Supreme Royal Family/C17 Basic Martial Arts
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Supreme Royal Family/C17 Basic Martial Arts
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C17 Basic Martial Arts

Within the Qingquan Valley, it was currently the season of spring and summer. The butterflies and flowers that filled the air danced in the sky with their most beautiful figure, and the originally scorching sun had become much gentler as well. The entire Qingquan Valley, as well as the human realm, were so beautiful that it was intoxicating.

"That's weird. It's still the sun and the sky outside, but there's a season ahead of us in this valley. No matter how I look at it, it's just the sound of birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers." Wang Xiao looked at the beautiful scenery of the valley, and muttered with his small mouth. It was obvious that this was not the first day he was staying within the Qingquan Valley.

His long hair scattered randomly in the air, making him look extremely natural and unrestrained. He was less than half a meter tall, and at this moment, Wang Xiao was standing in a dense cluster of flowers, holding half a bag of red flowers in his hand. Clearly, he was collecting the flowers here.

Wang Xiao had been at the Qingquan Valley for a period of time, and during this period of time, Wang Xiao did not cultivate with Dirty Soul. What Wang Xiao found strange was that during this period of time, besides eating and sleeping, Wang Xiao did the most of the things, namely reciting the letter and picking the strange flowers and herbs that were planted in the field. As for Dirty Soul at the side, he would let Wang Xiao memorize the names and uses of these flowers.

Following that, Wang Xiao heard the familiar word for "herb". This time, Wang Xiao focused again and the desire to learn burst out from his body once again. He didn't know if it was because of the Divine Farmer Grass Scripture and the Materia Medica, but Wang Xiao could easily distinguish between his name and function as long as he had seen a plant and the environment in which the plant grew.

Dirty Soul found that the current Wang Xiao was just a piece of rough, unpolished jade. If he were to give him time to cultivate, it was very possible that his achievements would surpass his own and reach an immeasurable level. Therefore, this gave Dirty Soul hope in seeing Wang Xiao's cultivation and made him more meticulous in his cultivation.

"Tsk tsk!" I am very curious. A three year old child, to think that he would be able to adapt so quickly in such a strange environment. Even if he is a fugitive, his adaptability is probably only this great. " Dirty Soul looked at Wang Xiao in the flower bush in the distance. A hint of playfulness appeared in his eyes. His understanding of Wang Xiao had advanced another step.

"It looks like he won't need a year. At most half a year. He should be able to completely comprehend and grasp the essence of the Grass Scripture." Dirty Soul looked at Wang Xiao. The playfulness in his eyes had disappeared and was replaced with excitement as his heart skipped a beat.

Wang Xiao finished picking the last flower bud and carefully put it into the bag in his hand. Then, he walked towards the thatched cottage in satisfaction.

The moment Wang Xiao returned to the thatched cottage, he saw Dirty Soul napping leisurely on a simple wooden bed.

"Hello, coach. The flowers you want, I've already finished picking them. You can't overlook it." After Wang Xiao said this, he threw the bulging bag in his hand towards Dirty Soul.

"So fast. Hmm, good. Save me the time to go pick some. Your harvesting is not bad at all." Dirty Soul opened his eyes and randomly picked one. After examining it for a while, he said.

"Of course. I've been working on it for the whole morning and I'm so tired. When did I start practicing martial arts? I can't even wait anymore." Wang Xiao also didn't want to continue like this. The book that Dirty Soul gave him contained some weird herbs, and Wang Xiao had memorized the book the night he gave it to Wang Xiao. Now, picking these herbs every day was starting to make him feel bored.

Dirty Soul glanced at Wang Xiao, his cold face remained expressionless as he said coldly, "When you have learned the Classic of Herbs, I will begin to teach you."

Wang Xiao's eyes lit up, revealing two rows of white teeth. He said excitedly: "This is what you said, don't go back on your word."

"That's right, I won't go back on my word." Dirty Soul's cold words came out of his mouth once again, completely ignoring Wang Xiao's words.

The first page, neutral gymnosperm, perennial vegetation, characteristics, fragrance, when consumed in water, it is highly toxic, it belongs to the class of foliage plants, growing in the deep mountains and lakes all year round, and also likes dark and damp swamps. You must use gloves to pick them, or else you will be poisoned if you touch it with your hands.

"The second page, Big Leaf Vegetation Fruit, belongs to the family of berries, perennial plants, the leaves are malt shaped, the whole body is black, with a strange aroma, the smell causes people to lose their mind and become delirious. "Most of them live in endless forests and like to grow under the shade of trees. They like to live in places with plenty of sunshine, but they are extremely rare and hard to find …"

An hour later, Wang Xiao smacked the saliva on his lips. His proud lips curled up into a beautiful smile as he said in a weird tone, "How is it? My memory is pretty good, right?"

The Wang Xiao in front of him had already given him too many surprises, and Wang Xiao's condition didn't seem like a three year old child either. In this half an hour, Wang Xiao had almost memorized every single word of the book, which almost showed Wang Xiao's amazing talent.

"Very good talent. It seems that you have already comprehended all the essence of these herbs, so it shouldn't be difficult. If this goes on, I don't need to teach you anything." Then, he got up and said faintly, "You are three years old now, you don't have to worry about cultivating at all. Why don't you build the foundation with me first, at that time, your cultivation speed will definitely increase by leaps and bounds."

It was obvious that it was difficult for him to understand the true meaning of the word 'foundation'. From his point of view, it was obvious that Dirty Soul did not want him to come into contact with martial arts as soon as possible, but wanted him to learn herbal medicine instead. This was completely related to martial arts.

Dirty Soul looked at Wang Xiao, shook his head, and said, "I will explain that in the world, cultivation is only a matter of breaking through the limits of oneself and reaching the realm of strength transformation. Before cultivation, there will be a time when one has reached the most enlightened stage of martial arts, which we call the foundation of martial arts, and the foundation of martial arts does not only refer to training one's physical body. Other aspects are also attributed to the foundation of martial arts, but many people have chosen to skip the other aspects of the foundation, resulting in their future cultivation to be extremely difficult.

Wang Xiao was not an idiot. No matter how Dirty Soul explained it, he understood what he meant. And this learning herb could be a part of the foundation of martial arts, which people ignored the most. When he said that, Wang Xiao's doubts disappeared into thin air.

"This, I had thought that you were just playing around with me, hehe …" Wang Xiao touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

"You are not an ordinary person, but you can't be too hasty. I will let you slowly walk the path of martial arts. Moreover, your talent is also not bad. You are a material that can be created." Dirty Soul directly stated his initial evaluation of Wang Xiao without any hesitation.

"Then, it's up to the coach. I won't let you down." Wang Xiao smiled, like a cute baby, making people want to kiss him.

"That's right, if that martial arts technique is practiced to the end, would it cause a giant crater, or even a landslide?" Wang Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up. He fantasized that one day, he would be like the Sun Wukong in the classical myths. He would have limitless power, and he would even be able to ride the clouds.

"This, perhaps …" Dirty Soul's expression suddenly froze as his thoughts slowly drifted away. Wang Xiao's words seemed to remind him of some beautiful memories.

"It seems that you still need to learn other skills and basic martial arts within half a year's time. This is essential, so what you need to do next is simple." Dirty Soul looked at a distant mountain stream and slowly said, "If you want to cultivate, you must understand every bone, blood vessel, and meridian point in your body."

"Are you sure I can learn it within half a year?" Wang Xiao wiped away the flowers with a skeptical expression, as if he was displeased with Dirty Soul's words.

"En, looks like it's time to give you a bit of pressure." Dirty Soul looked at Wang Xiao's small body, a crafty look suddenly appearing in his eyes.

He looked at the mountain stream in the distance and said, "Alright, since you have already learned the basics of herbs, it's time for you to study the structure of this human body in advance. It's also a good idea to build a foundation after this."

He knew more about the human body than anyone else. Back in his previous life, Wang Xiao would go to the place where people feared him every summer vacation in order to make money to pay for his university expenses, and that place was the biggest crematorium at that time. As an assistant to a mortician, Wang Xiao had been doing the most complicated dissecting and cleaning work. During that time, from his initial fear to his indifference, it could be said that he had dissected hundreds of corpses. However, because of that, he was able to gather the funds he needed to complete his studies. However, now that he thought about it, not only did he not finish his studies, he had even mysteriously been reborn into this world. Not only did he not feel disappointed at all, he also felt that his rebirth had come from an extremely difficult thing.

Although Wang Xiao was a bit emotional and a bit funny in his heart, he still had to feign curiosity and a little excitement in order to not arouse Dirty Soul's suspicion: "Really? So when do we start? Do you want me to catch a little rabbit or a little frog? "

Even he himself thought that he was wrong about Wang Xiao's performance. Wang Xiao's curiosity towards new things had already exceeded his expectations, so he could only mutter to himself in his heart, "He really is a freak, but I like it, hehe."

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