Sword Emperor to Be a God/C3 The Annual Championship
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Sword Emperor to Be a God/C3 The Annual Championship
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C3 The Annual Championship

Article 3: New Year corona rings

The setting sun burned the clouds in the sky. Long Chenhao picked a thick tree as his camping ground for the night. In the Magic Beast Forest, the tree was usually safer than the ground. At night, some magic beasts would come out to hunt for food, but those lone humans were a good choice for dinner.

Night fell. Long Chenhao sat on the tree and looked at the Magic Beast Forest in the depths. "That's where the true powerhouses are!"

A beautiful light lit up the sky not far away. Long Chenhao frowned slightly. He knew that the light represented battle. Maybe it was from the magic beast, or maybe it was from crown teacher. The light slowly weakened, meaning that one or more lives were lost.

The next day, a ray of sunlight shone on Long Chenhao's face. His tired face told him that he did not have a good night. The battle in the middle of the night could be said to be even more intense. The battle cries that echoed throughout the entire Magic Beast Forest still reverberated in Long Chenhao's mind.

Goo ~ Goo ~ A voice of protest came from his stomach. He really did not live up to his expectations. Long Chenhao shook his head. He plucked some fruits from the surrounding areas and simply stuffed them into his stomach. In this world filled with danger, a rookie like Long Chenhao did not have the mood to imagine delicious food, nor did he have a good appetite.

Under the high sunlight, the arrival of noon was announced. Long Chenhao was distressed that he did not see a magic beast. He was now at the outer perimeter of the middle part of the Magic Beast Forest. He had long surpassed the so-called safe zone outside.

If he continued forward, the danger would increase exponentially. After some consideration, Long Chenhao decided to continue forward.

After another six hours, Long Chenhao helplessly leaned against a big tree. "Even the heavens aren't helping me?" Long Chenhao looked ahead and said in a depressed tone. He could feel the extreme danger now, although the quality of the corona rings was very important. Before that, the condition was for you to survive. Otherwise, even if you encountered a high-ranked magic beast... That was all.

"Roar ~ ~ ~ Roar."

The powerful roar of the magical beasts shook the surroundings, "Not good, a magical beast is coming." Long Chenhao's heart tightened, ready to escape at any time. "Little Devil Dragon, don't run away."

"Roar!" Another roar of a magical beast was heard. Then, a ball of flame flew towards the people not far away. He placed the cane in his hand in front of his chest and the crown that appeared on his head along with the four corona rings showed crown sage's strength. The crown force kept pouring into the cane, forming a protective barrier that blocked the ball of flame.

"Could it be that humans are hunting for magic beasts?" Out of curiosity, Long Chenhao slowly approached where they were fighting. He hid himself beside a fallen tree.

Through the gaps of the tree, Long Chenhao saw a large devil dragon and a crown sage in crown teacher's robe. Both of them were fighting. As the devil dragon continuously spat out fireballs, many burnt spots appeared on crown sage's robe.

While the devil beast was attacking, crown teacher didn't stay idle. The flickering light of his cane increased the injuries on the devil dragon's body. After dodging the attack of the devil dragon, crown teacher quickly approached the devil dragon's body, which it was proud of. However, he had now become a very good target. crown sage's staff, which was glowing with crown force light, launched a heavy attack at the devil dragon's head and quickly escaped.

Looking at the falling devil dragon in the distance, an ugly smile emerged on crown sage's pale face. He spat out a mouthful of blood because he had consumed a large amount of crown force. He used the staff to support his body and slowly walked towards the devil dragon. He was ready to give the devil dragon a final blow.

At this moment, the devil dragon's body was emitting a dazzling light, making Long Chenhao, who was hiding behind a big tree, unable to open his eyes. "What's going on?" Long Chenhao thought in his heart and couldn't help but take a few steps back. He wanted to hide his figure even more.

"Not good, this demon dragon has broken through!" crown sage said as he quickly retreated. In his heart, he kept cursing his own carelessness. Ever since he discovered this devil dragon, he had felt that this devil dragon was extremely weak. Initially, he thought that it was because of his good luck, but he didn't expect that this devil dragon would suddenly break through.

After breaking through, the devil dragon opened its eyes and looked at crown teacher, who was running away. In an instant, it spat out a ball of flames. crown teacher saw that the sudden attack didn't activate the magic barrier in time and was knocked down to the ground by the flames. Blood kept flowing out from the shoulder that was so deep that the bones could be seen. The devil dragon didn't stop moving. It kept getting closer to crown sage, and it kept swearing crown sage's death.

Crown sage knew that he couldn't run anymore. His eyes were filled with killing intent. "Humph! You can't kill me with your current strength. Since you can't leave, you can stay here with me! crown skills - Ice Explosion!" crown teacher shouted at the magic beast.

The magic beast looked at the cane in crown teacher's hand that lit up again, as well as the four corona rings that were emitting a dazzling light that were about to shatter. It knew that it was difficult to retreat, but because of its previous speed and its huge body, it did not stop. Instead, it charged straight at crown teacher, and then a deafening sound echoed throughout the entire forest.

Long Chenhao's body was sent flying by the energy wave, crashing into a big tree in the distance. He used the abstinence sword to support his body as he slowly stood up. Before he could stand up, Long Chenhao felt a sweet taste in his throat as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The crown skills originated from the talent of hunting magic beasts. For example, the magic leopard was good at speed. Then, the corona rings that obtained the magic leopard, the crown skills, would be more inclined to speed. And this corona master that had four corona rings, the ice explosion that it displayed came from one of the four corona rings. It was an ice talent corona rings. Although the ice talent corona rings was rarely seen in this Magic Beast Forest, the attack it brought was undoubtedly powerful.

"My luck is really bad! Long Chenhao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the inhuman corona master not far away. Although the demon dragon was still intact, its body was still intact. But there was nothing but death in those lifeless eyes. Just as Long Chenhao was about to leave, a glittering corona rings slowly appeared on its head. The dazzling dark yellow color symbolized its grade.

The color of the corona rings on the Gliding Continent represented the level of a magic beast. The corona rings that appeared for magic beasts under a hundred years was white. From a hundred to a thousand years of age, it was light yellow. From a thousand to two thousand years of age, it was dark yellow. From now on, every thousand years, the colors would be different: green, blue, pink, red and orange. Of course, these were things that Long Chenhao would slowly find out later on.

Long Chenhao held the abstinence sword in his hand and quickly ran over. He came to the side of the demon dragon and summoned the crown that was filled with magazines. He gently leaned his hands against the corona rings and the corona rings slowly flew towards his crown. It slowly fell from the top of his crown. The crown force that filled Long Chenhao's body instantly made him feel comfortable. As the corona rings fell down, more and more crown force appeared in Long Chenhao's body. It filled up his body. A feeling kept rushing into his heart.

The crown force in Long Chenhao's body had already reached its saturation state. "Could this be a millennium corona?" The thought that popped up in Long Chenhao's mind startled him.

In the Gliding Continent, the corona rings that crown teacher could withstand at different levels was also different. After crowns broke through to crown teacher, he could only withstand a corona rings that was at most a hundred years old. If he forcefully absorbed a higher level corona rings, the powerful crown force brought by the corona rings would instantly crush the crown.

Blood was slowly seeping out from Long Chenhao's body. He could also feel that the meridians in his body had expanded to a terrifying extent. He was like a balloon that was constantly expanding, but the crown force in the corona rings showed no signs of diminishing.

As his meridians expanded, Long Chenhao felt extremely painful, as if someone was tearing his body apart. The crown force inside the corona rings slowly extended into the crown that was filled with impurities. As the crown force continued to fill the crown, of course, Long Chenhao didn't notice these changes.

He had already been tortured by the abundant crown force. The impurities were being compressed into a single point. Long Chenhao's crown also became bright, as dazzling as before. The impurities were pushed out of the crown by the powerful crown force at the last moment before the corona rings fell. Long Chenhao also fainted on the ground due to the pain caused by the crown force.

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