Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C27 The Wisdom of the Ancestral Master.
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Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C27 The Wisdom of the Ancestral Master.
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C27 The Wisdom of the Ancestral Master.

The outcome of the battle was anticipated, yet it was fated to be a focal point of the competition.

Disciples from various sects converged around the fourth group's arena to watch.

Sun Mingyu strode onto the stage with a hint of a cold smirk.

However, time passed, and Zhao Yu showed no signs of making his appearance.

Onlookers grew increasingly curious.

The referee elder of the fourth group furrowed his brow and called out loudly, "Zhao Yu, it's your turn to compete. What are you waiting for?"

With an air of nonchalance, Zhao Yu responded, "There's no need for this match. I concede."

The crowd was momentarily taken aback, then erupted into commotion.

Such an occurrence was unprecedented in the history of the inner sect disciple assessments.

This was, after all, an evaluation, not a duel to the death. Even if outmatched, one could still put up a fight before conceding.

Winning and losing are part of any competition. Losing is perfectly normal.

Yet, he conceded before the fight had even begun.

With so many high-ranking members of the sect watching, setting such a poor example could make his future in the sect very difficult.

"What's Zhao Yu up to?"

"He should at least step onto the stage. He seems terrified of Senior Brother Sun."

"I had high hopes for Senior Brother Zhao, but he's let me down."

"Fear before a fight is a warrior's shame."

The disciples murmured among themselves, their gazes toward Zhao Yu filled with disdain.

Sun Yuming stood on the stage, his expression darkening as he looked at Zhao Yu.

Zhang Daoming rose from his seat in the stands, seething with frustration. He had orchestrated everything perfectly, and Zhao Yu's forfeit had undone his meticulous planning.

He barked at Zhao Yu, "What are you thinking? Did you forget what I told you before the assessment? A true warrior does not falter before the battle. I'm giving you another chance. Get up there and compete. Do not sully the reputation of the Sky Profound Sect's disciples."

Zhang Daoming's stern admonition was a clear attempt to pressure Zhao Yu into competing, leveraging the honor of the entire sect's disciples.

Had an ordinary disciple heard such words, they would have crumbled under the pressure and felt compelled to step into the arena to compete.

Nearby, Zhang Xuemeng's expression grew stormy. Her eyes locked onto Zhao Yu with an intensity that seemed to pierce into his very thoughts.

Yet, neither the scornful looks from those around him nor the pressure exerted by Zhang Daoming could sway Zhao Yu.

With a serene demeanor, he bowed slightly toward the spectator stands and spoke with composure, "Sect Master, my conceding defeat is, in fact, a tactical move."

The disciples around him paused, their expressions turning quizzical.

This was a rationale they had never encountered before.

"And what, pray tell, is this strategy?" Zhang Daoming asked, his voice laced with a barely contained fury.

Zhao Yu responded with measured calm, "Under the assessment rules, advancement in the group competition is based on points, with two spots available per group. Currently, Senior Brother Sun and I are tied for the lead, while our fellow disciples have each lost at least two bouts. Therefore, even if I yield to Senior Brother Sun, my total points still secure me a place in the top two, ensuring my progression to the quarterfinals. Since the outcome is the same, I believe it wiser to conserve my strength and give my all in the subsequent fights."

The crowd was taken aback once more.

Yet Zhao Yu's explanation resonated with a sound logic that left them without a counterargument.

At that moment, Liu Guang's voice cut through the air from not too far off, "Our Sky Profound Sect's founding ancestor faced adversaries from all quarters without a hint of fear, securing our foothold in the Taibai Mountain Range and laying the groundwork for our sect's centuries-long legacy. If every disciple were to shrink before the fight as you have, what future would the Sky Profound Sect have?"

He then turned to Zhang Daoming with a respectful bow, pleading, "Sect Master, I implore you to mete out immediate punishment to Zhao Yu."

Zhang Daoming's gaze wavered, but before he could utter a word, Zhao Yu interjected.


With a piercing glare at Liu Guang, Zhao Yu rebuked him without mercy, "Times have changed. Our sect's founder never shied away from conflict to forge the unassailable reputation of the Sky Profound Sect. But you've only grasped his valor, not his sagacity. Tell me, as recorded in our sect's annals, our ancestor fought 275 battles before establishing the sect. And what of the time after its founding?"

Liu Guang's face stiffened.

Before Liu Guang could respond, Zhao Yu pressed on, "The sect's archives reveal that after its establishment, our founder engaged in only two battles over a decade, both in defense of justice. Was it because his strength waned? Certainly not. Prior to founding the sect, he projected the image of a formidable expert to deter potential foes. Once the sect was established, he tempered his nature, forging alliances, ensuring the Sky Profound Sect could thrive in tranquility. That was the profound sagacity of our ancestor."

"If everyone acted as rashly as you, the martial arts community would have perished long ago."

Liu Guang's face turned beet red under the scolding. He shot Zhao Yu a furious look but was utterly at a loss for words.

Those around them were equally taken aback by Zhao Yu's lecture.

Some disciples wore peculiar looks. Zhao Yu, who had just been a brash fighter in the arena, was now schooling others.

Zhao Yu gave a respectful bow toward the viewing platform, "Naturally, our Sect Master is no fool like you. He surely grasps the subtleties of my actions."

Zhang Daoming's face darkened with distaste.

He was itching to rebuke Zhao Yu, yet Zhao Yu's logic was sound, leaving no room for criticism.

Eventually, Zhang Daoming managed to quell his irritation, taking his seat once more with a stony expression.

To alleviate the tension, the Head Elder interjected, "Zhao Yu is correct. We, the disciples of the Sky Profound Sect, must possess not only bravery but also intellect. Zhao Yu, the Sect Master surely appreciates your tactics. His disappointment led to his critique."

"I understand. How could the Sect Master, so wise and discerning, be compared to Senior Brother Liu?" Zhao Yu remarked.

"Zhao Yu, you're out of line," Liu Guang fumed, nearly apoplectic with rage.

The Head Elder gave a slight nod, then turned to the referee elder overseeing the fourth arena, "Proceed with the assessment."

With the Sect Master and Head Elder dropping the issue, it was effectively put to rest.

Sun Mingyu descended from the arena, his face clouded with discontent.

As he purposefully walked past Zhao Yu, he let out a mocking sneer, "You're too scared to even step up and challenge me in the arena. What a waste."

"Moron," Zhao Yu replied coolly.

The taunt sent Sun Mingyu into a rage, his forehead veins bulging. His fists were clenched so tightly he wished he could punch Zhao Yu's head into oblivion.

But, seething as he was, he had to keep his fury in check.

The sect was in the midst of evaluations, with many high-ranking members observing from the stage. A private brawl, in violation of the rules, could cost him his chance at the assessment.

"Zhao Yu, I swear I'll end you!" A fleeting glimmer of murderous intent shone in Sun Mingyu's eyes.

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