Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C4 You Are Immune to All Poisons!
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Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C4 You Are Immune to All Poisons!
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C4 You Are Immune to All Poisons!

"Has the plan worked?" Zhao Yu inquired from his bed, his voice weak and frail.

"The first phase has been a success," Light confirmed. "Based on the outcome of that phase, I've updated our treatment approach. The likelihood of success for the next two phases is now over 80%."

A wave of relief washed over Zhao Yu, bringing with it a bittersweet smile. The improved odds were a beacon of hope, suggesting his chances of survival had significantly risen. Yet, the agony he'd endured during the treatment was not something he wished to relive, unless absolutely necessary.

For the following three days, Zhao Yu remained confined to his room, immersed in the detoxification process. Since his fall from grace within the sect, he had become somewhat of an outcast, his absence barely noted by others. A few days out of sight went unnoticed, let alone three.

On the fourth day, the grueling treatment came to an end, and to Zhao Yu's great relief, Light's detoxification strategy had been effective.

Sitting cross-legged on his bed, Zhao Yu still looked a bit pale, but his eyes sparkled with vitality. Although his body felt weak, there was a newfound sense of ease and lightness in his heart.

Regaining a bit of strength, Zhao Yu undressed and discovered a layer of black, viscous liquid coating his skin, emitting a foul, acidic odor. "Master, this residue is what remains after the toxins have been neutralized. A simple wash should do the trick," Light advised.

Zhao Yu grimaced at the thought; his penchant for cleanliness made the sight particularly repugnant. Shaking his head in disgust, he stripped down and stepped into the wooden tub he had prepared, changing the water twice before he was completely clean. Freshly clothed, he felt invigorated, almost as if he'd been given a second chance at life.

"Light, are all the toxins truly out of my system? Is there any risk of complications?" Zhao Yu asked, seeking assurance.

"Rest assured, Master. Your body is now completely free of toxins," Light responded confidently.

Finally, Zhao Yu allowed himself to fully relax. The past three days had been akin to enduring torture in the eighteenth layer of hell, and even the memory of it sent shivers down his spine.

Thankfully, he made it through. In the end, it was worth it.

"Master, although we've successfully removed the poison, there's a new issue at hand," Light informed.

"What issue?" Zhao Yu tensed up at the news.

"I have both good news and bad news," Light continued.

"Let's hear the good news first," Zhao Yu prompted.

True to its superintelligence, Light knew how to keep him on edge. Its jokes, delivered in that synthetic electronic tone, always left Zhao Yu with an odd feeling.

"Due to the prolonged exposure to poison and the three-day detox process, your body has undergone a transformation. You now possess an extraordinary resistance to toxins. In the terms of this world, you're now impervious to all poisons."

"I'm impervious to all poisons now? That's amazing. It's a silver lining indeed," Zhao Yu couldn't contain his elation.

For a martial artist like him, the threat of being poisoned could come at any moment. This newfound immunity was a significant boost to his future security.

Regaining his composure, Zhao Yu, with a sense of dread, inquired, "And the bad news?"

"Master, the long-term effects of the poison have severely damaged your body. You'll need to recuperate and replenish your genuine energy to return to your former state of health," Light explained.

Zhao Yu nodded, his worries easing.

He could sense the depletion of his genuine energy even without Light's explanation. Post-detox, he felt lighter, but his body was still frail.

Yet, this setback was expected. And compared to the good news, it was a minor inconvenience he was willing to accept.

"Based on your current condition, I've calculated the optimal recovery plan after 58,000 simulations. You'll need the following herbs for recuperation: ten-year-old ginseng, deer antler, honeysuckle, plantain herb..." Light listed the necessary herbs.

"These aren't particularly rare, but I can't just go back to the pharmacy for them," Zhao Yu remarked.

He had acquired the herbs for his detox from the pharmacy by intimidating that plump disciple.

A tactic that works once might not succeed a second time.

Moreover, it's possible that the overweight disciple has already reported the incident to the Sect Master.

Light said, "Master, there's no need for you to visit the pharmacy. The Sky Profound Sect is located at the base of the White Cloud Mountain Range. With my scanning ability, I can enter the mountains and gather the appropriate medicinal herbs for you."

Zhao Yu nodded thoughtfully. "That could work. However, the White Cloud Mountain Range is quite treacherous. It's teeming with Demonic Beasts, and my genuine energy has significantly weakened. Venturing into the mountains alone could be extremely perilous."

"Master, even though your genuine energy has been greatly depleted, you're now capable of resuming normal cultivation," Light reassured. "Once you've regained your strength, you can explore the outer regions of the White Cloud Mountain Range where the risks are more manageable."

Zhao Yu's eyes sparkled with hope. "I can start cultivating again?"

The thought thrilled him. Since being poisoned, he had been forced to watch helplessly as his cultivation base dwindled.

For a martial artist, being unable to cultivate was akin to enduring a cruel punishment.

Now, after a year, he was finally able to resume his practice, which filled him with an overwhelming sense of excitement and joy.

"Yes, Master, you can resume normal cultivation," Light confirmed. "Moreover, after one hundred thousand calculations, I've refined the cultivation technique you were practicing. I've rectified fifty-seven flaws, adjusted seventeen meridian pathways, and significantly enhanced the technique's quality and its synergy with you."

Zhao Yu was overjoyed by the barrage of good news, at a loss for words.

As a martial cultivator, he knew all too well that a higher compatibility between the cultivation technique and the practitioner meant faster progress.

The quality of the cultivation technique also influenced the purity of the genuine energy within the practitioner's body and the difficulty of advancing to higher realms.

Almost immediately, an enhanced version of the Sky Profound Breathing Technique materialized in Zhao Yu's mind.

Having reviewed the technique, Zhao Yu exclaimed in admiration, "Light, you're incredibly skilled."

"Thank you for your praise. I am committed to serving you to the best of my ability," Light responded.

Zhao Yu took a moment to steady his emotions before closing his eyes and sitting cross-legged on the bed, embarking on his cultivation journey once more.

Before long, Zhao Yu noticed a distinct change.

His cultivation speed had significantly increased compared to what he remembered from the past. The cultivation technique seemed as if it had been custom-made for him, and he found himself actually enjoying the process.

The night flew by in an instant.

Come morning, Zhao Yu awoke feeling invigorated.

Though his genuine energy hadn't fully returned, he was brimming with vitality. He felt strong enough to take down a cow with a single punch.

After checking the genuine energy within his Dantian, Zhao Yu reached a swift conclusion.

"My cultivation speed has increased by at least fivefold!"

He was astounded by this revelation.

Cultivation is a journey of incremental progress. A slight edge in cultivation speed was cause for celebration, as over time, it would lead to a vast disparity in strength between him and others.

Already a prodigy of the Sky Profound Sect, Zhao Yu had cultivated faster than most.

Now, with his speed increased more than five times, others would surely be astonished if they knew.

Zhao Yu persisted in his cultivation.

Before he knew it, ten days had passed.

Sitting on his bed, Zhao Yu slowly opened his eyes, which sparkled with a newfound intensity.

He exhaled, and his breath formed a misty white cloud that extended a meter before gently fading away.

His body had fully recovered since ten days prior, and his genuine energy flowed ceaselessly.

Zhao Yu clenched his fist and launched a punch.

The resulting boom echoed through the room.

"This," Zhao Yu thought, "is the true strength of a martial artist."

He had regained his Qi Refining Layer One level of cultivation.

While he still had a long way to go to reach his former glory, it was an encouraging beginning.

Given a second chance at life by the heavens, he was determined to ascend to the pinnacle of the Martial Tao!

Full of boundless ambition, Zhao Yu stood by the window, gazing into the horizon.

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