Sword God's Ascension/C14 Be Taught to be Human!
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Sword God's Ascension/C14 Be Taught to be Human!
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C14 Be Taught to be Human!

In Irongate, there were two dominant sects.

One was the Red Rebel, and the other, Six Fans Gate.

Neither was to be trifled with by the average martial artist, as each boasted a Ninth Layer Martial Saint as their guardian.

This very fact had bred an air of arrogance and tyranny in Young Master Yu.

In the streets of Irongate, even the scions of prominent families bowed their heads in his presence.

And with good reason—his personal strength was formidable, that of a Martial Grandmaster.

This only inflated Young Master Yu's already oversized ego.

But today, he found himself unexpectedly humbled in a tavern, facing threats from an unknown challenger.

No longer could he dismiss this as a trivial matter.

"Kid, you've got guts!" he exclaimed.

"Am I to take this as a challenge to me?" Young Master Yu's striking features twisted into a menacing sneer as he slammed his iron fan onto the table with force.


A tempest of Genuine Qi swept through the tavern's ground floor, hurling tables, chairs, and even wine jugs and dishes into the air, only to crash against the sturdy walls.

Yet, Jee Yun, standing across from Young Master Yu, remained unmoved.

Even the furniture before him was left undamaged.

This spectacle left the onlookers above agape, recognizing that Jee Yun was no ordinary figure.

"Hehe, a provocation? Far from it," Jee Yun said with a dismissive chuckle.

"I'm merely showing you some kindness by teaching you a lesson in humility."

Moments before, Young Master Yu had covertly struck at him with a burst of Genuine Qi from his iron fan.

Had Jee Yun's strength been lacking, he would have ended up like the debris scattered and broken against the wall.

But Jee Yun, containing his urge to strike back, had other plans.

A strategy was taking shape in his mind—to use Young Master Yu as a pawn to toy with Xue Tiandao of the Red Rebel.


"Schooling me in the ways of life?" Young Master Yu was dumbstruck, pointing at Jee Yun with his iron fan, his whole body quivering with rage. Yet, the probing strike had yielded no results, leaving him hesitant to launch another hasty attack.

He was an enigma.

In Young Master Yu's mind, Jee Yun had suddenly become an inscrutable master.

His seemingly casual fan strike, infused with the might of a Martial Arts Grandmaster, hadn't even ruffled the edge of Jee Yun's garment. How could Young Master Yu not be utterly astonished?

But there, in front of the Irongate martial artists, he couldn't just walk away. He felt compelled to spit out a few harsh words to save face.


"As a martial cultivator, your talent is, at best, mediocre!"

"But as a human being, you're flawed—too arrogant. Today, you're lucky to have encountered a benevolent soul like me. Otherwise, you'd end up just like this wrecked furniture, smashed to pieces!"

"There's wisdom in the saying, 'Spare others when you can.'"

"Your Six Fans Gate may be formidable, but it's not unbeatable. Cross someone out of your league, and you're as good as dead!"

Jee Yun shook his head, his demeanor giving the surrounding martial artists the impression of a scholarly old master, full of pedagogic zeal.

Even the Xuan Tian Sword in Jee Yun's grasp served as a disciplinary stick, tapping Young Master Yu's shoulder thrice.

Young Master Yu's attempts to dodge were futile.

"Take these words to heart—they're pearls of wisdom!" Ultimately, Jee Yun left without settling the bill, leading his Dragon Horse away.

It wasn't until Jee Yun had disappeared into the distance that Young Master Yu, who had been standing petrified in the Anxi Tavern, suddenly coughed up a mouthful of scarlet blood.

His face was a canvas of terror and ashen defeat.

A faint sigh echoed from the tavern's second floor.

The martial artists upstairs were no ordinary folk; they were among those who had ventured furthest on the martial path.

Yet now, they watched in stunned silence, too afraid to even draw a breath.

It was clear to everyone that the unassuming young man, clad in plain clothes with a sword at his side, was leagues ahead of Young Master Yu from the Six Fans Gate in terms of strength. Remarkably, without even drawing his blade, he had managed to inflict serious internal injuries on Young Master Yu.

"Wow, he's powerful!"


"Since when did we have such a formidable figure in Irongate?"

"It's like the heavens have shifted. Young Master Yu is considered a prodigy, but who is this newcomer? Could he have already eclipsed a Martial Grandmaster at such a young age?"

The warriors, though cautious of Young Master Yu's presence, couldn't help but murmur among themselves. They harbored a dislike for the haughty Young Master Yu but lacked the courage to confront him.

Seeing Jee Yun put Young Master Yu in his place brought them a secret joy.

Naturally, there were those who viewed Jee Yun as a formidable threat, knowing that if they ever crossed paths at Bayliers Peaks, he would become their worst nightmare.

Young Master Yu was utterly stunned. Known for his ruthlessness, he was not one to be trifled with. Many who had dared to defy him in the past had met grim fates. Yet today, he was powerless as Jee Yun admonished him, tapping his shoulder with the sheath of his sword before effortlessly departing.

"Damn it!"

"How could this happen!"

"Where did such a master come from within Irongate?"

"Not even Blood Childe or Blood Asura could subdue me in such a way!"

"Only an old monster like Xue Tiandao could!"

"Is it possible that one of these reclusive old monsters has decided to stir?"

Young Master Yu, from the Six Fans Gate, stood lost in thought on the ground floor of the tavern. It took him quite some time to come up with a comforting thought.

"Yes, the Star Platform is about to be activated, and the battle for the stars is set to commence. Surely, these reclusive old monsters can't stand being idle any longer and have emerged!"

"I must return at once and inform my master of this development!"

Convinced, Young Master Yu believed that Jee Yun must be one of the hidden old monsters, perhaps on par with the likes of Xue Tiandao or even the Sect Master of the Six Fans Gate.

Feeling much more at ease with this rationale, Young Master Yu hesitated only briefly before disregarding the buzz of conversation in the tavern. He left a gold ingot to cover the damages to the furniture and the bill for the drinks, then staggered out into the night.

The gold served as both reparation for the broken tables, chairs, and dishes, and as payment for his and Jee Yun's wine. Young Master Yu navigated the streets and alleys, swiftly employing his Light-body Technique to hasten back to Six Fans Gate, forgoing even the Red Rebel's banquet.

Regrettably, Young Master Yu's usually cunning mind was in disarray, and he failed to notice a figure on horseback that slipped by not far behind him.

"Good horse, let's take a stroll!" Jee Yun watched as Young Master Yu sped away, a cold smirk playing on his lips. Holding the reins, he chose not to mount but instead walked towards the dead end of an obscure alley.

Young Master Yu wound his way through the city, intent on reaching Six Fans Gate's local base to relay what had transpired. But upon darting into a deserted alley, his face paled with shock.

"It's you!"

"What do you want?"

Young Master Yu came to an abrupt halt, facing Jee Yun, his brow slick with cold sweat.

"Hehe, no need to be tense!"

"If I wanted to kill you, I could have done so with ease back at the tavern!"

"I'm here to offer you an opportunity of a lifetime!" Jee Yun said, leading the Dragon Horse, his smile reaching Young Master Yu from the alley's end.

Jee Yun's teeth gleamed white, his demeanor seemingly benign. Yet, his presence sent a shiver down Young Master Yu's spine, plunging him into a nightmarish fear.

"Your skills are truly profound!"

"But don't underestimate Six Fans Gate. My master has reached the pinnacle of the Martial Saint realm. I advise you to think twice before you act!"

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