? If it's not dealt with, I fear I won't last many days," Zhao Yu inquired.

Light responded, "Your days are indeed numbered. In five hours, you will begin to lose all bodily functions and succumb to death."

"I really overestimated myself," Zhao Yu said with a wry smile.

"Master, the poison you've ingested is a complex blend. My knowledge of this world's substances is incomplete. Plus, the poison has been in your system far too long, seeping deep into your marrow. Even with an antidote, it's doubtful you'd survive these next few hours," Light explained.

"So, you're saying my fate is sealed?" Zhao Yu's face turned even paler.

"There's one last resort," Light continued. "Master, you could use poison to counteract poison, though your chances of successfully purging it are below 70%."

A glimmer of hope sparked in Zhao Yu's eyes.

Despite the less than 70% chance of detoxification, he clung to the hope of survival and was ready to attempt any method.

"How do I detoxify? Tell me quickly," Zhao Yu urged.

"You'll need five taels of centipede legs, half a tael of scarlet bee stingers, three taels of red-crowned crane poison..."

Light reeled off a list of over a dozen poisons and their precise measurements.

Zhao Yu committed the instructions to memory. He then sat cross-legged, regulating the genuine energy and blood within his Dantian. Once he appeared outwardly normal, he opened the door and stepped out.

There was no need for Zhao Yu to gather the poisons Light mentioned; the Sky Profound Sect's pharmacy stocked them all.

Zhao Yu quickly made his way to the pharmacy, where a plump Outer Sect disciple was slouched behind the counter, seemingly indifferent to his arrival, treating Zhao Yu as if he were invisible.

Once celebrated as a prodigy, Zhao Yu's status had plummeted along with his cultivation. Ridiculed as worthless, the taunts from his peers had only intensified the disdain they held for him.

It wasn't until Zhao Yu approached the counter that the chubby disciple cracked a mocking smile. "Ah, Senior Brother Zhao graces us with his presence. Here for your complimentary herbs again?" The sarcasm dripped from his voice as he stressed "complimentary."

The herbs weren't actually free, but as an Inner Sect disciple, Zhao Yu was entitled to certain perks, including a monthly allowance of less valuable medicinal herbs at no cost.

Disinclined to squabble, Zhao Yu simply nodded, "Exactly."

But the fat disciple, pointing towards the door, retorted, "Senior Brother Zhao, I'm afraid you'll have to leave."

Zhao Yu's tone turned icy, "Explain yourself."

With a smug grin, the disciple revealed, "The Sect Master has revoked your privilege to the free herbs. From now on, you'll need Tao points to make any exchanges."

Tao points were the Sky Profound Sect's currency of merit, earned by completing missions or advancing in martial prowess. They could be traded for anything from herbs to cultivation techniques and martial skills.

Zhao Yu's face fell. Poison had ravaged his body for over a year, sapping his cultivation and leaving him incapable of undertaking sect missions to earn Tao points.

"If you doubt my word, Senior Brother Zhao, feel free to verify it with the Sect Master yourself," the fat disciple said with a sneer.

Fury seethed within Zhao Yu. His suspicions about Zhang Daoming's covert manipulations involving Tian Feng were close to being confirmed. Yet, in his current weakened state, he lacked the strength and time to gather the antidotes he desperately needed.

The chubby disciple gestured towards the door with a feigned smile, "Safe travels, Senior Brother Zhao."

"You think I'm lacking Tao points?" Zhao Yu asked, his face a picture of serenity. He pulled out his identity jade plate from within his robe and set it down on the counter.

He was determined to acquire the poison he needed, no matter what.

The identity jade plates of the sect disciples not only held their personal information but also allowed them to verify their Tao points balance.

"You actually have Tao points?" The fat disciple was taken aback. He finally got up from his chair and reached for the jade plate.

"Is the identity jade plate of an inner sect disciple something a lowly Outer Sect disciple like you can just handle?" Zhao Yu's tone was icy as he knocked the disciple's pudgy hand aside.

The fat disciple was visibly irked but held back his anger.

Zhao Yu spoke calmly, "I need centipede legs, scarlet bee stingers, and red-crowned crane poison..." He rattled off a list of over a dozen herbs without pausing for breath.

The fat disciple couldn't help but inquire, "What do you need the poison for?"

"Because the sun rises in the east," Zhao Yu replied.

"How is the sun rising in the east relevant to my question?" The fat disciple was even more puzzled, failing to grasp Zhao Yu's point.

"And how is the poison I need any of your concern?" Zhao Yu countered.

At a loss for words, the fat disciple huffed and retreated into the pharmacy. Shortly after, he emerged with a paper bag brimming with medicinal herbs.

Zhao Yu inspected the contents of the bag meticulously. Satisfied that it contained all the herbs he required, he tucked the bag away and strode out.

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