Surviving Game/C13 Reversed Black and White
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Surviving Game/C13 Reversed Black and White
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C13 Reversed Black and White

I blurted out, "How is that possible!"

Ye Chen and Qian Yali also came over. When I opened the leg of Meng Rann's pants, I saw that the wounds on his lower leg were probably cut off neatly by sharp weapons.

"Who did this? Is there anyone else in the game besides us? " Ye Chen was a bit shocked.

I took a deep breath. The current situation had interrupted all of my previous thoughts, but I didn't agree with Ye Chen. The text clearly stated that one of the seven people was a ghost.

"Find Wang Hehe first." "No," I said.

The Ye Chen and the other two also temporarily put down their grudges. There isn't much time left, if we still haven't found the ghost, the three of us will all die.

As I led the way, I thought back to the first time I saw Wang Hehe with her weird skin. In just two minutes, we reached the bathroom on the third floor.

Just as I was about to barge in, the sky outside suddenly darkened!

The entire school building had turned pitch black, and even the escape lights were out.

"Why is the sky getting dark!" Isn't this only morning!? " Ye Chen was shocked.

I took out the kidney six from the box and looked at the time. The time on my cell phone was 9: 30.

Afterwards, the few of us checked the time, but there weren't any problems with it. I hastily ran to the ventilation window in the corridor and looked outside. The night sky looked like it was 8 or 9 o'clock in the winter and it was pitch-black.

"What's the situation outside of Zhang Wei?" Qian Yali asked me.

After I told the two of them what I was thinking, I was thinking about what the purpose of this game was. Ye Chen suddenly shouted, "Look, the time on my phone hasn't changed!"

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was still 9: 30 PM. It took me at least 2 minutes to get to the window.

"Could the game have stopped playing?" I said thoughtfully.

The three of us had the same time on our cell phones, and before the game of guessing who the ghosts were was over, we were the only ones left alive.

"Let's quickly find out who the ghost is. I dare to swear to Lamp that I'm definitely not a ghost!" Ye Chen shouted.

The corridor was dark now, and we could only distinguish each other by the faint glow of our cell phones, but just then there was a clatter from the hallway.

"Fuck, there's a ghost!" Ye Chen was so scared that his face was twisted.

I kicked Ye Chen to shut him up.

Ye Chen curled up on the floor in pain. At this moment, the corridor became quiet. It was obvious that the "tat tat" sound came from the bathroom.

Remembering the human skin that fell in the air, I felt a little disgusted. However, at such a crucial moment, as long as I am alive, I would be fearless in everything I do.

Qian Yali and Ye Chen followed behind me and gently pushed open the bathroom door. At this moment, I realised that there was nothing at all at the place where I saw the human skin last time.

And the "tat tat" sound was the sound of the window in the bathroom being opened and the wind blowing against the shutters.

I took a deep breath, admitting that my nerves were too sensitive, and at that moment, our cell phone suddenly went dead.

The bathroom became dark once again. Qian Yali kept calling out my name, listening to the sounds. She moved closer, and when she stretched out her hand, she grabbed onto Qian Yali's slender palm.

"How can there be no battery on my phone? What's wrong with the game?" Qian Yali said with a trembling voice.

When Qian Yali and I were looking for Ye Chen, Qian Yali sternly said, "Ignore him. Let him fend for himself!"

I can't agree to this. Before deciding who's a ghost, Ye Chen is also a helpful assistant. In other words, other than me, who knows who's a human and who's a ghost.

In the pitch black space, I couldn't even see my fingers in front of me, and just as I took five or six steps, I stumbled.

"He actually fainted!" "No," I said.

Although Ye Chen's appearance couldn't be seen clearly, but from the direction he tripped, Ye Chen should have fainted due to fright.

I couldn't resist cursing a few times. Due to the lack of light, I pulled Qian Yali with one hand and squatted down to touch Ye Chen's body. After finding his head, I gave him two big mouths.

"Wake up!" Ye Chen stood up after smoking four or five times.

After Ye Chen was slapped by me, he unexpectedly didn't say anything this time. According to my thinking, he definitely died because of the people around him, so I was afraid that I would tear him apart in a fit of anger.

I pulled Ye Chen up from the ground. At this moment, the game was in a deadlock. There was no electricity on the phone, there was no electricity on the campus, and every day and night was reversed.

It was too dark around us, so it wasn't convenient to go without light. I touched my pocket and remembered that I borrowed all of my lighters from Lee Loong, so I asked Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, do you have a fire?"

Ye Chen still didn't reply after a few more urges. This made me a bit annoyed, but Qian Yali actually touched me and said, "I have one here."

After receiving the lighter from Qian Yali, I was a little surprised in my heart. I didn't expect her to secretly smoke.

That Qian Yali is more lively in class, often with our Class Beauty Han Yawen together, other classes envy our two sisters.

Right now, the inside of the teaching building is really too weird. The most important thing for me to do now is to hurry to the open space of the school's sports field.

Ye Zichen clicked on the lighter a few times, but Ye Chen blew out the flames the moment they started.

"F * ck, are you courting death!?" I was angry.

Ye Chen remained silent. This attitude made me even more angry, so I kicked him.

"I really don't know what this bastard is thinking. He actually has the mood to joke under such circumstances."

Ye Chen, who was kicked down, didn't retaliate against me.

In the darkness, I heard the clatter again.

Holding Qian Yali's hand, I continuously pressed a few buttons on the lighter. When the light lit up, there was the feeling of water dripping from the top of my head.

The hair covering my head gave me a warm feeling. After adjusting the lighter to a medium level flame, I was stunned when I took two steps forward. Even though the light is weak, there is actually a pool of blood on the ground.

"Look, Zhang Wei!" Qian Yali suddenly hugged me and shouted.

The light on the lighter was extinguished by this movement.

At the same time, I felt someone touch my shoulder, and I didn't know why Qian Yali had suddenly collapsed.

When I felt someone touch me, my first reaction was to ask Ye Chen to take out his lighter and light it up.

Just when I called out Ye Chen's name, Qian Yali's body started to tremble. This also made me a little agitated. Ye Chen's hand was on my shoulder. He didn't move nor did he speak.

"F * ck!" I kicked Ye Chen again.

After that, she turned on her lighter again, buried her head in my chest and shouted in shock, "Zhang Wei, look at the top of your head!"

Following Qian Yali's instructions, when I looked up, I saw a person hanging from the heating pipe in the ceiling.

I took in a deep breath of cold air. Although the fire was dim, I could still see that the person hanging on the wall was actually Ye Chen.

A sense of fear suddenly numbed all over my body. Ye Chen was hanged in the bathroom, but if that's the case, who was the person I hit just now!

Due to being too nervous, I overlooked a problem. Ye Chen was on the school basketball team and his height was 190 cm, while I kicked that person in the chest. From the looks of it, that person wasn't 190 cm.

"Ye Chen is dead! Who was that person!" I exclaimed.

Qian Yali had completely broken down by this time. That crying look clearly didn't seem like it was fake. Besides Qian Yali and me, everyone else had died, leaving only the two of us. Then who the hell is the ghost?

There were no instructions on my cell phone. I held Qian Yali's hand and tried to escape from the school building.

"Don't move, come with me! Once we're out of the school building, we'll be safe. "

Holding Qian Yali's hand, he turned on the lighter and ran like he was running out of the bathroom …

This kind of plastic lighter can't burn for too long. After locking onto the direction, I brought Qian Yali with me and rushed over.

I felt like the moment I rushed out of the bathroom door, I crashed into someone's body!

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