Sword Emperor to Be a God/C10 Transfer
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Sword Emperor to Be a God/C10 Transfer
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C10 Transfer

Section 10.

"I didn't expect you to be able to take it. "The young man saw Long Chenhao get up from the ground. As he spoke, he walked towards Long Chenhao with his saber in hand. Long Chenhao also held his sword and started fighting with the young man.

At this time, the young man's attacks were more integrated with the crown force and crown skills. Each of his attacks became sharper and sharper, attacking Long Chenhao's vital points from all directions.

Although Long Chenhao managed to block the fatal attacks every time, there were still many injuries on his body, and his clothes were almost dyed red with blood.

"Go to hell!" Following the young man's shout, Long Chenhao was sent flying.

What an abnormal monster! Not only was there a huge gap between the crown force and the crown skills, he was also very familiar with using the crown skills, and there were almost no flaws in it.

Long Chenhao began to feel anxious and anxious, and it slowly turned into despair. After all, he had been abandoned for two years, and his understanding of the crown force and the crown skills had almost gone blank.

Although he could barely resist the fatal attack, he had now become a kite with a broken string that was in imminent danger.

When he thought about how Long Chenhao had tried his best to restore his crown force, he had endured for two years under such difficult conditions. It was impossible for him to suddenly say that he would give up the idea of letting others kill him. Even if he had no chance of winning, he had to persist until the last moment of his death.

"Big brother, look, this brat is dead for sure. Drink a mouthful of wine first and slowly finish him off later." The strong man standing at the side took out a wine pouch and handed it over eagerly.

"You still understand me. After fighting for so long, don't say that you're a bit thirsty, this kid can really take it." As he spoke, the young man took the wine pouch and drank it all.

"Alright, now it's time to send you on your way." After saying that, the young man injected his crown force into his blade and prepared to slash at Long Chenhao.

Seeing this, Long Chenhao didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly struggled to stand up. He injected the remaining traces of crown force into the abstinence sword and made a defensive posture.

"Bang ~"

With a loud sound, Long Chenhao was sent flying again. This time, Long Chenhao really could not hold on anymore. The abstinence sword in his hand separated from the abstinence sword and stabbed into the grass beside him. He himself also flew very far away.

Although Long Chenhao's meridians had been expanded to a shocking extent when he obtained the corona rings from the Magic Beast Forest, the intense battle just now had nearly broken his broad meridians.

Seeing Long Chenhao being sent flying again and the sword in his hand falling to the side, the young man suddenly laughed.

"Haha, you're at the end of your road, aren't you?! Let me end your life!" After saying that, the young man injected crown force into the blade and prepared to attack Long Chenhao. Just as Long Chenhao was struggling to stand up, the young man with grand corona teacher's strength spurted out a mouthful of black blood. He staggered and looked like he was about to fall to the ground.

What was going on?

Long Chenhao used his hand to support himself on the ground. He sat up with difficulty and tried his best to recover his crown force while watching this strange thing.

While Long Chenhao was surprised, the strong man standing at the side smiled and walked towards the young man who was lying on the ground.

"What do you want to do?" The young man asked with difficulty as he saw the strong man walking towards him with malicious intent.

"Can't you tell? Of course I'm going to kill you!"

"Don't tell me... there's poison in the wine!"

"You're really smart. I spent a lot of money to buy this poison. The more intense the crown force was used, the faster the poison spread. It seems like the effect is pretty good. Do you think so? " The brawny man said to grand corona teacher with a sinister smile.

"Wh ~ Why? I am your big brother!"

"Why? You're still f * cking asking me why? Big brother? Bah! I, your father, have been a bandit for a long time, and now you, a brat whose hair is still not fully grown, have suddenly popped out of nowhere and chased me down from my position as the boss. And you call yourself big brother? F * ck your big brother."

As he spoke, the brawny man kicked the young man who had fallen to the ground. The young man was sent flying. After hearing this, Long Chenhao understood that all of this was caused by the young man's fight for the position of the king. Now, the biggest danger to him had turned from the young man to the brawny man standing beside him.

The strong man said that the main reason why he was defeated by the young man was because he didn't know how to cultivate the crown force. It seems like my chances of survival have increased.

"Alright, you have also drunk the poison that I spent money to buy. This can be considered my final gift to you! I don't think you should waste any more time. I'll send you on your way!"

The young man looked at the brawny man with hatred and pleading eyes. However, this did not stop the brawny man from killing him. The young man lost his life with a scream.

The strong man looked at Long Chenhao again and said with a smile, "Look! I almost forgot about you."

He slowly walked towards Long Chenhao, who was recovering his crown force with his big knife. When the strong man walked to Long Chenhao and was about to give him a fatal blow, Long Chenhao suddenly turned around and threw an abstinence sword at him.

Although the attack didn't hit any vital parts of the brawny man's body, it still caused a lot of damage to him. Blood kept flowing out of the wound.

Although the man was injured, the slash still hit Long Chenhao's left shoulder. The sharp pain caused by the cutting of the blade made Long Chenhao almost faint from the pain. Long Chenhao tried his best to endure the pain. He stabbed his abstinence sword into the brawny man's chest and pulled it out.

Currently, Long Chenhao and the man were competing in their ability to recover. Whoever could recover their ability to move first would be the final victor.

In fact, the brawny man had been too careless after feeling his heartache. Otherwise, given Long Chenhao's current condition, it would be impossible for him to fight the brawny man again.

Looking at the muscular man who had fallen to the side, Long Chenhao took out a small dagger from his Dimensional ring and gave the muscular man a fatal blow. This also temporarily saved Long Chenhao from the most dangerous battle in his life.

Long Chenhao endured the pain all over his body and the intense feeling of fainting. He found the 'Herba Clematis' that crown sage had left in his Dimensional ring and swallowed it.

That icy cold feeling penetrated his entire body, making Long Chenhao forget the pain on his body. The wounds on his body were also healing quickly, and the feeling of fainting was swept away.

Long Chenhao lay quietly on the grass, looking at the sunlight that sprinkled down around him. He thought, Luckily I have memorized some books on weapons and herbs in the Imperial Palace. Otherwise, I might have stayed here forever. ‘

The Herba Clematis was just like its name. It had a blue and crystalline appearance, and its main special shape could quickly heal the damage on the surface of one's body. It was considered a relatively precious herb among the herbs.

Actually, its true value was not its value, but it only grew in the middle of the Magic Beast Forest. Most of the magical beasts there were equivalent to it. crown teacher's crown sage, the lowest grade was also the corona master.

Except for the large Demon Hunt Squads, no one dared to approach and pick it. This also caused the value of the Herba Clematis to continue increasing, and people like crown sage only had one Herba Clematis.

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