Supreme Yin-yang Eye/C6 Taoist Status
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Supreme Yin-yang Eye/C6 Taoist Status
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C6 Taoist Status

The three corpses had a pale complexion, as if they had just been fished out of the water for several days, but they were incredibly thin, especially Old Third Wang. He was originally a big fat man, but now he looked even skinnier than his grandfather.


I felt nauseous and couldn't help but retch. However, I wasn't as scared as I had expected. Looking at the three corpses was like looking at a pig's corpse that was washed away by the flood. On the contrary, Boss Gao seemed to be even more terrifying than the three corpses.

At the same time I saw the three corpses, Boss Gao also saw them. His face was filled with disbelief as he looked at the three corpses.

"Little Chen!"

Boss Gao looked at the body of the young man in fashionable clothes and cried out in alarm. He then rushed over and laid on top of the body, ignoring the mud and maggots on top of the body, as well as the stench that even I could smell.

Boss Gao's tears flowed out as his trembling hands stroked the young man's chest. "Little Chen, I've harmed you. I've harmed you! How am I supposed to explain this to your parents?"

When most of the villagers saw Boss Gao crying, the wariness and unkindness in their eyes gradually disappeared. However, some of them still looked coldly at Boss Gao.

"Village Chief, how did you find Little Chen?" Boss Gao choked on his tears as he asked.

It turned out that this morning, my grandfather had brought a group of villagers to the place where my grandfather and I went last night to dig up the corpses of Liujie seeds. Unexpectedly, not only were there the corpses of Liuzhu seeds, there were also two other corpses, one of which was Wang Lao San, while the other one was also confirmed by the villagers' identification — it was the person Boss Gao and the rest of the villagers.

"Boss Gao, please grieve, all we need to do now is to find out who the culprit is. Please explain why the colleague you mentioned previously who returned to the city would have died at the Dirty Maiden Peak, and why his body is so rotten, even worse than that of Old Third and Skinner Liu, so it's obvious that he died before them."

Boss Gao stood up from the young man's corpse. Next to him, a fashionable pretty girl handed him a silk handkerchief. He wiped his tears and calmed down. He took a deep breath and said, "Since it's like this, I can only tell the truth."

"Actually, Little Chen didn't go back to the city to retrieve his things. He was captured by Xiujuan on the Embroidered Maiden Peak."

"Xiujuan?!" Hearing this answer, the villagers felt that it was somewhat unbelievable, but they also felt that it was reasonable.

Although Xiujuan's sister had been missing for half a year, the sudden change that had occurred half a year ago still remained in everyone's mind. If Xiujuan had turned into a ghost after that strange event, no one would have doubted that.

"Yes, it is." Boss Gao sighed again and shook his head, "That day when we went up the mountain as usual to inspect, we saw a person in the mountain. Her body was dry and agitated, with a face full of wrinkles and a head of white hair, although her appearance had changed a lot, but based on the descriptions of the people in the village and the clothes I gave her, I recognized her at a glance. I wanted to ask what had happened to her, but she rushed over like a madman, grabbed onto little Chen and ran away. Although she looked like an old woman, she moved like a ghost and disappeared in an instant.

"After that, we searched the mountain for a few days. However, we were unable to find Xiu Juan or Little Chen. Feeling helpless, we could only go down the mountain and coincidentally met you two, who were looking for us up the mountain."

"Then why did you say that Little Chen went back to town to get the stuff? Didn't you tell us that it would be better if we went together? " his grandfather asked Boss Gao.

Boss Gao regretfully sighed, "Hai, it's all my fault for being so muddleheaded!"

"I was thinking that if I told you that it was Xiujuan who had captured Little Chen, you might have gone to deal with her and hurt her, so I didn't tell you."

Boss Gao looked ashamed. "After all, I was the one who killed Xiujuan's parents. If I could, of course I would hope that Xiujuan could live on in peace. Even though Xiujuan has already turned ugly, it's not impossible for me to marry her. I never thought that it would produce such a bad result. It's me who has harmed everyone, it's me who has harmed these two brothers, I'm willing to give each of these two brothers' family a fee of 500,000 to settle down. "

Boss Gao was sincere. As he spoke, tears once again flowed down his cheeks, causing the surrounding people to be moved. One by one, they comforted him that it wasn't his fault.

"Boss Gao, you were kind to begin with. This is none of your business." When the surrounding villagers saw Boss Gao's handling of the matter, they all chose to forgive him.

Liu Pai and Old Third's family also didn't say anything. They remembered that their father had buried the pillar next door last year, and the mine only lost a little over two hundred thousand dollars.

However, I still felt that there was something about Boss Gao that frightened me. I didn't want to believe him, I didn't feel anything about what he had just told me, and I even wanted to eat a roasted sweet potato.

"That makes sense." His grandfather pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Besides, these three people have bodies like dried twigs and no Profound Qi. Grandpa pondered for a while, then nodded and said," And these three people have bodies like dried twigs and no Profound Qi.

Some of the villagers clearly understood the meaning behind his grandfather's words. "Village Head, are you saying that Xiujuan is a ghost?"

"It's a ghost, and it's not a ghost." His grandfather mysteriously nodded his head and shook his head, "With Xiujuan's current state, she should be called — 'Monster'!"


"Yes, men, women and children, black, white, yellow. It's the same with ghosts, they're also divided into spirit, weirdness, ghost, and devil! " Grandfather said, "Speaking of these four in detail, there are still many differences, but the special characteristic of the monsters is that their bodies have changed. Just like the zombies in the movies, they are a type of monster, but they are the lowest level type, because most zombies don't have consciousness, only a strong body."

"Sister Xiujuan is a zombie?" When I heard this, I forcefully stopped my urge to eat roasted sweet potatoes. The beautiful face of Sister Xiu Juan and the ferocious green face of the zombie kept flashing in my mind. How could a pretty sister like Sister Xiu Juan turn into a zombie?

"And now, not only has Xiujuan's body undergone mutation, but she also has intelligence. Clearly, she is an undead of a higher level than the zombies!" Grandfather took a drag of smoke and said with a serious expression.

"So that's how it is! I never thought that the once charming and charming Xiu Juan would become a baneful creature. " After sighing emotionally, Boss Gao said to his grandfather, "Village Chief Gou is truly knowledgeable. You even know these things."

But his grandfather shook his head and said, "It's not that I have a lot of knowledge, but our ancestor is the fifth disciple of Zhang Tianzhi. This is just something passed down in his family."

"That's right. Fifty or sixty years ago, the Gou family was the famous Ghost Catcher family. It's just that they became strict with this family in the following years, that's why the Gou family declined." Even though he was in his nineties, he liked to join in the fun. Everything happened to him, "After that period of time, no one in the Gou family did this thing again, which is why almost no one knows that the Gou family is the Ghost sect."

His grandfather then looked at Third Uncle and explained to him why he had always been hiding his identity as a Ghost Priest. "When I was young, I promised my father that I would not use any spells in this life. But now that something like this has happened in the village, the government doesn't care about these things as much as they did in the past few years.

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