Supreme Yin-yang Eye/C19 County See Doctor
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Supreme Yin-yang Eye/C19 County See Doctor
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C19 County See Doctor

In the end, the hospital in the county was not something that the small clinic in our village could compare to. It was only seven o'clock when my grandfather and I arrived at the hospital, and the hall was already overcrowded.

Grandfather grabbed my hand and queued up, not daring to let me out of his sight.

Two hours later, it was finally our turn. The one receiving Grandfather and I was a female doctor. I think her surname was Huang, and judging from her voice, she was already old. I just don't know if her medical skills are in direct proportion to her medical age.

The doctor made me sit down on a stool, said a few words to Pappy, and then walked up to me and opened my eyelids with my fingers.

However, before I could do so, a strong light shot straight into my eyes. Although I felt uncomfortable, I couldn't help but feel happy. I can still feel the strong light, does that mean I'm not completely blind?

Seeing my complicated expression, Grandfather hurriedly asked the doctor, "Doctor, what do my child's eyes say?"

I couldn't see the doctor's expression, but her sigh came into my ears unmistakably.

"Great sir, is this child's eyes suddenly blind or is there a problem? I think it looks like it's been stimulated. " The doctor put away his flashlight and asked his grandfather.

His grandfather was silent for a while, then he said, "He must have suffered some sort of provocation. I was not present at that time, so it's hard to say."

The doctor wrote on the medical record with a "Sha Sha" sound. He said in a businesslike manner, "Alright, your child's eyes … I think he'll have to undergo surgery. I'll give you guys a list. Take him and do the checks on this list first. "

I grew up in the mountains with my grandfather. Normally, people who have a headache usually take a few pills at home. This is the second time I've been to the hospital since I could remember.

Who knew that when I was told that I was going to make a move on this rare occasion in the hospital, I couldn't help but get scared. I tightly grabbed onto the corner of my grandfather's shirt and used my voice to say, "Grandfather, I don't want to do any surgery …"

Grandfather took my hand and the callus lightly touched the back of my hand. Just as my emotions calmed down a little, the doctor's voice rang out again.

"However, this operation has risks. If you don't have the will, we doctors will not force you." The doctor handed a page full of medical records and a list to his grandfather. "Take someone for an examination first."

Pappy acknowledged and then took my hand and led me out of the office.

I still hadn't recovered from my shock. I whispered, "Grandpa, can I do it without surgery?"

Grandfather sighed. "Huaizu, be obedient. If the surgery can cure your eyes, I will treat you even if I have to sell everything I have."

I was torn between a desire to see the light again and a fear of the risks of surgery, and the bloody images of medical accidents I had seen on television — these images came back to me and made me shiver.

"Huaizu, grandpa will take you to do the inspection first. After the inspection, I'll buy you some sweets to eat." His grandfather's voice was exhausted, as if he had aged quite a bit overnight.

If it had been before, I would have jumped three feet in joy at the mention of sugar, but now I couldn't bring myself to be happy. I didn't even have the strength to pull the corners of my mouth up into a smile. But I didn't want to worry my grandfather too much. I forced myself to overcome my fear and nodded.

I was taken into one examining room after another, the cold instruments mingled with the smell of formalin, and I dared only breathe carefully.

The hospital in the county was huge, and there were many floors. I hadn't had a proper meal these past few days, and after a few days of checking my stomach, I found that I was half-exhausted. I sat down on a bench in the hallway, gasping for breath.

I slouched in my chair, feeling like the worst person in the world, and my eyes were sore again, and I couldn't help but drop my beans.

"Huaizu, is there something wrong?" Grandpa got nervous when he saw me cry.

I was upset, but I couldn't say that, or my grandfather would blame himself even more, blame himself for not taking good care of me, even though we both knew that my blindness was none of his business.

I hurriedly wiped my tears away. "Grandfather, I'm fine. I've already rested. Let's go and do the next inspection."

Fortunately, the following tests were all routine ones like blood tests and urine tests. They were done in a short while. However, there were some tests that could not be concluded on the same day. The latest would be tomorrow afternoon.

Doctor Huang looked at the checklist again and again. He didn't find anything wrong with it, so he said, "There are still a few important things that need to be done tomorrow. Do you want to make arrangements for the hospital or what?" Although she didn't force me to stay in the hospital, the meaning behind her words was clear.

"It just so happens that one of my patients is discharged today, and there's a bed that's empty. If you guys are going to be hospitalized, then I …"

I didn't want to live here at all. I wasn't used to the smell, and the patient's soft grunts that came in my ears every now and then made me feel sick.

"Grandfather, I don't want to be hospitalized." I hid behind my grandfather, as if the doctor in front of me was some kind of jackal, a tiger, and a leopard who wanted to do something to me.

Seeing me like this, Doctor Huang's voice immediately turned cold, "Little friend, I know you're afraid of being hospitalized, but I think you've also been to school. Didn't the books tell you that doctors treat patients and don't want to harm you?"

I know all about it, but I'm still scared, and my legs start to shake.

Grandfather could only say to the doctor, "Tonight, we'll find a small hotel to deal with and come back tomorrow to get the report. If the condition is serious and we have to go to the hospital, my child is not someone who doesn't understand reason. He will definitely cooperate with you."

Since Grandpa had already said this, the doctor couldn't say anything else. He could only show respect to our opinions.

Outside the hospital, it was already dark outside. It was already late autumn, and it was fine when the sun was shining during the day. At night, he would feel the chilliness seeping into his bones. Fortunately, there were a few small hotels not far from the hospital. The boss was currently outside soliciting business.

Grandfather chose a house that looked clean and relatively cheap to live in. Grandfather went out to buy dinner and I just lay in bed to listen to the TV. My stomach suddenly hurt so much that I hurriedly put on a set of clothes and touched the wall before entering the toilet.

"Drip, drip, drip ~ ~"

It was as if the water faucet was not turned on well. Water continued to drip down, making one's hair stand on end in this tranquil night.

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