Supreme Royal Family/C14 Dirty Soul
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Supreme Royal Family/C14 Dirty Soul
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C14 Dirty Soul

"You, you, Wang Xiao, don't think that just because you're young, I won't dare to teach you a lesson!" When the person heard Wang Xiao's indifferent voice, he couldn't take it anymore and shouted.

Wang Xiao looked into the distance and saw that the one who was talking was a boy about four years old. The corner of the boy's mouth was twitching. Obviously, he had been provoked by Wang Xiaogang's words.

His arrogant face flashed a calm expression as he said, "Let me tell you, Wang Zhen, even if your father is the third chief, he will always be the third chief. Your identity is still too young, don't pretend to be arrogant in front of me, or else I will let you know how powerful I am."

"You … "Wang Xiao, you are going too far. I will fight it out with you." Seeing his face being humiliated completely because of Wang Xiao's words, the distant Wang Zhen finally could not endure it anymore. The moment he finished speaking, his entire body rushed towards Wang Xiao.

"Hmph. That's unbearable. A child is still a child. After all, they are not adults." The corner of Wang Xiao's mouth curled up. When Wang Zhen was about to collide with him, Wang Xiao dodged and his other leg directly tripped Wang Zhen's legs.

"Peng …" A crisp sound rang out and Wang Zhen was indeed not Wang Xiao's opponent. He fell to the ground with a standard action, like a dog eating shit. His square, round face directly touched the ground intimately, this sound was the result of his front teeth touching the floor.

"This, damn it, how could it be like this? This grandson is way too unlucky, there's no good days to go out today, he's actually able to break open his front teeth. He's really a prodigy of my Mercury Blue Village." Wang Xiao looked at Wang Zhen, who fell to the ground, and laughed so hard that his eyes became crescent moons. He spat on the ground arrogantly and said.

"That's right. He, a child, has been using his status as the chief of the three tribes to force us to do some things we don't want to do. He's dead and has fallen down well …" A four year old girl beside him said fiercely. Then, like Wang Xiao, she spat heavily.

"Yeah, last time he even stole one of my meals, but he still hasn't paid. He deserves to die if he falls …" A little fatty beside him chimed in. His voice was extremely loud and clear, to the point that almost everyone on the stage could hear him.

"Scoundrel, he should be taught a ruthless lesson like that. Such a person would bully us honest people. Brother Xiao should teach him a lesson." Outside of the arena, a rather muscular boy pointed at Wang Zhen on the ground while spittle flew all over his body. His eyes were filled with pride and satisfaction.

"What are you guys doing? It's just gathering people to cause trouble. Disperse for me." Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from the distance. The owner of the voice was Chief Tutor Wang Yang.

Today, Wang Yang was wearing a simple coaching uniform and was brimming with heroic spirit. His eyes were sharp like an eagle's, and his body emitted a faint aura of majesty, instantly silencing the entire training field.

"Wang Xiao, come over here." Wang Yang had a serious expression as he looked at Wang Xiao in the distance and said with a deep voice.

Pretending not to see it, Wang Xiao quickly walked towards Wang Yang, especially the bandage on his forehead, which gave him a faint heroic spirit. No one dared to ignore his small body, as the youngest child on the field seemed to have become the hottest person on the field.

When he arrived in front of Wang Yang, Wang Xiao didn't say anything and just looked at him quietly. At this moment, he was shaking his head. He started to regret why he accepted Wang Xiao's training and said with a headache, "Wang Xiao, you're really good today. You actually made trouble for me as soon as you came!"

"This … coach, I don't want to do this either, but …" Wang Xiao's expression was helpless. Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Wang Yang once again.

"You can't be more honest. After this year of training, stop causing trouble and creating trouble for me." Wang Yang said with a stern face. He had some understanding about the boy in front of him. The Wang Xiao in front of him was definitely not someone who could calm down.

Seeing Wang Yang's rigid face and secretly worrying that Wang Yang wouldn't be able to explain it to the third chief, Wang Xiao thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll take responsibility for the things that happened today, is that alright?"

Wang Yang's expression turned serious when he heard this. He muttered to himself, "About this, I'm afraid that you won't be able to afford it. If you want to, then behave yourself." He then looked at the other coaches and said, "Everyone, who is interested in teaching Young Lord a lesson?"

The people standing next to Wang Yang were all at the seventh and eighth stages of the Human Realm. At first glance, none of them had any intention of accepting the idea, they shook their heads like a rattle, obviously afraid of these young masters, afraid that they would lose their temper or teach them badly, and their jobs would probably be ruined. In their eyes, the Wang Xiao in front of them was just like a hot potato.

Wang Yang's face turned ashen. Originally, he thought that today would be a peaceful day, but who would have known that Wang Xiao would make such a ruckus right away. He was caught off guard.

One of them was a middle-aged man wearing a dark, embroidered long robe. He was brimming with vitality, and his white teeth were revealed as he smiled and said, "This, Brother Wang Yang, I am too busy to teach this Young Lord of Mercury Blue Village. I am truly unable to do anything."

"I must drag my family down with me. It is not easy to become a coach. It is the financial security of my entire family. I do not wish to lose my job because of this matter. I am truly sorry." The other elder had prominent cheekbones and an apologetic expression on his face.

Finally, there was only one left, Wang Yang looked at the coach at the side with sincerity. This coach was covered in a long white robe, and his white waterfall like hair was casually let loose on his shoulders. Almost 90% of his old face was covered in wrinkles, and although it was hard to tell his age, his entire body was emitting a cold aura.

Wang Xiao's gaze fell on him and a cold light instantly enveloped him. He felt as if he was in a freezing place and couldn't help but shiver, "Why is his grandpa so cold all of a sudden? Damn it." Wang Xiao rubbed his hands a few times and breathed a few mouthfuls of hot air. He could not help but curse.

"Alright, let me handle this child." After a long time, a depressing voice came out of the coach's mouth. This voice was dry and heavy, as if someone had pinched his throat. It was so weak that it made everyone present feel uncomfortable.

Wang Yang's face lit up as he quickly thanked him: "This, I'll leave it to you. I have something else to do first, haha."

Wang Xiao's face changed. He could tell that Wang Yang only promised to train him, but didn't say that he would teach him anything. Therefore, Wang Yang intended to give him to someone else, but he became a good man again.

"Don't, just leave. You're supposed to be in charge of training me, why aren't you doing it?" Wang Xiao said with a gloomy expression. His slightly smiling face was now filled with displeasure. He never thought that Wang Yang would have the intention to teach him martial arts.

"Um, sorry, my big Young Lord. I really can't teach you, so I can only trust someone else to teach you. Don't worry, he's very powerful. You don't have to worry about not being able to learn anything." At this moment, Wang Yang had already asked Wang Xiao for help. He didn't want to stay any longer and just tossed down those words before leaving.

"Hmph, I was wrong about you. Wang Yang, you are a scum." There was no happiness or sadness on Wang Xiao's face as he spoke helplessly.

"What's your name?" Wang Xiao asked the coach beside him. Seeing that all the coaches had left, only he and the last coach remained.

The white robe gently moved and a rare look of contemplation appeared on the face of an old man who couldn't tell his age. He murmured, "I …" My name is … "My name is Dirty Soul …"

"Dirty Soul … What a strange name." Wang Xiao muttered at the corner of his mouth as he repeated the name.

"Let's go …" Dirty Soul's voice was ethereal. His white robe fluttered, revealing a black iron-forged walking stick.

"Hey, wait for me …" Wang Xiao stepped on the small board and faintly followed up.

Along the way, Wang Xiao followed Dirty Soul and walked until they left the Mercury Blue Village gate. They once again climbed over a precipitous cliff, followed a wide river, and once again went over several slopes. Finally, they stopped beside a secluded valley.

Wang Xiao's face was covered in sweat, he was panting like a cow, and his face was flushed red like he had never moved for such a long distance before. Wang Xiao was panting like a cow, and his face was red like a cow, as if he had never moved for such a long distance.

Dirty Soul's dull eyes lit up. He said faintly, "Not bad, you can accept my training now."

"But … before you start training, you need to think carefully. Once you start, you cannot quit. Otherwise, you will very likely become a corpse."

Dirty Soul's words were dark and deep, making Wang Xiao, who was panting on the side, feel a chill. Even the hairs on his body instinctively stood up.

"Isn't this nonsense? I'm following you because I'm undergoing training. If not, why would I be wasting so much time and effort to come here?" "But don't you dare scare me, I'm too timid to take your fright." Wang Xiao could also tell that Dirty Soul was not joking with him. However, in Wang Xiao's heart, Dirty Soul seemed to be stronger than the two elders in Scripture Tower.

"You don't regret it? The training process may not be a year, or it may take a little longer, but it can be very painful, and you can bear it? " Dirty Soul's words once again hit Wang Xiao's heart.

"What do I regret? I always liked martial arts. Come on, if you have any cruel training methods, just use them. I will accept them all." Having an 18-year-old soul, he would always be a lot more straightforward when facing a choice. Even if he still didn't understand Dirty Soul at all, but in his heart, there was always a voice that told him that his choice was right.

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