Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C8 ​
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Supreme Mad Martial Arts/C8 ​
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C8 ​

"Master, we're being tailed by four disciples from the Yin Yang Sect," Light warned.

Zhao Yu felt a chill in his heart upon hearing the warning. He knew the Yin Yang Sect's disciples harbored malicious intent. However, their choice to shadow him rather than launch a direct attack bought him some precious time to prepare. Had they come at him outright, fleeing would have been his only recourse.

The most prudent course of action would be to abandon the Black Wind Tiger carcass and make a swift exit. Should the Yin Yang Sect quartet claim the tiger, they might well cease their pursuit of Zhao Yu. Yet, the thought of relinquishing his hard-won prize was anything but palatable to him.

As his thoughts raced, Zhao Yu glanced back at the Black Wind Tiger and an idea sparked to life. Abruptly, he halted and pivoted, striding toward the direction of the Yin Yang Sect disciples.

"Senior Brother Zhang, are you out there?" Zhao Yu called out boldly.

Zhang Bao and his companions were taken aback, not anticipating that Zhao Yu would detect their presence. After a brief hesitation, they emerged to face him.

With a gesture of respect, Zhang Bao offered a measured explanation, "Junior Brother Tian, please don't take it the wrong way. We merely need to pass this way as well."

Zhao Yu chuckled. "Misunderstand? Not at all. It's fortunate you didn't wander off. If you're not pressed for time, I could use your assistance with something."

"What do you need?" the four men asked, taken aback, with Zhang Bao voicing their uncertainty.

Pointing to the Black Wind Tiger, Zhao Yu elaborated, "I had intended to transport this Black Wind Tiger back to the sect for processing, but time is against us. Nightfall in the wilderness brings danger, and the scent of blood could draw Demonic Beasts. I'd like to enlist your help in dealing with the tiger. Naturally, your efforts won't go unrewarded—I have four Essence Converting Pills to offer you in exchange."

With that, Zhao Yu produced a vial from within his robes and tipped four pills into his palm. The sight of the apricot-yellow pills made Zhang Bao and his fellow disciples' eyes gleam with interest.

Indeed, they were Essence Converting Pills!

Without betraying any emotion, Zhang Bao inquired, "Junior Brother Tian, don't you have any sect brothers to lend you a hand?"

Zhao Yu let out a sigh. "If I had any sect brothers nearby, I wouldn't have needed to bother you all. I'm alone out here."

A glance passed between Zhang Bao and his companions, their eyes betraying a flicker of delight.

With no sect brothers to aid him, and in possession of both the Black Wind Tiger and Essence Converting Pills, Zhao Yu was a walking treasure trove. They might just be able to pry even more valuable items from him.

Zhang Bao's eyes narrowed into a sly smile. "Our sects have always maintained a cordial relationship. Now that you're in need, it's only natural that we offer our assistance."

With that, Zhang Bao and his three companions stepped forward and relieved Zhao Yu of the Essence Converting Pills.

"I'm not too experienced with dealing with Demonic Beasts," Zhao Yu pleaded, "Senior Brother Zhang, this is quite the task for you."

The black-faced disciple toyed with the pill in his hand, his expression turning sinister. "Junior Brother Tian, handling a Demonic Beast isn't tough—it's just time-consuming. We're on a mission from our sect, and if we waste our precious time and fail, we'll be in dire straits. Surely, the Essence Converting Pill alone isn't enough to make up for that, is it?"

Zhao Yu's brow furrowed. "But you just agreed to help me, didn't you?"

With a cold laugh, the black-faced disciple retorted, "We've changed our minds. Any problem with that?"

Fury washed over Zhao Yu's features. "If that's how it is, then I no longer require your assistance. Give me back the Essence Converting Pill."

"One moment you're asking for our help, the next you're refusing it. Junior Brother Tian, are you trying to slight the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect?" The black-faced disciple's voice was icy as he gave a covert signal, and the four of them quickly encircled Zhao Yu.

Upon realizing Zhao Yu still had such a precious pill, the black-faced disciple's greed became uncontrollable.

"What are you planning to do? Stop this madness! I'll give up the Black Wind Tiger, just let me go," Zhao Yu pleaded, his complexion turning ashen in the face of their intimidation.

Zhang Bao flashed a menacing grin. "I'm truly sorry, Junior Brother Tian. If I were to let you go, you'd surely inform the elders of your sect. Then, they'd come after us again, straining the camaraderie between our sects. For the greater good, it seems we must sacrifice you alone."

With those words, Zhang Bao drew his sword and thrust it viciously at Zhao Yu.

His three accomplices joined in with malevolent laughter, brandishing their weapons and charging at Zhao Yu.

In Zhang Bao's eyes, Zhao Yu posed no threat. Yet, they didn't drop their guard. They launched their most lethal attacks from the get-go, determined to eliminate Zhao Yu swiftly and avoid any complications.

But before their weapons could pierce Zhao Yu, a wave of vertigo overtook them. Suddenly weakened, all four collapsed to the ground.

"What's happening?" Zhang Bao, with the strongest cultivation among them, struggled to muster his genuine energy and demanded, outraged.

Zhao Yu replied with a smile, "Maybe it's because you've committed so many misdeeds and now seek to harm a good person like me. Perhaps the gods themselves can't stand by any longer. It seems they've decided to punish you."

"It was you! You've cursed us," Zhang Bao seethed, his teeth clenched in fury.

He had been cautious, yet he couldn't fathom how Zhao Yu had managed to best them.

"The Essence Converting Pill is poisoned—with the toxin from the Black Wind Tiger's claws," the disciple with dark skin exclaimed, holding up his palm in shock and rage.

Zhang Bao and the others quickly inspected their hands. Indeed, they discovered a dark stain in the center of the palm that had held the pill.

The Black Wind Tiger's venom could paralyze the senses. They might not have noticed anything while being poisoned, but by the time they realized it, it was too late.

"You feigned a plea for help just to set us up," accused the dark-skinned disciple, his voice thick with anger.

Zhao Yu nodded. "Exactly. Any objections?" he asked, echoing the very words the disciple had once said to him.

The disciple with the dark complexion wore a deeply troubled expression.

Yet, Zhang Bao couldn't help but ask in bewilderment, "But we received the Essence Converting Pill from you. If we've been poisoned, why aren't you affected?"

Zhao Yu offered a wry smile and replied, "Sorry, I'm impervious to all poisons."

Realizing the truth, the four were consumed by a mix of rage and remorse. Despite their utmost caution, they had still been ensnared by Zhao Yu's ploy.

Had they known, they would have been better off just killing Zhao Yu from the start.

Even so, Zhao Yu maintained a careful distance, staying more than ten meters away, denying them any chance for a desperate final stand.

The venom of the Black Wind Tiger relentlessly took its toll. One by one, they grew rigid and collapsed, paralyzed and helpless on the ground.

In a panic, Zhang Bao pleaded, "Junior Brother Tian, I acknowledge our mistake. We never should have sought your life. But killing us brings you no advantage. On the contrary, you'll incur the wrath of the Yin Yang Sect. The loss will outweigh the gain. However, if you spare us, we can offer compensation and our apologies."

"Senior Brother Zhang is right," chimed in another. "Just let us go, and you can set any terms you wish."

"We swear, once we return, we won't breathe a word of this to anyone," the others hastily tried to persuade Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu just sneered, saying nothing. Once he was certain the poison had done its work, he confidently approached. With a swift motion, he brandished the Nether Dream Dagger and plunged it into Zhang Bao's chest.

He had no intention of taking their word for it.

The remaining three, witnessing the murder, went deathly pale with fear.

The female disciple cried out desperately, "Don't kill me. I can offer myself to you."

But before she could say another word, Zhao Yu's dagger found her throat.

With two quick strikes, Zhao Yu dispatched the remaining Yin Yang Sect disciples.

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