Supreme Thief/C7 Crescent Blades
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Supreme Thief/C7 Crescent Blades
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C7 Crescent Blades

When he had opened the black box earlier, Tian Feng had felt as if all the energy in his body had been sucked out, but now, he was shocked to discover that his entire body was brimming with energy, even much more powerful than before. After a slight inspection, he discovered that he had unknowingly become a Mystical Scholar, and he was even at the middle stage.

However, there wasn't a trace of pleasant surprise on his immature face. Instead, there was a trace of grief and melancholy on it.

With a flip of his hand, six colors of red, blue, brown, and black flashed across his white palm. He knew that his body had undergone too many changes, with six attributes that he had never experienced before.

Sighing softly, Tian Feng lifted his head slightly to look at the rainbow-colored sword that was slowly crossing its legs. A complicated look appeared in his eyes. Originally, he had nothing to live for, but in the dead zone, it had given him a chance to be reborn. Back in reality, he still did not know how to face his future life. In his eyes, there was only confusion.

"Woo woo …"

As if it had experienced Tian Feng's emotions, the little sword in the air let out a soft humming sound as if it was trying to console him. Although it knew that it couldn't speak, it was strange that Tian Feng knew what it wanted to say: "Boss, living a good life is the greatest comfort to the dead." Also, you still have a beautiful family. Treat them well, cultivate hard, protect them well, and make up for the shortcomings of your previous life.

Looking at the rainbow-colored sword, Tian Feng slowly withdrew his pain. Finally, a gentle smile appeared on his face. He muttered to himself, "Thank you sincerely, don't worry, I will work hard." I am Xiao Tian and Xiao Tian Feng … "

The small sword that seemed to be cheering for him jumped a few times in the air before transforming into a stream of light and pierced into his forehead. After that, it gradually disappeared.

Slowly stroking the spot where the small sword disappeared, bits of information about the small sword appeared in his mind.

The little sword was called Tian Jian. It was the main sword of the six legendary treasured swords. These include the Fire element's Crimson Nimbus Sword, the Water element's Netherfrost Sword, the Wind element's Clear Wind Sword, the Earth element's Absolute Destroyer Sword, the Darkness element's Shadow Bearing Sword, and the Light element's White Jade Sword.

The《 Heavenly Sword Arts》 cultivated by his clan was the basic cultivation technique for cultivating the Heavenly Sword. Only when one reached the ninth layer of the highest level of the《 Heavenly Sword Arts》 would one truly possess the qualifications to practice the six divine swords martial arts. It was recorded that when one completely mastered the techniques of the six swords and combined them, one would be able to unleash the true might of the Heavenly Sword.

If it was an ordinary person, they would not be able to learn the strongest sword moves of the《 Heavenly Sword Arts》 without the assistance of the six swords. That meant he was qualified to learn the arts of the six divine swords. However, he did not have the support of the six divine swords after all, so to learn the arts and Laws required an extremely abundant amount of energy from the six divine swords to be able to do so.

However, finding a place filled with energy was easier said than done. If it wasn't for the fact that it was a mysterious danger zone, it would have been dominated by powerful clans. It was even located in a place that no one knew about.

In short, if one wanted to learn one of the six divine swords' cultivation methods, one word was: difficult!

However, Tian Feng was not in a hurry. He smiled and gave up thinking about it, "I'll learn the《 Heavenly Sword Secret Art》 's nine basic levels first. Those places with abundant energy will all depend on luck. He believed that after learning the basics, he would be able to go out and adventure properly. In his previous life, he could already use the ninth stage of the《 Heavenly Sword Arts》 at the age of seventeen, even though the price was taking his life. Hehe, I wonder how long I can spend here? "Now that I'm eight years old, I'm a bit lower than I was in the past. But luckily, the energy here is much thicker, so I should be able to save some time."

In the hall, Tian Feng stood there blankly for a while before he regained his senses, "Forget it, let nature take its course. Let's see what kind of weapon we'll get this time that almost cost us our lives. "

Thinking of this, Tian Feng turned his head to look at the strange black box on the shelf. Seeing that the weirdly shaped short blade was quietly lying inside, he couldn't help but exclaim, "It's so beautiful."

The blade was about half a meter long, silver in color, and the sharp blade was bone-chilling cold. Mysterious patterns were crisscrossing the handle and two unknown crystals were embedded on both ends of the handle, making the entire blade smooth and dazzling. In the eyes of the vast majority of people, it was a noble's ornamental sword, not some powerful weapon.

However, Tian Feng, who had experienced this for a long time, didn't think so. Who has ever seen someone who almost lost his life trying to recognize a master weapon?

Curious about the condition of the crescent moon blade, Tian Feng slowly grasped the hilt, and a feeling of blood vessels connecting swept through his entire body. When his will entered the crescent moon blade, it was as if he understood his own body, and all the information regarding the crescent moon blade rushed into his mind. After understanding everything about it, Tian Feng couldn't help but be shocked.

The name of the blade was the 'Blade of the Crescent Moon', it was a weapon of both ice and fire attribute. No rating temporarily.

When infusing water attribute profound energy, the weapon would show an ice attribute, it would have as much as ten percent increase to ice attribute. When infusing fire attribute profound energy, the weapon would have a freezing effect; when infusing fire attribute profound energy, the weapon would also show a fire attribute, and when infusing fire attribute profound energy, the weapon would have a poisonous effect; and when infusing water attribute profound energy, the blade would be split into two, and if two short blades faced each other at the same time, not only would the attack be infused with two types of damage, but the attack would also have a thirty percent increase.

The information on the 'Crescent Blades' also included a cultivation technique that matched the blade's edge – the 'Dark Moon Art'. After learning that every level of the 'Dark Moon Art' allowed one to obtain a powerful attack, Tian Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Taking a deep breath, he gently stroked the shiny blade, "As expected of a weapon that almost took my life." Although your level has not been assessed, but I believe that you are at least a Gold-grade weapon. Hehe, maybe you were buried in the past, but I will make you famous throughout the world, and let the world give you a noble rank. "

Tianfeng was wrong. If the weapons were placed here, there was a chance that they would be selected by the Xiao family's disciples. The owner of the weapons warehouse naturally wouldn't want his life.

In actuality, in order to obtain the approval of the Crescent Blade, the owner must be someone with both water and fire attributes and a high potential. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be recognized as master.

Tianfeng himself only had water attribute profound strength. When the energy passed through his body, a portion of the energy would definitely remain in his body. Although the absorption rate was very little, over time, the other types of energy would also appear on his body. It was just that compared to the Water Attribute, it was much weaker.

He had gotten used to the existence of different types of energy in his body, as well as the existence of different types of energy elements. This was the main reason why Tian Jian could easily help Tian Feng change his physique.

As such, when the black box detected the dual element water and fire elements in Tian Feng's body, it began its process of choosing its master. It was only because the weak fire element could not satisfy the needs of the box that it caused Tian Feng so much pain. When he really could not endure it any longer, Tian Jian's appearance relieved him of his crisis.

Fortunately, he was finally acknowledged by the Crescent Blade and unexpectedly activated the Heavenly Sword that was hidden in his body. It even unlocked the memories that were sealed within him.

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