Supreme Yin-yang Eye/C3 Boss Gao
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Supreme Yin-yang Eye/C3 Boss Gao
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C3 Boss Gao

When I opened my eyes again, the first person I saw was my grandfather, sitting on the edge of my bed, smoking a pipe.

I was not dead, but in my own bed.

It turned out that when my grandfather got up to go to the toilet that night and saw that there was no one in my room and that he couldn't find me around the house, he used his identity as the village head to mobilize the entire village to look for me.

It was also thanks to grandpa finding me that day on the summit of the Dirty Girl Peak, otherwise I might have been in danger, because grandpa said that my breath was already very weak when he found me.

Grandfather hurriedly invited the village's barefoot doctor to rescue me that night, only then was he able to pull my life back from the gates of hell.

Grandfather said that I had been in a coma for three whole days. From his tired expression, it was easy to tell that Grandfather had been by my side the entire time.

"Ah, Grandfather …" That... How is Sister Xiujuan? " I suddenly thought of Sister Xiujuan.

His grandfather took a drag from his pipe and said in a hoarse voice, "When we rushed to the mountain, we had already lost sight of Soo Juan's figure. She must have hidden herself when she heard everyone's footsteps on the mountain."

"Is that so?" I couldn't tell what I was feeling, but I couldn't help feeling a chill in my heart when I thought of Sister Xiujuan's appearance that night. I also wondered why she was like that, and why she had such a weird expression and behavior that lingered in my mind.

Sister Xiujuan's disappearance also brought a great deal of pain to her family. Previously, the rich man who was going to marry her in the city knew that Sister Xiujuan had become old, yet he still ended up disappearing.

However, this amount of money had long since been used by sister Xiujuan's parents to renovate the house. Currently, Xiujuan's family was completely unable to afford this amount of money, and her parents were unable to repay this debt.

One night, just as I was about to open my schoolbag to take out my homework, I saw Uncle Lin running in from my front door in a fluster. As he ran, he yelled, "Something big has happened! Something big has happened!"

The shouting quickly attracted the attention of the nearby villagers, and they all ran towards the place where the accident happened - the Xiu's house.

"Sigh, what a sin."

"That's right, this matter has turned into a white matter. What sort of evildoer is this?"

When I looked through the crowd, I saw Xiujuan's parents lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and then I knew that they had drunk the parched grass together because they couldn't take the blow.

From the sudden aging of Sister Xiujuan to the suicide of her parents, within just a few days, a happy family had been destroyed. However, the young girl who should have been walking towards the marriage hall had finally entered the gates of hell, and the villagers were extremely sympathetic to Sister Xiujuan's family's situation. They decided to help Sister Xiujuan's parents be buried together.

However, even after Sister Xiujuan's parents were buried, the villagers still did not see her coming to pay her respects. The villagers all speculated that Sister Xiujuan had probably left the village already, or perhaps she was already dead.

In the following period of time, many people in the village had been discussing the tragic circumstances of Sister Xiujuan's family. There was even a rumor circulating around the village that Sister Xiujuan had offended the mountain goddess of shame and was punished for her crimes.

More than half a year later, the fact that there were so few people to talk about was gradually forgotten.

However, for me, it was something I couldn't forget at all.

Especially the horrible scene of Sister Xiujuan strangling me in the shy temple that night. Almost every night, I would dream of Sister Xiujuan's old and shriveled face staring at me sinisterly, slowly reaching out her old tree branch like hands to pinch me.

Since I was a kid, I've always kept everything to myself and never told anyone else, so it wasn't until after I'd been having nightmares for more than a month that my grandfather realized that something was wrong with me. He was in a trance and didn't know that I had nightmares every night.

When Pappy found out what was going on, he took out a pot of red powder from his cabinet that night, drew some symbols on the yellow paper, and then burned it to ashes and water for me to drink.

I looked at the bowl of grey Talisman Water. I didn't need to drink it to know that it definitely didn't taste good. Moreover, it emitted the smell of smoke and fire.

I feel that Grandfather has definitely watched too many TV shows. His current behavior is just like that Ninth Uncle in the movie a few days ago, and Little Fatty in the village is also like that. Every day he draws these strange symbols in his homework book, and he even wants us to act like ghosts and let him catch us.

"Grandfather, the teacher said that the television is full of lies!"

Grandfather picked up the pipe and lightly tapped me on the forehead. "Little bastard, if I tell you to drink, then drink it. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

I had no choice but to drink my grandfather's rune water. However, it was strange. After drinking my grandfather's rune water, I felt as if a huge boulder had been lifted from my heart. My entire being relaxed.

Some time later, the owner of the city who was going to marry Sister Xiujuan came to our village.

No one knew why he had come here. Sister Xiujuan had long disappeared, and it was unknown whether she was dead or alive. What was he doing here? Because he had forced Xiujuan's sister and parents to commit suicide to chase after the debt, the villagers did not welcome his arrival.

It was said that he had a big business in the city. He was a fat old man in his thirties, wearing a suit and a tie, and his shoes were polished till they were shiny. When he smiled, his face looked like a fried dough ball.

He wasn't the only one who came to our village this time. He was accompanied by two young women and three men. They were carrying bags and luggage, and were all dressed in fashionable clothes.

The first thing Boss Gao did upon arriving at the village was to pay respects to Sister Xiujuan's parents. He squatted in front of the grave and wept bitterly, saying that he shouldn't have forced them to get their dowry money back.

After the worship was done, Boss Gao generously paid for a big meal for all of us in the village. With this, the villagers' attitude towards Boss Gao improved a lot and their impression of him wasn't that bad anymore.

At the banquet, Boss Gao held his wine cup and said, "The reason why I came here this time is to pay respects to Xiujuan's parents, and to mine the mines and develop our village." As he spoke, he pointed to the few people behind him and continued, "These are all expert teams that I've specially invited. Fellow villagers, please rest assured."

Boss Gao not only invited us villagers to dinner, but also gave us a thousand yuan for every household. As the saying goes, if you have a soft hand, if you want to eat someone else's money, you have to take it. If Boss Gao wants to dig coal in the village, of course no one else would care.

However, this large area of our village is filled with forest and wilderness. At most, there would be some wild animals like rabbits and skins. How could there be a coal mine?

In the past few years, Big Boss Gao had come to investigate, but no one said anything. The happy Boss Gao brought his men to and fro in the mountains. It didn't matter if they ate or took the money, since Boss Gao killed Xiujuan's family. The villagers were happy to see him fail.

Boss Gao was generous and generous, but his grandfather did not eat or accept his money. Boss Gao thought that he had offended his grandfather, so he asked his grandfather if there was anything bad that they had done to offend him, the village chief.

My grandpa said that he didn't like being treated with kindness and didn't want to be treated with kindness for no reason at all. He had been like this for most of his life, refusing to take advantage of anyone else.

However, Grandfather also told Boss Gao and the others that they wanted to find out about the coal mine nearby our village. He supported it and said that he wouldn't intentionally use his identity as the village head to get in the way.

At the same time, he said with a cold face, "If you want to do something bad, I won't allow it!"

Boss Gao and co. came to our village and stayed at Sister Xiujuan's house. After cleaning up the house, they moved in.

In our village, Boss Gao and the others often left early in the morning and returned late at night with many tools and instruments, carefully searching the forest near our village as if looking for something. As for finding the coal mine, the villagers were also discussing about it privately, but Boss Gao did not give them a reply.

One day, a few of our village friends were playing in the forest when they coincidentally bumped into Boss Gao and the others.

I heard a long-haired woman carrying a large metal box on her back say to Boss Gao, "The general location has been determined. If there's no mistake, it should be underground."

Boss Gao beamed with joy. With his wrinkled face, he looked even more oily as he happily said, "Good, very good. Let's begin."

I have some doubts: could it be that Boss Gao and the rest really found the coal mine that the big boss didn't survey previously? However, he was just playing in his heart, so he didn't think too much about it.

It wasn't long before we heard a bang on the summit of Mimi Peak, louder than thunder, which scared our little friends. None of us knew what was going on, but it was probably related to Boss Gao and the rest's actions.

For the next few days, Boss Gao and company did not come down.

I didn't see them for a few days. My grandfather thought that something happened to them on the mountain and he quickly gathered the villagers to go to Embarrassment Peak to search for them. However, halfway up the mountain, he bumped into Boss Gao and the others.

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