Sword Emperor to Be a God/C40 Sneak Attack on the Casino
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Sword Emperor to Be a God/C40 Sneak Attack on the Casino
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C40 Sneak Attack on the Casino

Long Chenhao and Mu Yu arrived at the agreed location. Mu Yang and Lan Yun had already arrived.

"Thank you for your hard work, both of you." Lan Yun stood up and said.

"How's the situation over there?"

"We've already found out about it. After we made a big fuss about the Underground Bank, the casino and other places of the Zhou family didn't increase their defense." Lan Yun said with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Tonight, it will depend on the Chen family's choice."

"Young masters, are we lying or not?" Mu Yang stood at the side and looked at Long Chenhao, puzzled.

"Eh, how should I explain this to you? Mu Yang, think about it, if we don't hide our identities. They won't have the courage to go against the Zhou family, then they will be bullied forever. So, for justice, we need to sacrifice ourselves to people like us. They need to make a great career... " Lan Yun explained with a delighted expression on his face.

Long Chenhao looked at him and quietly turned around to leave. Mu Yang, who was nodding from time to time, was also pulled away by his sister. Lan Yun was the only one talking to himself.

"Brother Long, don't leave. I haven't finished telling you all about our great deeds..."

Time passed by slowly. The night gradually fell. Time passed very slowly for the Chen family. All kinds of personnel were arranged, and every order was conveyed to the Chen family as a sign of determination.

Under the cover of the night sky, the elite disciples of the Chen Family avoided the surveillance of the various powers one after another. They split into several groups and headed in different directions of the Biyun City.

The casino.

People of all shapes and sizes came and went here and there. The noise was incessant. At a glance, it seemed that the surrounding restaurants had become much quieter.

Long Chenhao and the others had already arrived at a restaurant by the side. Looking down from above, they could see the entire casino.

The casino was a three-story building, and people of different identities were on different floors. The lowest floor was the lowest level, but at the same time, it was also the liveliest place.

There were many gamblers here who fantasized about getting a huge sum of money, and they had been there for several days. They were completely unaware of the dirty hair on their hair and the wrinkles on their clothes. Their bloodshot eyes revealed their desire for money.

"I'll buy it and leave it to you..." This loud shout was like a spark igniting a firework. The surrounding people kept shouting, "Big, big, big... small... small, small."

The entire casino instantly blended into this huge sound wave.

"Bang ~"

A loud sound was heard from the Biyun City Brothel. The surrounding flames lit up, illuminating a part of the world in the darkness.

Long Chenhao was attracted by the loud sound. Looking from afar, he could see flames rising everywhere. He felt puzzled in his heart. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a loud noise came from the other side of the Biyun City. It was the same scene. Fire lit up the sky.

"Looking in the direction, it should be the Zhou Family's brothel and wine cellar. It seems like the Chen family has prepared well this time." Lan Yun confirmed the general direction and said thoughtfully.

Long Chenhao did not speak but just watched quietly. The noisy casino below was like a small boat in the middle of a huge wave, ready to be knocked over by the sudden wave at any time.

After a while, a few people covered in blood appeared in Long Chenhao's line of sight, then quickly rushed in through the back door of the casino.

"Who are you?" Seeing the people covered in blood rushing in, the gatekeeper hurriedly shouted.

"Get out of my way, I want to see your casino's elder. Our brothel has been attacked, and we have suffered heavy casualties. I hope you can go and support us as soon as possible." A muscular man with a bloody face said as he rushed in.

The guards did not dare to stop him and quickly followed. They were originally moved by the loud noise just now, but now it seemed like they understood what had happened.

However, they didn't understand. The brothel and the casino were quite far away from each other, and the loud noise had just happened. How did they get here in such a short period of time?

Although they were a little confused, they couldn't think too much about it.

As soon as they entered, there were people moving in the darkness from time to time. At the same time, there were many people in different outfits entering the casino, making the casino that was not very crowded even more crowded.

The third floor.

An old man stood up from his seat. He could not help but clench his fists and scold angrily, "What did you say? Many of our Zhou family's properties were attacked by unidentified people, resulting in heavy casualties."

"Yes... Yes, we were sent by Sister Cai from the brothel to ask for your help. We also encountered quite a number of people in black on our way. In the end, only a few of us were left."

The brawny man said with a terrified expression. The angry shout of the old man just now had given him a fright. grand corona teacher's angry shout that was filled with killing intent wasn't something that could be easily adapted to.

"Zhou Li, you will lead the five crown teacher from our casino to help them. At the same time, you must be careful on the way there. I keep feeling that tonight's matter won't be too simple."

A young man standing beside the old man frowned and answered, "Yes." He felt that there was something strange about what the strong man in front of him said. However, due to the pressure from the old man, he didn't dare to say anything. He left the casino with the strong man.

After their figures disappeared in the darkness for a while, a strange sound echoed around the casino like a special signal.

"Ah! Not good, someone's dead" A scream came from the casino.

A young man with a face full of fear shouted. The man in front of him had already fallen to the ground. A sharp knife had suddenly appeared in his chest, and blood was flowing all over the floor.

This sudden change caused the surrounding shouts to stop. The surrounding guards quickly came up to check on the situation.


A crown arrow pierced through one of the guards' chest. The guard looked around and fell to the ground with a bang.

It was unknown who shouted, Run! Then, the crowd crazily ran out. A few of the guards who were standing were pushed to the ground.

There were even many people who rushed to the place where the money was exchanged in the casino and began to crazily rob. There were also some people who did not flash their knives and stabbed the surrounding guards with the crowd.

This situation did not only appear on the first floor, there were also quite a number of people on the second floor. Some of them directly jumped down from the second floor, and there were even quite a number of people who fell to the ground and were trampled to death in the middle of the crowd.

The Zhou family did not have many guards in the casino, so this situation should be quickly suppressed. But today, the guards did not wait to be maintained, and they were stabbed to death by the knives that flashed around them from time to time.

As an elder, grand corona teacher also appeared on the second floor. He had killed a few people in a row, hoping to stabilize the situation. Who knew that there would be no effect at all, and instead, there would be an even more panicked trend?

He was very annoyed. He knew that he had fallen into the trap. The people he had sent out to rescue were all elites. The current situation could be said to be very passive. At the same time, he was very puzzled as to who dared to attack the Zhou family so brazenly.

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