Sword God's Ascension/C13 The Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate
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Sword God's Ascension/C13 The Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate
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C13 The Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate

"I've heard that once Senior Xue Tiandao seizes the Starry Decree, the Red Rebel is going to appoint a new sect leader!"

"I'm curious whether Blood Childe will take the reins or if Blood Asura will helm the Red Rebel!"

As Jee Yun served them fine wine, the warriors eagerly began to chat. They knew better than to remain silent on Jee Yun's inquiry.

"Oh, the Red Rebel is selecting a new sect leader?" Jee Yun chuckled, aware that the news of Blood Asura's demise at his hand hadn't yet reached Irongate.

The details of Blood Childe's background were still a mystery.

But one thing was certain: Blood Asura was finished.


"And there's more. I've heard that the Six Fans Gate's sect master is dead set on claiming the Starry Decree!"

"The leadership is expected to be passed on to Young Master Yu!"

"Ultimately, the Red Rebel's invitation to the martial artists is primarily aimed at the Six Fans Gate!"

The warriors, their faces flushed from the alcohol, grew louder as they provided Jee Yun with answers.

In the midst of their conversation, a disdainful snort echoed from the tavern's second floor, followed by the sudden crash of a wine jar.

"Crash!" Jee Yun was in the line of fire. With a swift flick of his Xuantian Sword, he shattered the incoming jar, though some wine still splashed onto the warriors, drenching them.

"Humph, what a racket!"

"A bunch of ignoramuses!"

"Since when can you riffraff discuss the affairs of my Six Fans Gate?" A scolding voice rang out, and a strikingly handsome young man appeared at the second-floor railing, looking down imperiously.

His phoenix eyes blazed with a deadly aura.

The warriors, previously indignant, fell deathly silent, their complexions turning ashen.

"Yes, Young Master Yu!"

"Please forgive us, Young Master Yu. We meant no disrespect; the alcohol just loosened our tongues with foolish talk!"

"We implore you, Young Master Yu, to show leniency and spare us!"

The warriors, who had been thoroughly enjoying their drinks, were now jolted into sobriety, their backs slick with cold sweat.

They were a disheveled mess, yet they couldn't bring themselves to meet the gaze of the dashing young master upstairs.

"Get out!"

"A bunch of riffraff, killing you would sully my hands. Get out!" sneered the handsome young master from the second floor, his face twisted with contempt.

Clearly, he regarded the warriors as less than human.

In that instant, the tavern fell into a hushed silence.

The warriors, despite their embarrassment and their levels in the Astral Qi and Aura Realms, were grateful to escape with their lives. They hastily left payment for the wine and fled.

Jee Yun, who hadn't finished his questioning, furrowed his brow at the scene.

The wine jar had been thrown with him in mind, while the other martial artists were merely collateral damage.

Now, the handsome young master was berating the warriors, and it seemed like a veiled warning to Jee Yun.


"You've got some nerve!"

"How dare you smash my wine jar?" Jee Yun was already irked but had no intention of retaliating.

Unexpectedly, after the warriors were ejected, the young master's piercing gaze settled on him.

Young Master Yu from the Six Fans Gate exuded an air of superiority.

Jee Yun found his attitude distasteful but typically wouldn't waste his energy on such arrogance.

But now, Young Master Yu seemed intent on making an example out of Jee Yun.

That haughty look in his eyes brought back memories for Jee Yun of an incident ten years prior on the Star Platform.

Although this Young Master Yu lacked the prowess of Yun Xiuchen, his overbearing demeanor was strikingly similar.


"Shouldn't your wine jar have been on the table?"

"If it falls and hits someone, that's a problem. I was merely lending a hand!" Jee Yun casually pulled up a chair and resumed his seat at the table.

He continued to eat, responding coolly with his chopsticks in hand.

For Jee Yun, dining and drinking at the tavern was simply a matter of course.

Yet for Young Master Yu, it seemed to be an unforgivable affront.

"What did you say?"

"You're helping me? By that logic, should I be thanking you?" Young Master Yu's phoenix eyes narrowed, his glare slicing through Jee Yun like a knife.

He smoothly drew an iron fan from his waist, rhythmically tapping it against his palm as he descended the stairs with a deliberate slowness.

The wooden steps creaked under his weight, the sound resonating throughout the tavern.

As Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate made his way down, the few brave souls who had remained quickly settled their tabs and scattered.

The tavern keeper, who longed to prevent a brawl in his establishment, could only retreat to a side room with a heavy heart after catching a glimpse of Young Master Yu's frosty demeanor.

"This is bad. That kid actually had the nerve to disrespect Young Master Yu!"

"His background won't save him now; he's a goner!"

"True, unless the Blood Childe or Blood Asura from the Blood Blade Sect were here, there's no one in all of Irongate City that Young Master Yu would hesitate to kill!"

The warriors on the second floor, more skilled with ranks of Martial Masters and even Grandmasters among them, chose not to intervene. They simply leaned against the railing, watching Jee Yun with shaking heads.

In the entire tavern, only Jee Yun remained composed.

"If you're looking to thank me, you could at least cover my tab!" Jee Yun said nonchalantly, not sparing Young Master Yu a glance as he continued to enjoy his meal. It wasn't until Young Master Yu stood directly before him that Jee Yun finally spoke.

His words left the onlookers in stunned silence.

Even the usually fierce Young Master Yu felt a flicker of doubt.

The closer he got to Jee Yun, the more he hesitated to strike. Though Jee Yun appeared to be an ordinary man with no martial prowess, Young Master Yu couldn't shake a sense of foreboding.

It seemed that if he made a move, he would be the one to suffer.

"You want me to foot the bill for the wine? Sure."

"That Dragon Horse you've got tied up outside looks fine. Hand it over to me!"

"In exchange, I'll waive your tavern bill for an entire year!" After a tense pause, Young Master Yu, under the watchful eyes of many eager warriors, surprisingly gestured toward the Dragon Horse outside.

The martial artists present were utterly baffled.

Who would have thought that Young Master Yu, infamous for his ruthless tactics, would suddenly spare Jee Yun?

By killing Jee Yun, wouldn't the Dragon Horse also fall into his possession?

Only a select few martial artists on the cusp of ascending to the Grandmaster Realm grasped the situation; Young Master Yu must have detected something extraordinary about Jee Yun, prompting him to de-escalate and seek a peaceful resolution.

Yet, Jee Yun, upon hearing the offer, didn't hesitate to decline, firmly grasping his weathered Mysterious Heaven Sword.

He rose to his feet, his gaze piercing into the depths of Young Master Yu's soul from the Six Fans Gate.

"The Dragon Horse is still of use to me, so you can forget about it!"

"And regarding the tab for the wine, feel free to settle it on my behalf. I'll overlook the little incident of you tossing the wine jugs!" Jee Yun's expression remained serene, his inner thoughts inscrutable.

But for the warriors left in the tavern, their spirits shattered in that instant.

"Am I hearing things?"

"Is this young upstart really daring to challenge Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate?"

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