Surviving Game/C8 This Is the Rule
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Surviving Game/C8 This Is the Rule
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C8 This Is the Rule

I went to the soup pot and looked inside. The soup was muddy, but when I stirred it with the huge spoon, a head appeared.

That's the PE teacher we saw in the radio room!

Feeling my stomach churning, I leaned on the table and started to vomit. I wanted to vomit out everything in my stomach.

At the same time, the other students also began to scream and vomit. This soup was made with human heads, so what exactly was this bun? It was simply unimaginable.

"Ah!" There are fingers here! " A girl pointed at Steamed Bun and shouted.

I hurried over and saw Wang Hehe pointing at two buns on the ground and screaming.

It turned out that there was a little finger among the buns scattered on the ground. My scalp once again went numb.

Did we just eat human flesh!?

All the students in our class were vomiting. As for the leftover steamed buns, everyone was hiding far away.

After exiting the cafeteria, we returned to the sports field. The faces of the students here were extremely dejected. Of course, we weren't the only ones there.

At this moment, Zhao Bo whispered into my ear: "I can guarantee that in three days, even if that steamed bun is made out of human flesh, it will definitely become a crazily fighting thing."

I helplessly expressed that I would not eat it. Looking at such a disgusting thing, I thought that I would rather starve to death.

Zhao Bo only smiled at this. The feeling he gave me was that he seemed to have eaten his fill.

The broadcast was initially filled with the ear-piercing sounds of bad signals, but soon after, it was clearly transmitted out: "The first group of students who survived and the ones who drew red will play together."

My mind buzzed and I shouted, "Why!? I just survived with great difficulty, why do you still want me to continue! "

The radio didn't respond to my question. Instead, it said, "Find your teammates through clues."

At this time, I understood that the game began to set up a group of seven people, because the first group of only one person alive, to roll the game, until the end of class, the entire class can only live.

Fortunately, I was not in the same group as Zhao Bo. First, we had a good relationship. Second, Zhao Bo's fighting strength was definitely not inferior to mine.

The Red Team consisted of Han Lei, Wang Hehe, Ye Chen, Lee Wei, Meng Rann, Jiang Haitao, and Qian Yali.

Among the five men and two women, Ye Chen and Jiang Haitao are the only ones I fear. Ye Chen is 190 centimeters tall and is the main player of the basketball team. Jiang Haitao weighs around 200 pounds.

"Students, in order to survive, we must not hold back against each other!" Ye Chen said.

Of these seven people, only one is our teammates. The game only says to look for teammates, but according to the first game, we can only live for one, so we don't dare to act rashly.

"Hurry up and find it!" The teammates who find them first will have a great advantage. " Wang Hehe said anxiously.

After the broadcast ended, the game had already begun. The rest of the students went up to the conference room to watch the live broadcast.

I said to Han Lei, "I hope we two brothers are teammates."

"Me too, before we find any clues, let's form an alliance." Han Lei suggested.

After agreeing to Han Lei's proposal, the two of us started to search the classroom in the teaching building.

In the process of searching, I've been thinking about the question, who put this box?

And the conversation I heard during the second half of the night was absolutely all right, one person asking the other if he was ready.

It gave me the nerve to wonder if anyone had prepared props for today's game.

When we first passed the school gates, Yuan Liang and Liu Sinian's corpses were still lying there quietly. This proved that not only was the school empty, even our city seemed to be empty.

In the school building, the two of us met Wang Hehe and Ye Chen. It seemed like the rumors were true, the two of them were indeed a couple.

Ye Chen looked down at me condescendingly and said: "I watched your live broadcast. You're pretty strong. Are you interested in forming an alliance with me?"

I really hate Ye Chen's bullshit feeling. His father is a well-known local entrepreneur and was quite arrogant in school, but once, he got beaten up by Lee Loong and Zhao Bo on his way out of school due to a quarrel.

"I'm not interested. If there's nothing else, please step aside."

Pushing Ye Chen away, Han Lei and I continued our search. As we brushed shoulders, we could hear Ye Chen's curses.

Han Lei said worriedly, "Ye Chen is a tough nut to crack. You have to be careful."

I hurriedly said it's fine. Zhao Bo told me before that this kid only had a good body, but he was actually just a wimp.

Han Lei and I walked to the classroom of Grade 12. After entering, we started to look around.

Inside the classroom, there were my classmates' school bags, as well as some learning equipment. I even found a used set in a table box.

"Come on, here's a clue!" Han Lei shouted.

I ran over and saw a black cloth bag in the gap between the tables. The two of us took out the bag together.

Inside was still a slip of paper, but it was written in ballpoint pen and we could all see it.

"High and low."

With just that short sentence, it was clear that the highest person was Ye Chen. As for the shortest one, I really didn't notice who it was.

"Do you know who's the shortest?" I asked.

Han Lei thought about it and said, "I feel that Lee Wei, Wang Hehe, and Qian Yali are about the same size."

I think so, but I'm sure Ye Chen is an enemy.

"Why don't we get rid of Ye Chen first?" Han Lei suggested.

After discussing it, we decided to get rid of Ye Chen first. Han Lei looked at the note, then tore it into pieces and stuffed it into the box on the table.

"In a while, pretend to be his teammates. Then, I'll think of a way to tear him apart." "No," I said.

After leaving the classroom, Han Lei and I headed in the direction that Ye Chen and Wang Hehe had left. After a few rounds, we found that everyone else seemed to have left the school building.

"Strange, where can I go now?" I had some doubts.

Just when Han Lei and I reached the top floor, we heard a series of moans coming from the corridor.

"F * ck, no way, he's so sexy!" Han Lei said in shock.

Following the sound, we went up to the top floor. To the south was the conference room, and the sound could only come from the north corner.

Quietly, Han Lei and I leaned over. When we were lying in front of the window of senior year 6, we saw Ye Chen and Wang Hehe entangled with each other on the desk.

"I have no choice but to admire him. He has such a special nature." Han Lei praised again.

At this moment, I felt that something was wrong. Wang Hehe was crying. This was completely illogical. If Ye Chen was the one forcing her, then Wang Hehe would definitely resist.

Han Lei also complained on the side that he couldn't take it anymore.

"Go in and tear him apart? "It's such a good opportunity, you wouldn't want to watch it for a while after all." Han Lei said to me.

I hurriedly said that I wasn't. Following that, I revealed the doubts in my heart.

After Han Lei heard that, he didn't care about that and immediately kicked the door open and ran towards Ye Chen and Wang Hehe.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have reached a critical stage. They did not care whether the two of us entered or not.

Ye Chen growled as he sprinted forward. At the same time, Han Lei successfully tore off the other party's nameplate.

"I'll let you be a comfortable ghost." Han Lei said.

At this moment, the black box beside Ye Chen and Wang Hehe caught my attention. I immediately ran over and picked up the slip of paper from the box.

"Persisting for half an hour with the opponent will earn you a bounce."

Han Lei probably noticed the shock in my eyes and immediately asked me what happened.

"Han Lei, you're finished." "No," I said.

Before Han Lei could understand what I meant, Ye Chen and Wang Hehe had already put on their pants.

Ye Chen laughed and said, "Han Lei, I'll let you sneak attack me. This time, you can go and die!"

"What's going on?" Han Lei was confused.

I handed the paper slip to Han Lei. When he sent the slip of paper to me, he collapsed and cried out loudly. Ye Chen, Wang Hehe and I just looked at Han Lei silently.

Han Lei desperately tried to escape. Just as he reached the door, the glass on the door suddenly fell off neatly and cut into Han Lei's neck.

Looking at Han Lei's severed neck, I know that no one can save him, because that's the rule of the game.

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