Supreme Male Masseur/C14
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Supreme Male Masseur/C14
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"Bang …" I had just finished my meal and was thinking of taking a nap on the sofa when I heard a knock on the door accompanied by a curse not long after I had lain down. I knew it must be the people from High Interest.

"Coming, coming. Big brothers, please come in." With smiles plastered all over his face, he carefully opened the door and let them in.

I knew that this time it wouldn't be that easy to talk to, but I still nodded and invited them to take a seat.

"Brat, it's been a few days but you still haven't returned the money yet. It seems like we're being too lenient with you and you think we're easy to cheat!" As I spoke, a few brawny men surrounded me. My heart skipped a beat. It seemed that this time, it wasn't meant to be over.

"Big Bro, look, didn't I just find a job? In the past few days, I've been in the hospital again due to an accident. I will definitely pay back the money I owe you guys. How could Big Bro dare to lie to you guys? " After thinking about it for a while, he said that he wanted them to know that he had a job, but that he wouldn't be so stupid as to tell them the address of his work so that they wouldn't mess around in the bath center where I work and give me the job I found so hard to find. Then, I really wouldn't be able to find a place to cry. Obviously, my words did not satisfy them.

"Brothers, smash everything you can for me."

"Big brother, let's talk things over." I knew he was trying to give me a warning. I couldn't stop them from smashing things. I could only watch as the house was smashed into a mess. However, since I wasn't particularly flustered in my heart this time, I didn't know if it was because I had walked from the gates of hell to become stronger or if it didn't matter. When they were almost done, they saw that there was nothing left in the house.

"Big brother, I haven't even received my salary yet. Can you help me for a few days?" I'll give you all the money I have on me as much as I can pay you back. " I took out all the money I had on me and gave it to Big Brother. These were the expenses of my office guests these past few days. I left the money for dinner and took it out, hoping for a few days of peace. When they came knocking on their door in such a short time, the neighbors did not dare to go out for fear of accidentally harming them. And I was afraid the landlord would kick me out of here and not let me stay. Although I had never thought of living here forever, I was still unable to move to a better place. This was still the only place I could live, and I didn't want to sleep on the streets.

"Kid, you know this little bit of money isn't even enough for interest. You can just send us away as easily as you want. " Big Bro said contemptuously to me as he smoked, his legs resting on the only tea table in the house that hadn't been smashed.

"Big brother, you know that I've only worked for a few days, I'll definitely return it at the end of this month. I also don't have the ability to escape from under your noses." Previously, what I disdained the most was begging. I realised that ever since I went to bath center, I had been facing guests everyday and learnt this method. It just depends on what you go through.

"Alright, I'll believe you this one time. If you don't pay up next time, you won't just throw things around like this, it might turn into your hands and feet."

I promised again and again before sending them out. Looking at the messy room, I couldn't be bothered to clean it up. In any case, I didn't have the money to replace it with a new one. He could still do what he had to do with the days that he could not get to.

After resting at home for a few days, I felt very uneasy. The matter of the money had not been resolved, and I had only been at work for a few days, so I couldn't rest at home for too long. All these things were caused by money, and at this moment I felt a strong desire for money, stronger than ever. I don't care about any way I can make money. If I had to do something against my previous principles, I wouldn't mind. I don't know if it will change my life, but what I can be sure of is that I will no longer think about escaping from the world. I will take responsibility for everything, and I will repay everything I owe others. Every time I think of the way that fat guy looked at me when he left that day, it was like looking at an ant, and he felt that I wasn't even able to keep my own woman in front of him. I want more money and power, and that's the only way to stand high and not be looked down upon.

I still have to go to work, my body has nothing to do, so I decided that the first thing I need to do at work is to get past Da Fei, if not, how can I earn money if he keeps pushing me down like this. Let me think about what Zhao Qiang told me before. Although Da Fei isn't much of a person, he has a weakness.

When Da Fei saw that I came to work, he first taunted me, "Kid, you're so capable and you even learned how to jump into a river. Why didn't you drown in it? During this period of time, I also said that I wasn't angry, so I gave him the cigarettes, "Brother Da Fei, it was only after I couldn't figure out what had really happened that I found out that I really didn't know my limits. In the future, he would have to learn from Brother Da Fei. If you have a lot, don't lower yourself to the likes of me. "

"Hmph." Da Fei didn't say anything and accepted it, telling me, "Alright, just don't be too arrogant in the future." Seeing that Da Fei's attitude towards me had improved a lot, I knew that my two cigarettes had taken effect.

I went to wait in the lounge, where not many people were busy receiving guests, and when I went in a few people gathered around me and asked me a few questions about my leave of absence, I gave them an excuse and told them that there were only a few people who knew that I had jumped into the river and they couldn't possibly know about it. I don't know why I didn't want to jump into the river, but now that I think about it, it makes me feel a little ashamed. I'm such a woman, a man knows to avoid anything if he doesn't want to make up for it. From that day on, I told myself that the former Chen Qifei had already died in the river.

After waiting for a while, Da Fei came to find me, and said "There is a guest ordering you in Little Chen, hurry up and prepare for me."

"Okay. "Right away." I didn't expect to have a business as soon as I started work. I suddenly felt a little excited. Having a business meant that I could earn a lot of money. It was certainly an inspiration to me now. I don't want to waste too much time picking up my toolbox.

When I was ready, I went to the box. I found out that my guest was the beautiful young woman who had asked me to do a special service for her last time.

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