Surviving Game/C2 I Was Torn apart
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Surviving Game/C2 I Was Torn apart
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C2 I Was Torn apart

I walked over to one of the boxes. Sun Jing shouted, "Everyone, don't open the box. As long as we give up, the game won't be able to do anything to us."

Although Sun Jing's words seemed to make a lot of sense, but there seemed to be a mysterious force pushing me to open the box. At that time, I thought that I was being controlled by some sort of force, but now that I think about it, that must be curiosity.

When I first touched the box, Jia Jie said in fear, "Open it, we won't be able to escape. If we don't open it, we'll really die."

When I looked around at the other four, I could see that they were hesitating. I opened the box first and found a small slip of paper inside.

"One of the six is a traitor. We found him through clues and tore him apart. We can't finish it within three hours. Everyone must die."

After reading it several times, the words on the slip of paper gradually disappeared.

At this time, Sun Jing sat on the ground and started crying. She complained, "I said I won't let you see me, I won't let you see me! I don't want to die yet. "

I said, "Don't cry anymore. Everyone, quiet down. The deaths of those three people already showed that this isn't a game. There's only three hours left. Everyone, quickly look for it!"

Xu Shaofei said: "I suggest we all act together, this way we can eliminate the traitors one by one."

"I'll do it." Everyone echoed.

When the six of us left the administration office to look for clues, I noticed that everyone's mood was clearly off. They were looking at each other with a sense of vigilance in their eyes.

Recalling the scene of the running brothers, most of the clues were hidden in very hidden places, such as under the table, in the corner, on the ceiling, and in the bathroom.

We started on the fifth floor and didn't talk to each other all the way. When we reached the bathroom on the third floor, under the sink in the ladies' room, I saw a box that looked exactly like the one I'd seen in the office.

Just as I was about to run over, Yang Hai suddenly stopped me with a face full of disbelief: "What do you want to do? Do you want to destroy the clue yourself? The paper in the box will disappear once you read it. What if you are that traitor!"

It was clear that he didn't trust me, but before I could say anything, Xu Shaofei also chimed in from the side: "Right, what Yang Hai said makes sense. After all, we are all one entity, so it's still very important who sees this box."

"How can you guarantee that you are not a traitor?" Lee Loong pointed at Xu Shaofei's nose.

I could tell that Lee Loong was trying to protect me, but at this moment, the Jia Jie who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke up, "I suggest that everyone watch together. This way, we can eliminate the traitor from causing trouble."

We all agreed on that. I took the box off the top of my head, and the six of us huddled together.

I opened the box and took out the slip of paper inside. There were three words written on it.

"The gym."

Sun Jing, who was beside him, exclaimed, "What's going on? Why isn't there anything written on it?!"

I started. The note could only be read by the first person I touched.

At this moment, Yang Hai suddenly rushed in front of me, grabbed my collar and said excitedly: "F * ck you, are you a traitor, are you not!"

Seeing that Yang Hai was about to punch me, Lee Loong kicked Yang Hai to the ground and cursed: "You are f * cking crazy, don't you know what kind of person Lee Loong is? Don't be like a mad dog, if you don't want to stay, scram!"

Yang Hai had a good relationship with me. Seeing this situation, I immediately pulled them away. At this moment, Yang Hai knocked my hand away and scolded: "Do you two take me as your brother? Normally, you would either make fun of me or order me to run errands for you like a slave! "

"Don't say anymore Yang Hai." Lee Loong sighed.

Yang Hai pushed Lee Loong away and shouted, "Don't think I don't know. I like the guy next door, Hui Hui Hui, and you tried to pry him away. Lee Loong, I'm telling you, don't let me know that you're a traitor or I'll kill you!"

"You're so f * cking unreasonable. Hui Hui, you took the initiative to look for me!" Lee Loong was also angry.

Afraid that the situation would get serious, we quickly pulled the two sides apart. Yang Hai cursed a little and walked away.

I sighed and said to Lee Loong, "Don't be like this, it's just the environment."

"Since the paper in the box can only be read by one person, I think everyone should leave." Xu Shaofei said.

Xu Shaofei and Yang Hai were usually on good terms. It was obvious that the two of them had formed an alliance.

Jia Jie said to Sun Jing, "Let's fight in groups of two. Although I don't know who the traitor is, but you are a female. Even if it's a traitor, I have the confidence to subdue you."

As we scattered away, Lee Loong said to me: "Let's go in pairs, Wei, what did you see in the box?"

Looking at Lee Loong's eyes, I don't know whether I should trust him or not, but instinctively I told him the words "PE" written on it.

Lee Loong hurriedly urged me to hurry up. The gymnasium was in the opposite side of the teaching building, about 100 meters away.

When the two of us walked out of the school building, Lee Loong held his stomach and said, "Wei, I was too nervous just now. I'm going to take a dump. Wait a while for me."

He quickly ran to the bathroom, but not long later, the sound of shattering glass came from the balcony on the second floor.

Crackling glass fragments continuously fell on Zhang Peng's body.

I immediately ran up to the second floor and kicked a few doors before I saw Yang Hai and Xu Shaofei, who were both in class one and high school.

At this moment, Yang Hai, with a wire wrapped around his neck, was hanged from a ceiling fan.

The electric fan was still rotating slowly, and Yang Hai's body was also spinning non-stop.

"Did you kill him?" I pointed at Xu Shaofei.

Xu Shaofei's expression turned to panic: "It wasn't me, I just went to the bathroom and he became like this when I came back!"

Hearing Xu Shaofei's words, I immediately kicked him down and cursed loudly, "You're f * cking quibbling. Yang Hai is only with you. If it's not you, who else could it be!"

Xu Shaofei stood up, picked up a stool beside him and yelled at me, "You even f * cking came here at the first moment, you're the traitor!"

After he finished shouting, he threw the chair towards me.

I ducked my head to avoid the fatal blow.

His actions also completely infuriated me. In class, Xu Shaofei could only be considered my best friend under the wing of Zhao Bo. I usually stood up for him in fights.

After jumping onto the table, I dashed to Xu Shaofei, and after kicking him away, I pounced on him.

Xu Shaofei's fighting experience is lacking, I was able to beat him up until he completely lost his fighting strength.

"F * ck you, I'll tear you apart today!"

Being angered, I didn't care too much about it. I flipped Xu Shaofei's body and raised my hand to tear him apart. At this moment, Lee Loong and Jia Jie, Sun Jing and the others appeared at the same time.

"Don't be rash, Wei. If you want to tear it up, then prove that you really are a rebel!" Lee Loong shouted.

Lee Loong's words reminded me of the rebel hidden in the dark. I'm not a rebel, and I don't want to hurt innocent people. If Xu Shaofei isn't the murderer, then I became a real murderer.

"Fine, I won't tear him apart!"

After that, I said to Xu Shaofei who was on the floor, "I'm telling you, I did a good job. I walked straight. If you say that I'm not the murderer, then I'm not!"

Ye Zichen pushed the table in front of him and walked towards Lee Loong and the others.

As I walked, I thought that if it wasn't for Xu Shaofei, the culprits would only be Sun Jing, Jia Jie and Lee Loong.

And Jia Jie was the first to discover the box, he was the most suspicious.

I decided that I had to keep an eye on him. When I looked at my phone, I saw that an hour and a half had passed.

"Be careful, Liu!" Lee Loong suddenly shouted.

Feeling the weight on his back, Xu Shaofei laughed maniacally and cursed, "F * cking traitor, I'll tear you apart this time!"

My mind buzzed as I thought of Yang Hai and Zhang Peng. At this moment, my own nameplate was also torn apart.

My scalp tingled as I imagined myself dying. At that moment, Lee Loong kicked Xu Shaofei away from me.

"You are f * cking crazy!" Lee Loong was furious.

"You are a traitor, you are a traitor." Xu Shaofei stared at me with reddened eyes.

But at this moment, the broadcast rang again.

"Xu Shaofei is breaking the rules. Xu Shaofei is breaking the rules."

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