Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C5 Tracking
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Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C5 Tracking
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C5 Tracking

Zhao Yu had intended to press on with his cultivation, but Light advised him to fully recuperate first.

If he were to persist in cultivating despite his condition, he'd not only be exerting twice the effort for half the gain, but he'd also risk further injury.

Reluctantly, Zhao Yu paused his training. Yet, with his present capabilities, along with Light and the Nether Dream Dagger, he was sufficiently equipped to defend himself on the outskirts of the Taibai Mountain Range. It was time to venture into the mountains to gather herbs.

After a quick pack, he left his dwelling.

Located at the base of Mount Taibai, the Sky Profound Sect was just a simple trek up the mountain path away.

Unbeknownst to Zhao Yu, several watchful eyes trailed him as he departed.

"Isn't that Zhao Yu? It's been ages since I've seen him. Lately, it seems his name is on everyone's lips for defeating Tian Feng," a round-faced disciple mused, stroking his chin.

"He only won because of the Spirit Weapon. Without it, how could he ever beat Tian Feng with his sickly condition?" sneered a long-faced disciple, his eyes gleaming with avarice. "This kid's been playing his cards close to the chest. All these years, no one suspected he had a Spirit Weapon. If Tian Feng hadn't pushed him to the brink, who knows how much longer he would've kept it hidden?"

A third disciple, tall and lean, was visibly envious. "A Spirit Weapon in the hands of a dying nobody—it's a disgraceful waste."

The long-faced disciple pondered for a moment before speaking up, "Exactly, it's a criminal waste of a treasure. Don't you all desire the Spirit Weapon?"


"What are you suggesting?"

Both the round-faced and the tall, thin disciples looked puzzled.

With a contemptuous snort, the long-faced disciple declared, "The treasures of the world should belong to those who are worthy. Zhao Yu is nothing but a dying invalid with no kin. Once he's gone, his possessions will be unclaimed and surely reclaimed by the sect. So why shouldn't we claim his belongings for ourselves first?"

He chuckled darkly, glancing toward the Taibai Mountain Range, and went on, "Given he's taking this mountain trail, he's clearly heading into Mount Taibai. A sickly weakling, stumbling upon a Demonic Beast in the mountains and then perishing—what could be more natural? No one will suspect us."

The round-faced disciple exchanged a knowing look with the tall and thin disciple; they both grasped the long-faced disciple's intent. He planned to murder Zhao Yu and seize his treasure.

Yet, they harbored no qualms. The allure of a coveted Spirit Weapon made the act of killing an unrelated fellow disciple seem trivial.

The round-faced disciple spoke gravely, "The only issue is that Zhao Yu possesses a Spirit Weapon. I worry it might complicate matters when we engage him."

"No need for concern," the long-faced disciple reassured. "Zhao Yu is practically a dead man already, weakened by illness. Even if he manages to wield the Spirit Weapon against us, he won't sustain it for long. Tian Feng's defeat was clearly due to underestimating the enemy, caught unawares by Zhao Yu's cunning. We'll tail him discreetly, bide our time until he depletes his genuine energy, and then strike when the moment is ripe. Success is assured!"

Yet, the tall and thin disciple voiced a concern, "There's just one Spirit Weapon and three of us. How will we divide it if we obtain it?"

With a cold laugh, the long-faced disciple retorted, "You're being naive. Do you really think we can just openly use the Spirit Weapon after killing Zhao Yu without raising suspicion? The smartest move is to sell it on the black market and trade it for resources. We can split the proceeds evenly among us. How does that sound?"

Spirit Weapons were exceedingly valuable; even sold at a reduced price, they would fetch a substantial amount of resources.


"Then it's settled."

The round-faced and tall and thin disciples consented, a glint of murderous intent in their eyes.

"Let's make a pact—only we know of this! Whoever leaks a word will be dealt with," declared the long-faced disciple, raising his hand.

The trio slapped hands in a pact and set off down the mountain trail, hot on the heels of Zhao Yu's trail. To avoid detection, they proceeded with utmost caution, keeping a hundred meters back and using the terrain and vegetation to conceal their presence.

Roughly half an hour later, Zhao An reached the outskirts of the Taibai Mountain Range. He had visited this area many times before falling ill, and was quite familiar with the lay of the land, including where to find various medicinal herbs.

Suddenly, Light issued a warning in his mind: "Master, I've detected three people trailing you."

"Who are they?" Zhao Yu asked, his expression turning grave.

In the sect, members' conduct was governed by strict rules. But out here in the wilderness, if he were to be slain by villains, there would be no sect regulations to shield him.

"They appear to be inner sect disciples of the Sky Profound Sect, judging by their attire and the way they move," Light informed him. "They're being very cautious, staying about a hundred meters back. The images I've scanned aren't crystal clear, but I can estimate they're at least at the third layer of Qi Refining, no weaker than Tian Feng."

A cold smirk crossed Zhao Yu's face. "They're likely after the Spirit Weapon I possess, the Nether Dream Dagger."

He had been forced to use the Nether Dream Dagger in his last battle with Tian Feng. He knew all too well the allure of such a rare treasure; it was bound to stir envy and draw covetous glances. It was only a matter of time before someone would come after him for it.

His current illness made him an even easier target.

Without betraying any sign of alarm, Zhao Yu kept moving forward. He had only just regained his Qi Refining Layer One strength, which paled in comparison to the third layer. Despite wielding a Spirit Weapon, he was outnumbered three to one.

And since they knew about the Nether Dream Dagger, they would surely be on guard.

Facing them head-on was a daunting prospect. Zhao Yu furrowed his brow, pondering his next move.

Time was running out. He needed to devise a strategy quickly, as they could catch up and confront him at any moment.

Suddenly, an idea struck him. "Light, can you detect the Demonic Beast's lair?" he asked.

"As long as it's within a hundred meters, I can detect it," Light responded.

A sense of resolve washed over Zhao Yu. "It seems I might just have a surprise in store for them," he mused.

With that, he hastened his steps, making his way deeper into the mountain.

A hundred meters away, a disciple with advanced cultivation kept a watchful eye on Zhao Yu. Realizing the urgency, he called out, "We need to keep up with him. He's picking up the pace."

The trio quickened their steps, hot on Zhao Yu's heels.

Yet, after winding through several mountain passes, they lost sight of him.

The round-faced disciple's expression turned grim. "How is it that he, a sickly man, can run so swiftly?"

The thought of three inner sect disciples losing track of a weakling was mortifying. The embarrassment would be unbearable if word got out.

"What do we do now that he's vanished?" inquired a tall, slender disciple.

"Stay calm. He hasn't gone far. He's got to be around here somewhere. Let's search thoroughly," the long-faced disciple instructed, his expression stern.

They combed the area meticulously, searching for any sign of Zhao Yu.

Before long, the long-faced disciple pointed to a barely noticeable set of footprints. "He must have headed this way. Let's keep up the chase!"

"To think Senior Brother Faang is skilled in tracking. There's no way Zhao Yu can elude us now," the other two disciples exclaimed, elated.

Without a moment's hesitation, they pursued the trail of footprints.

The long-faced disciple paused occasionally during the chase, scrutinizing the clues and adjusting their course as needed. They were deep into the Taibai Mountain Range before they knew it.

Roughly an hour later, they came to a halt before a sheer cliff face.

"How odd," muttered the long-faced disciple, his brow furrowed with confusion.

"What's the matter?" inquired the round-faced disciple.

"There's no sign of him beyond this point, and there are no other tracks in sight," the long-faced disciple observed, perplexed.

"Could Zhao Yu have discovered us and erased all his tracks?" pondered the tall, thin disciple, his expression darkening with concern.

"But there's no way he could have done that," the round-faced disciple said with hesitation. "We've been on his tail the whole time. Logically speaking, he simply wouldn't have had the time."

The tall, gaunt disciple's face darkened as he spoke, "That cursed Zhao Yu. We've chased him for so long, and he's still slipped through our fingers. Once we catch him, I swear I'll make him suffer before I end his miserable life!"

The long-faced disciple maintained a cool demeanor as he continued to scan the surroundings. Then, a sudden realization flickered across his face, altering his expression.

If the trail has gone cold here and Zhao Yu is nowhere to be seen, it's highly probable that he's lurking somewhere close by, waiting for the perfect moment to launch a surprise attack on them!

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