Sword God's Ascension/C12 Anxi Tavern
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Sword God's Ascension/C12 Anxi Tavern
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C12 Anxi Tavern

Over the last couple of days, a Dragon Horse has been running wild across the lands of Dirtcliff, sparking much debate among the local martial artists. Jee Yun, however, paid no mind to the chatter. He reveled in the landscapes, journeying onward with the Mysterious Heaven Sword in tow. Wherever he encountered mountains or rivers, he would pause to take in the view. Alone with his sword, he'd sometimes savor a gourd of cloudy wine at a humble tavern, relishing the calm before the storm.

Traveling light, Jee Yun made swift progress and soon crossed into the territory of Irongate. Upon entering, he immediately sensed an atmosphere starkly different from that of Dirtcliff. The city within Irongate was abuzz with tension, its number of martial artists having surged dramatically, all congregating in the local inns and taverns. Among them were figures armed with broadswords and axes, and others like Jee Yun, who rode horses and brandished swords, all boasting cultivation levels beyond the Astral Qi realm.

As Jee Yun nonchalantly entered a place known as Anxi Tavern, the buzz of conversation among the patrons momentarily caught his attention.

"Hey, did you hear?"

"Senior Xue Tiandao from the Red Rebel Sect is hosting a grand banquet soon. He's let slip that the Red Rebel Sect is determined to claim one of the Starry Decrees this time around!"

"They've even invited all the top martial artists from Irongate to be their guests!"

"Inviting martial artists from all over? The Red Rebel Sect must be swimming in cash if they're looking to entertain. But if you ask me, it sounds more like intimidation than hospitality."

"You're not wrong. Rumor has it that Xue Tiandao's cultivation has long surpassed the Martial Saint level, and it's only grown stronger. This banquet is clearly a power play."

"Ah, well!"

"What does the Red Rebel Sect's agenda matter to us?"

"It's none of our concern!" The tavern was teeming with warriors from every corner of Irongate.

Finding a secluded spot to sit, Jee Yun observed that nearly every one of these warriors had surpassed the Astral Qi Stage, their conversations dominated by talk of the Red Rebel Sect and Xue Tiandao.

"Customer, what can I get for you?" The tavern's assistant manager immediately greeted Jee Yun with a warm welcome, his eyes drawn to the Dragon Horse by his side.

As Jee Yun settled into a corner seat, the eager assistant manager approached him. "What can I get for you?" he asked promptly upon noticing Jee Yun's arrival with a Dragon Horse in tow.

"Let's have a few of your signature appetizers and a jug of your finest wine," Jee Yun replied without glancing around, his gaze locked on a group of warriors at the adjacent table.

In the ordinary world, these individuals would be considered formidable forces, yet here they were, convening in the city ruled by the Red Rebel, causing Jee Yun's brow to furrow in concern.

He also couldn't help but scoff at the audacity of Xue Tiandao.

Atop Bayliers Peaks, there were ten distinct summits, each harboring a single Starry Decree. To claim one, reaching the summit was imperative. This journey would inevitably lead to relentless attacks from a multitude of foes. While some would challenge openly for the Starry Decree, others preferred the cowardice of concealed ambushes.

Xue Tiandao's son was such a scoundrel, meeting his demise due to his incessant sneak attacks on Jee Yun.

Now, with Xue Tiandao demanding a Starry Decree, it seemed likely to stir up quite the spectacle. After all, the Starry Decree was the sole key to the Star Domain, relinquished only by those mortals oblivious to its significance. But for those aware of the Star Domain and the Star Refiners, its allure was irresistible.

"Brothers, I've been in solitary cultivation for many years," Jee Yun called out, feigning ignorance of recent events. "I'm out of touch with the world's changes. I overheard you mention the Blood Blade Sect is hosting a gathering for guests from afar. What's that about?"

He had hoped to eavesdrop on some information regarding the Blood Blade Sect, but the warriors were too wary, shifting their conversation upon noticing him. Left with no alternative, Jee Yun decided to engage them directly.

With a thud, he placed a jar of fine wine on their table, choosing to conceal his origins from Dirtcliff with a white lie.

"Huh?" one of the warriors exclaimed in surprise. "Is it you, young man? That green Dragon Horse tied up outside the tavern, it's yours, isn't it? Such a mount is a rare gem, easily worth a fortune in gold. To which noble family do you belong?"

The martial artists, initially incensed by the jar of wine placed before them, softened considerably when they turned to see Jee Yun as the one offering it. Their eyes narrowed, betraying insincere smiles as their tone shifted to one of gentleness.

It wasn't that these warriors possessed keen insight to discern Jee Yun's true stature. In all honesty, Jee Yun, clad in a simple white robe, appeared travel-worn and unassuming. The Heavenly Mysterious Sword he carried was tarnished, resembling more an ornament than a weapon of a seasoned fighter.

Yet, the Dragon Horse Jee Yun had commandeered from Lin Haotian was no ordinary steed. Upon Jee Yun's arrival at the tavern, the warriors had taken note, their eyes filled with envy for the majestic green Dragon Horse, though none dared to stare openly. It was common knowledge in Irongate that few had the privilege to mount such a creature.

They surmised that Jee Yun must be a prodigal son from a prestigious family, out to experience the world. "Haha, my family cautioned me against disclosing our identity before I departed," Jee Yun said, deflecting their curiosity. "I must ask for your understanding."

"However, I overheard you discussing the Red Rebel's invitation to warriors. May I inquire if this invitation extends to all warriors wishing to attend their banquet?"

Jee Yun was well aware of their feigned interest in his origins, but he chose not to take offense. His initial plan was to confront Xue Tiandao alone, sword in hand, to eliminate the threat once and for all. This would also serve as a prelude to the contest for the Starry Decree in Bayliers Peaks.

Yet, upon learning of Xue Tiandao's audacious invitation to the warriors of Irongate, Jee Yun reconsidered his approach. "Attending the Red Rebel's banquet isn't as straightforward as you might think," they cautioned him with a chuckle. "Surely you jest, Young Master. Ordinary warriors don't meet the criteria to attend such an event. Only those who have attained the rank of Martial Master at the very least!"

"Moreover, the Red Rebel has grand designs. They're extending invitations to Young Master Yu and other luminaries of Irongate to join them!"

"Ordinary warriors don't even stand a chance of getting through the gate!"

After failing to uncover Jee Yun's origins, the group of warriors didn't dwell on it. When Jee Yun inquired once more about the Red Rebel, they simply shook their heads in response.


"Young Master Yu from Six Fans Gate? And who might the other prodigies be? What levels have they attained?" Jee Yun was intrigued. It had been a decade since he last ventured out, having remained secluded in Dirtcliff, and he was admittedly out of touch with the happenings in the other estates.

Upon hearing the mention of Irongate's talents, he casually continued his inquiry.

"You don't know about this, young master?"

"It looks like you've been in seclusion for quite some time!"

"In Irongate, the most renowned geniuses are undoubtedly Blood Asura, Blood Childe, and Young Master Yu from Six Fans Gate!"

"These three possess extraordinary gifts and have reached the status of Grandmasters at a remarkably young age!"

"As for the other geniuses, they hail from noble families. While they may not be on par with the aforementioned trio, they are nonetheless on the cusp of mastery, just one step shy of the martial arts summit!" Several warriors, their eyes alight with Astral Qi and an aura of ambition, spoke with longing.

To them, becoming a Martial Master was the epitome of combat prowess.

Yet, as Jee Yun listened, he inwardly shook his head.

Reaching the pinnacle of martial arts was not nearly as simple as they made it seem.

Even Martial Saints had their limits.

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