Sword Emperor to Be a God/C5 Separation
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Sword Emperor to Be a God/C5 Separation
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C5 Separation

Article 5. Divided

Perhaps because they were afraid of the threat of their group, some of the weaker magical beasts had long avoided them after smelling their scent. As for those powerful magical beasts, they normally wouldn't appear outside of the Magic Beast Forest. It only took them less than a day to reach the outermost part of the Magic Beast Forest.

After exiting the Magic Beast Forest, Yun Tian asked Long Chenhao, "I wonder what Brother Long's plan is now? If we're going the same way, let's go together. We can have a nice chat together." At this time, Qing Yun looked at Yun Tian with dissatisfaction and said, "Long Chenhao definitely won't follow us. We're going back to Emperor Dou Academy. I estimate that he doesn't even know where the Dou Huang Academy is, so how can he follow us? "

Long Chenhao knew that Qing Yun's words were all because Zi Lan had always been by his side and neglected him. However, Long Chenhao did not argue with him. "I still have matters to attend to. Let's part ways here!"

After saying that, Long Chenhao turned around and walked towards the station. Zi Lan asked, "Big brother Chen Hao really doesn't want to come with us?" "Let's meet again if fate allows it!" Long Chen said as he walked. Zi Lan said, "Hmph ~ Qingyun is blaming you for making Brother Chen Hao angry. I will ignore you in the future." "Zi Lan, listen to my explanation ~ ~" "I don't listen, I don't listen." As they walked away, their voices gradually became softer.

At the station. Long Chenhao arrived at the fence where Little Black was. When Little Black saw Long Chenhao return, he happily licked Long Chenhao's face with his big tongue. "So itchy! Little Black, quickly stop. After caressing Little Black, Long Chenhao rode Little Black towards the border between the Eastern Emperor Empire and the Lanfeng Empire.

The Lanfeng Empire and the Eastern Emperor Empire were both second-rate countries on the Gliding Continent. Long Chenhao wanted to participate in the recruitment of the Dixuan Academy. Of course, these were all things that Long Chenhao learned from Zi Lan.

Close to dusk, Long Chenhao finally arrived at the border of the Donghuang Empire. There was a checkpoint set up by the Donghuang Empire here, and a large number of troops were gathered there.

On one hand, it was to prevent some large merchant groups from smuggling some goods that were prohibited by the Donghuang Empire. On the other hand, it was also to guard against the small movements of the Lanfeng Empire.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! I still want to play cards later." A soldier urged an old man. Long Chenhao lined up and slowly arrived at the checkpoint. The soldier saw Long Chenhao riding the dragon and guessed Long Chenhao's identity. He said respectfully, "Sir, please show me your identification."

The identification card was the wooden tablet Long Chenhao received from the Temple of the Crown.

Long Chenhao took it out from his dimensional ring and handed it to the soldier. He then ran towards the Lanfeng Empire. Long Chenhao only entered the Lanfeng Empire after showing the wooden tablet at the checkpoint of the Lanfeng Empire.

Due to the existence of the Temple of the Crown in every empire and the prestige of the Temple of the Crown was higher than any empire, one needed to have a certificate at the border of the empire to be able to enter. Of course, the civilians would save this trouble.

After entering the Lanfeng Empire, Long Chenhao found that there was also a large number of troops gathered at the checkpoint of the Lanfeng Empire. The only difference was that the soldiers of the Lanfeng Empire were not as arrogant and domineering as the soldiers of Donghuang Empire. Instead, they were strict and disciplined. They had the impression of being close to the people. This caused Long Chenhao to be even more dissatisfied with Donghuang Empire.

Long Chenhao rode Little Black for a distance before the outline of a town appeared in front of him. When he got closer, he discovered that the two big words "Maple City" were written on the city wall.

"This should be the nearest town to the border. It's getting late. Little Black, let's go in quickly." After entering Maple City, Long Chenhao saw a very wide road. Long Chenhao knew that it was designed to prevent a large number of troops from coming to the front line during a war. Although Maple City was a border city, there were a lot of people. The people coming and going made the wide road a little crowded.

Long Chenhao carefully passed through the crowd and came to a hotel. After settling Little Black down, he went to the front of the hotel and asked, "Boss, do you know where the most complete map is?" As they needed to pass through the entire Lanfeng Empire, it was not possible to not have a detailed map.

"In the center of the town is a run-down grocery store. Although it is very old, the things inside are the most detailed." "Thank you, boss." Long Chenhao said and threw a gold coin to the boss. "Young master, you are too polite. In the future, if there is anything you don't know, just ask me. I promise I will answer every question I ask! "

Long Chenhao left the hotel and walked in the crowd. Although Maple City was the closest town to the border of Lanfeng Empire, there were quite a number of people doing business.

Looking at the various delicious things the hawkers sold, Long Chenhao would buy these from time to time to try them out. Slowly, the night had fallen. The small town where every shop had their lights lit seemed to have a different flavor. "It's already so late. That shop won't close, will it?" Long Chenhao thought in his heart as he slowly walked towards the center of the town.

A worn-out shop appeared in Long Chenhao's eyes. This shop was very worn-out, and it was in stark contrast to the magnificent shop next to it. "So worn-out! Is it because I don't have the money to renovate it, or is it because I want to attract other people's attention?"

Long Chenhao walked into the shop and felt a moldy smell assailing his nose, causing him to frown slightly. "Is anyone there?" Long Chenhao shouted towards the inside. "I'm not dead yet. What are you trying to do with your voice?" An old man with a head full of white hair said as he walked.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault!" Long Chenhao apologized to the old man, "Do you have a map of the Lanfeng Empire?" The old man walked to the rocking chair and looked at Long Chenhao. He said, "You are quite polite, kid. I will sell it to you. 100 gold coins is not negotiable."

"Damn, you are asking for an exorbitant price. Just a small map would cost 100 gold coins," Long Chenhao thought. "If you cannot afford it, then don't come here. The map I have marked out all the dangerous places in the Lanfeng Empire. In this town, I think there is nothing more complete than my map. " The old man saw Long Chenhao hesitating and said.

When he heard Long Chenhao reluctantly take out 100 gold coins to buy the map, he didn't want to rush into some dangerous places. Long Chenhao walked out of the shop and looked at his remaining 900 gold coins. He had to figure out how to save them in the future. The amount of money needed to pass through an empire was not a simple amount.

"Do you want to die? How dare you block my way. Someone come and beat this reckless person to death. " At this moment, a girl's voice came from behind Long Chenhao.

Before Long Chenhao could turn around, he felt a few people coming at him from behind. Long Chenhao followed his instincts and dodged their attacks. He turned around and struck out with his palm, knocking the people who attacked him to the ground. He saw the girl who gave the order. She was wearing a short skirt. She had long hair and her hands were placed in front of her chest. She looked like a young lady from a big family.

Long Chenhao knocked her servant to the ground and said, "How dare you fight back? I will not let you go. You bunch of trash, hurry up and find someone. Are you all waiting to die here?" "Looks like this trouble can't be avoided." Long Chenhao's heart tightened.

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