Sword Emperor to Be a God/C19 The Mysterious Old Man
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Sword Emperor to Be a God/C19 The Mysterious Old Man
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C19 The Mysterious Old Man

The mysterious old man.

After Long Chenhao restored his crown force to its peak state, he walked out of his room and arrived at this special 'market'.

"Young master, please take a look at your weapon. It doesn't matter whether you use Magic Cores, gold coins, spirit herbs, or other things to exchange for it." A woman who was beside the hotel saw Long Chenhao walk over and said.

Long Chenhao roughly looked at the weapon in front of the woman. Although the shape was a little strange, there was nothing special about it.

It could be exchanged with Magic Cores, even the lowest grade of Magic Cores was not worth it. Long Chenhao shook his head and thought to himself.

Magic Cores was the most precious thing for every magic beast. It was like crown teacher's crown, representing the level of the magic beast and providing a large amount of crown force for the magic beast's attack.

The level of the magic beast was determined by the age of its cultivation. It was the same level as crown teacher. It was also divided into ten highest levels, but each level was based on a thousand years. The higher the level, the more powerful the corona rings would be. Of course, it would also give birth to a stronger Magic Cores.

The level of the Magic Cores was determined by the color. The color of the Magic Cores and the color of the corona rings corresponded to each other. They were white, light yellow, yellow, green and blue. They were pink, red, orange, and black. They were also the best Beast Gods. The legendary color was golden.

The Magic Cores Long Chenhao obtained from the devil dragon was a light yellow color, but it was too precious. Long Chenhao kept it in his dimensional ring and didn't dare to show it to others.

Long Chenhao walked for a while and found that most of the items sold here were herbs and ordinary weapons that had been sold for a short period of time. There weren't many precious items that appeared in Long Chenhao's sight.

It was just like what Lan Yun had said. There really wasn't anything worth buying on the first day. Long Chenhao thought in disappointment as he looked at the items being sold on both sides of the street.

In fact, he really couldn't blame the weapons and spirit medicines that were being sold for not being of good quality.

Long Chenhao was holding a lost divine sword and abstinence sword, and he had just consumed more than 200 years of Herba Clematis not long ago. Adding the gold coins he had obtained from the auction, there was a total of 16.1 million.

The items he sold weren't very attractive in his eyes.

After passing by an intersection, Long Chenhao walked towards a dark and inconspicuous alley.

He did not expect that there would be people selling things in this kind of place. Long Chenhao looked at the old man sitting in this quiet alley and the items sold in front of him and was a little puzzled.

There was only one old man in the entire alley. His clothes were tattered, his body was hunched, and he was extremely thin and weak, sitting there as if he had fallen asleep. The many items he sold in front of him didn't seem to be crowded in this wide alley at all.

Long Chenhao saw that most of the items in front of the old man were small and scattered. It was completely different from what Long Chenhao had seen before.

"The items here are 10,000 gold coins per item. Take a look yourself." The old man said when he felt someone walking over. During this period of time, his eyes were tightly shut. He was not afraid that someone would secretly steal his things.

What a strange person. Long Chenhao looked at the items that the old man was selling. Apart from the two daggers that emitted a cold light, there were also a few young spirit herbs. There were also some strange shapes similar to clothes that Long Chenhao did not know about.

"Senior, what is this?" Long Chenhao pointed to an item and asked.

The old man opened his eyes and said, "Night Cloak, it can provide a better cover for your whereabouts at night."

This thing was much more useful than the weapons he had seen before, especially for breaking out at night and scouting. It was a good choice.

Long Chenhao first took the two cold daggers that looked like they had experienced a baptism of blood and battle in his hand, and then picked the mysterious Night Cloak. Just as Long Chenhao was about to pay, there was a relatively simple looking dagger next to him. The yellow-brown thing that looked like a stone attracted Long Chenhao's attention.

Long Chenhao held it in his hand, and a cool feeling entered his body. The words' Divine Abstraction 'were transmitted into his mind along with Long Chenhao's mental search.

The Divine Abstraction was a special crown skills related to the cultivation of mental strength. The reason it was called special was that the use of mental strength could only be shown when crown sage was at the level of building his own domain.

Crown sage's domain was a unique ability of crown sage. It could enhance his own body and suppress his enemies within his own domain.

There were some very powerful crown sage who could kill grand corona teacher with a single thought in his own domain. This showed how powerful his domain was.

After a brief understanding of the Divine Abstraction, he left. After all, it wasn't suitable for him to conduct in-depth research in this kind of environment.

The old man looked at the four items that Long Chenhao had picked, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes. This emotion disappeared in an instant. After receiving the 40,000 gold coins from Long Chenhao, he returned to his previous appearance. He quietly sat there as if it did not matter if anyone came to buy his items.

When Long Chenhao left, he found something special about the old man. There were a few scars on the old man's head, but they weren't very conspicuous in the dark of the alley.

This old man was an assassin, and a very powerful one at that. Long Chenhao made a judgment based on the overall performance of the old man.

An assassin was a special profession in the world of painting, and it was very dangerous. The cultivation of an assassin had always started from a young age, and they felt that they had to obey orders.

After many years of constant communication, they had developed their persistence and patience towards their goals. When the time was right, give the target a fatal blow, even if they would lose their lives after the assassination. As long as they could complete the mission, they would attack without hesitation.

They were like cold machines, looking down on life and death. In their eyes, there was only a mission. Moreover, assassins were usually not very old.

They would often die in the middle of missions. Luck was too extravagant for them. Those who could survive after completing every mission were usually experts among experts.

Long Chenhao walked out of the alley and spent another thirty to forty years' worth of Herba Clematis and Polygonum cuspidatum Thunb in the vicinity.

Long Chenhao had seen the powerful spirituality of the Herba Clematis before. Although the Herba Clematis he bought now was far inferior to the one he had consumed before, it was enough for Long Chenhao's current level.

The outer appearance of the Polygonum cuspidatum Thunb was no different from bamboo. The main characteristic of the Polygonum cuspidatum Thunb was that it could help crown teacher recover the crown force in a short period of time. It might not be very useful in normal times, but once the crown force in his body was used up during a battle, its function would be extremely precious.

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